Chapter#15-Genesis (Part One Of The Pregnancy)

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I feel like a whale.
I look at myself in the mirror. Six months pregnant and it showed. My stomach had grown and protruded out to its fullness. My clothes were now replaced with proper maternity clothing. My breasts ached on a daily basis, and my feet had swollen to another shoe size. And I always had a sudden urge to eat pickles and frozen yogurt. Together-using pickles as the topping.
Despite however the obvious physical aspects of being pregnant, I had to admit, my skin had cleared up and resulted to a natural glow I never had before, and my hair had flattened out to a glorious wavy texture that needed no extra products for it to cooperate.
I adjust my long, flowy, summer dress around my hips.
Today was my baby shower. My mother and Lois together, both in love family gatherings, had gone all out for me. A rainbow color of streamers was the theme, because Logan and I both agreed that we didn't want to know the sex of the baby, until it was born.
There was cake, chocolate, baby shower games set up, a whole room just for gifts, and I was 97% sure that most of them were from Logan.
Logan had been running around since he had found out the news, making sure I was ok, bringing me my snacks, rubbing my feet, holding my hair back during my morning sickness. I was fairly certain that he was more excited for the baby than I was.
I come downstairs, walking slowly holding onto the rail. The foyer, kitchen and backyard was full of people: some from work, some from the wedding, and some were just there because they were related to someone else. Looking at all of them, I immediately feel exhausted.
There used to be a time in my early twenties when I loved parties and anywhere people gathered as a bunch. But now, I always found myself counting down the minutes when the party was over.
You're getting old Genesis.
I rub my belly concerned as I look out amongst everyone. As my eyes wander through the crowd, they land on Lois, and her blue eyes light up, as she immediately makes her way towards me.
"Genesis!" She grabs me by the hand and kisses me on the cheek.
"Hi, Lois," I say genuinely happy to see her. Logan's mother was a sweetheart. There was no other way to describe her. She just had the kind of glow that made you want to lay your head in her lap, and pour out all of your deepest secrets.
"How are you doing?"
I nod. "I'm okay." I say quickly.
Lois nods, and motions to my full stomach with her eyes. "No, I mean, how are you doing?"
I laugh. "Oh that." I look down at my stomach. "Do you want the long list or the short list?"
Lois laughs. She links her arm in mine and look out amongst the sea of people that now crowd every inch of my house.
"What do you think?" She asks, before I answer, she interrupts me. "I know you're not big on parties. I promise I tried to make it as small as possible, but you know me, I get excited. But the moment you start feeling tired, just let me know, and I'll clear everyone out. Ok?"
I nod.
She winks at me. "OK sweetheart, I'm going to go mingle, I suggest you do the same. Today, and the next two months are all about you. So soak up the attention." She slaps me playfully on the arm. "Live a little." Then giving me another kiss on the cheek, and one more wink, she disappear into the crowd.
I go the opposite direction. Outside, people were sitting at the table and chairs that had been set up earlier that morning. The catered food outside was getting a lot of attention, but I was heading towards the kitchen to get my hands on the double chunk cookies that I had hid from Logan in the cabinet.
He was all for having me eat what I want during the pregnancy, but apparently couldn't keep his hands off of my cookies.
When I get in the kitchen, I don't see anyone which is a relief. I didn't really want to explain why I was hunting for cookies in the top cabinet while at the same time, looking over my shoulder for any sign of Logan.
Grabbing the bag, from its hiding place, I bring it to the table and open it, inhaling deeply.
Just as I reach my hand in, I feel strong arms wrap around my waist.
Well...what used to be my waist.
"What you got there?" Logan asked, smiling while he took my ear in between his teeth.
"Cookies." I say, slowly reaching my hand into the bag.
"I thought you told me there weren't any of those cookies left?" He asks, his grin gets wider.
"Oh did I?" I reach my hand in the bag and take out a cookie. "I don't remember that conversation."
Logan chuckles, and kiss me on the cheek. "I was told to come get you to open your gifts."
"Be honest with me." I say, using my cookie to point at him. "How many of those gifts are from you?"
Logan makes a face, thinking as he reach his hand into my bag and pull out a cookie. He bites it and chews it thoughtfully.
"If I did the math correctly," he says, "I think ten are from me. One from Dani, one from your mom and the other fifty are from Lois."
I look at him. "Are you serious?"
Logan laughs. "No, I'm just kidding." Then after a second thought he grows serious. "Or maybe not."
I roll my eyes.
He smiles. "Cmon, beautiful." He gets up and slaps me on the butt. "Let's go open your presents."
"I'm coming," I say starting to follow him, as I reach my hand back into the bag for another cookie. Blindly, I search around with my fingers, then out of pure desperation, I shake the bag out upside down on the table, only getting crumbs.
"Logan did you eat the last cookie?" I yell after him.
"I'm sorry I can't hear you over the chewing of this delicious cookie!" He yells back.
I roll my eyes and throw the empty bag into the trash can.
"Bye thank you for coming." I wave goodbye to the last guest.
Waddling into the kitchen, I see Logan throwing away paper plates and cups.
"Do you need help?" I ask.
He shakes his head. "No you go get some rest, I know you must be exhausted."
He was right. I was tired. But I still kind of felt weird that the baby shower was for me, and I was the only one not helping to clean up. Dani and Elliott has stayed behind to help too.
"No seriously," Logan says, coming towards me, he kisses me on the forehead. "Get some rest."
"Okay." I say without to much of an argument. "I'll be upstairs."
I slowly make my way up the stairs, pausing slightly to accommodate my feet. Taking out my phone, I text Logan.
Can you give me a foot rub when you come up?
By the time I reach the top of the stairs Logan's answer comes through on my screen.
Yeah babe. Just go lay down. I'll be up in a minute.
I grin like an idiot at my phone.
Thank you. Love you❤️
The response was instant.
Love you too😘
I walk down the hallway and stop immediately in my tracks.
Elliott has Dani pushed up against the wall, with his tongue down her throat, and his hand on my ass.
"What the hell is going on?" I say out loud, and they both jump apart, looking like two teenagers who had just been caught making out by their parents.
Which they were.
Minus the teen part.
"Genesis.." Dani looks from me to Elliott.
"I can explain."

Crazily Married (Sequel to Crazily Sane)Bwwm RomanceМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя