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I'm only half-tired and I feel extremely overwhelmed.

Oh, no. I just realised.


She doesn't know anything.

She doesn't know I'm going away.

She doesn't know her friend has been adopted  by celebrities.

Is this part of the process?

Forgetting your friends?

I'm certainly not planning on forgetting Marley, but Emma I can handle.

She's not, family?

We'd just arrived at the airport, and fans had already found us.

I mean them. Not me included.

I don't exist yet, according to Jin.

He explained his plan to me in the limo. 

I'm going to act as a fan and go on the same flight, then I can sit with one of the members as a 'coincidence' in case there are any fans on the flight.

Then I, being the simplistic girl I am, gave an even better idea:

my seat was just assigned next to a member.

Then Jin gasped, as if I was some sort of genius.

Then J-Hope called me genius.

Told you their idiots.

Cute idiots, though.


As soon as we got into the plane, I felt a bit relieved, that I hadn't died of nerve yet.

Jungkook tapped my shoulder when we were walking in the isles.

He whispered,

"Let's sit together." I nodded, smiling.

Thankfully there didn't seem to be anyone who knew BTS on the plane.

When I sat next to Jungkook, Jimin pouted, he wanted to sit next to me as well.

Then again, everyone did.

I don't what the big deal is, it's just a girl.

Aren't they like my, dads, or something?

Oh, that makes sense.


Jungkook took out one of the magazines from the seat pouch, and flicked through, looking bored.

Then I tapped him, and signaled my phone to him.

He looked confused, as if I was speaking in Tagalog.

"You can go on your phone, idiot." I instantly regretted saying that.

"Sorry," I apologised after he took out his phone as I'd advised.

"It's okay," He twinkled a smile. 

I've realised that all of them are kinda cute.

Especially Jungkook and Taehyung.

adopted || bts ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें