Chapter #27-Genesis

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Logan, Raelynn, and I sit in desks that are too small for adults across from Raelynn's teacher. Raelynn sits quietly in the middle of us, squirming, looking away, aware that she is in trouble.
Logan sits on the other side of Raelynn, hands on his chin, looking bored as the teacher speaks to us.
"Mr. And Mrs. Bennett I appreciate the two of you coming down here on such short notice."
Raelynn's teacher, Ms. Bigelow, clears her throat.
"You're welcome, what is this about?" I ask, trying to skip over the introductions.
"Well, as I told you guys assistant over the phone, Rae got into a fight today."

"What was the fight about?" The question, again comes from me. I look over at Logan and he is looking absently at his fingernails.
Welp. It looks like I'm going to be the only parent present today.

"Well before I discuss the situation I would like for the other parents to get here." Ms. Bigelow checks the time on her phone. "They did say they were running a little late."

"The other parents?" I ask, just as the door opens, and a couple with their little boy walks in. The little boy's hair is red like his mothers but there is a strange white paste that seems to have dried in it, with bits of paper as well.
The mother has her face bawled up in a frown and she barely glances at us, while she motions for her family to pull up their own chairs in front of the desk.

"Mr. And Mrs. Herbert, I really appreciate you guys coming today," Ms. Bigelow,  waves to us. "This is Mr. And Mrs. Bennett, Raelynn's parents."
"Hello, how are you," I reach my hand out, and Mrs. Herbert shakes it with a limp hand.

"Well, now that we have everyone here, how about we talk about the turn of events that took place today." Ms.Bigelow starts.

"What is there to talk about?" Mrs. Herbert interrupts, and frowns at my family. "Their daughter poured glue on my son's hair."

At this Logan perks up.

I shake my head, raising my hand.

"Ok, I highly doubt that Raelynn poured glue on your son's hair, Mrs. Herbert."

"No," Ms. Bigelow, points to Mrs.Herbert and nods. "Raelynn did pour glue onto his head. Paste really. We were making volcanoes."
She motions to the back of the classroom where a line of different paper mache projects of volcanoes proudly stood.
I turn to Mrs. Herbert, taking another look at Her sons hair.
"Well what did your son do to our daughter, where she thought pouring glue was a appropriate solution?"
This comes from Logan. And my first thought is, Finally. He looks up from his hands and lean over to peer at Mrs. Herbert and her son.

"You would have to ask your daughter." Mrs. Herbert scoffs.

I look at Ms. Bigelow , and she shrugs, motioning to Raelynn. Turning to my daughter, I call her, "Raelynn."
She doesn't answer me, yet continues to play with her dress.
I move her long hair aside so that I can get a better look at her face, and her ears, checking for her hearing aides. They weren't there.
I look at Logan, and seeing what I did, he pulls the other side of Raelynn's hair back and says her name again.
Raelynn turns to him. Logan points.
"She has one on this side," he says.
I poke her in the cheek, so that she would look at me.
"Where's your other aide?" I ask her. She starts to speak, but the missing hearing aide

throws  off the pronunciation of her words, and she immediately becomes frustrated.

I shake my head and point to her hands, telling her to sign.
I lost it. She says.

"How did you lose it?" Logan asks her. Hearing aides could range from 4-400$ and Raelynn had already ran through three pairs, just in the last few months.

Crazily Married (Sequel to Crazily Sane)Bwwm RomanceWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt