Meet my mom, the "comedian". She thinks her jokes are the funniest thing in the world. She's always the first one to laugh at her own jokes. It's sad to watch, but Mark and I laugh at it anyway. Most of the time we're actually laughing at her laugh and not the joke. My grandma cracks funnier jokes and she's not even alive. Yep, that my mom.

I shake my head at her before asking Shawn "Can we go now?"

"Yes of course. It was nice to meet you, Mister and Missus Henderson." Shawn nods before intertwining our hands and leading the way. I look down at our intertwined hands and can't help the goofy smile that my lips form. I feel so happy inside all of the sudden for some reason. It feels so great to have him by my side again.

Once we reach his car, being the gentleman that he is, Shawn opens the door for me. I enter the car and wait for him to around and enter from his side. He does it in no time. Long legs are really useful. He interviews our hands once more and lifts my hand up to his lips before placing a kiss on the back of it. A small action that makes my heart do a dance on its own.

"God I've missed you" he places a kiss on the palm of my hands "and I would kiss the hell out of you if your stepfather wasn't giving me a death stare right now" he laughs at the last part. I look over at Mark who's currently in the lawn "watering" mom's dead flowers.

"He's only trying to be protective," I tell Shawn. I hope he doesn't find my family and a little too much because honestly, I would too of it was my first time meeting them.

"I know" Shawn replies "and that's a good thing. A father should always protect his daughter. You're so lucky to have him" He smiles at me, placing yet another kiss on the back of my hand. Something about the way he looks at me speaks to me. It tells me that I'm special.

"I'll drive now before your father changes his mind and kills me and feeds my limbs to the dog" Shawn jokes before starting the ignition. "But we don't have a dog" I pout " and if we did have one, I'm pretty sure it would only eat dog food" I assure him and he laughs.

He starts driving and suddenly, my heart stomach decide to have a dance party. Excitement and curiosity fill my veins. Where is he taking me?

I was beyond worried that tonight would end up being super awkward due to the fact that Shawn left four months ago as my annoying text buddy that I've been on a date with once. Not to mention the first date was a disaster. A perfect disaster.

Trees and buildings zoom past us as Shawn continues to drive, stealing glances at me every now and then. I pretend to not notice. I guess you can say tonight is off to a good start.

After thirty minutes later, we arrive at the Los Angeles Music Center more precisely at the Walt Disney Concert Hall. "We're here" She announces as we stop in front of the breathtaking building. "Oh" is all I manage to say as I'm unsure of why we're here.

I've seen the buildings in the L.A. Music Center on picture and the Walt Disney Concert Hall has always been my favorite. I love the design of the building and their opera house in unreal.

"Don't move," Shawn says before getting out of the car. He goes around the to my side and opens the door for me. A small gesture that makes my heart melt. He sticks his hand out for me and I gladly take it, not only because I find this so sweet, but also because I need help getting out of the car since I'm not used to welling such tall heels. I thank him with a polite smile.

Shawn gives his car key to the valet and escorts me inside.

The interior designs are warm and beautiful and the fact that every hall has it's own unique designs only adds to the beauty of it all. The place seems a little packed tonight. People with expensive clothes strolled the halls, all headed to the same direction. There must be a concert here tonight. Wait, is that why we're here? For a concert?

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