Chapter#7- Logan

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I raise the paper ball over my head again, and shoot, missing the trash can by inches.
"Damn," I say. And grab another sheet of paper, (probably a graph or something. I don't know) crumple it into a ball and try again.
It bounces off the rim of the wastebasket onto the floor.
I curse, before grabbing another sheet of paper.
Both of the meetings that I had scheduled this morning were cancelled. One, because the man had missed his flight, and the other, because he didn't-and I quote-"feel like dealing with my smart ass mouth." Which, I could not hold against him.
So the first time in forever, I had absolutely nothing to do.
So naturally, I decide to clean off my desk by seeing how many of the paper balls I could get  into the trash can across the room.
My door opens.
Lisa, my assistant peeks her head in the door. I stop, arm still raised in shooting position.
"What's up?" I ask her.
She raises an eyebrow, and looks at the paper balls on the floor around the basket.
She grins. "Working hard, or hardly working?"
I smile. "Depends on how you look at it."
She laughs. "Well, I hate to interrupt this-" she motions to what I am doing. "But there is a woman from Synch here to talk to you."
I give her a look, confused. "Genesis?"
Lisa rolls her eyes. "If it were Genesis I would have just said your wife, Mr. Bennett. No, this woman's name is Jamie."
I shrug. "The name sounds familiar. What does she want?"
Lisa shrugs. "I asked her but she was pretty adamant on speaking only to you. Should I take a message, tell her you're busy, what's the game plan here?"
I shake my head. "Ask her what she does for the company."
Lisa disappears from the door, and I shoot the paper ball at the basket. Air ball. Seconds later, Lisa head returns.
"She says she is your wife's assistant."
I nod. I knew I knew the name from somewhere. "Ah, Jamie. Yeah send her in."
Lisa nods and minutes later, a young woman enters the room. She seems nervous.
"Hello, Mr. Bennett."
"Hey, Jamie. " I motion to the chair in front of my desk. "Have a seat."
She hesitates, before sitting down. When she does I look at her carefully. She was sweating slightly, she kept fiddling with her dress, and she kept looking towards the door as if she was about to bolt from the chair and run out of it any second.
"Are you okay?" I finally ask her, after we had been sitting for about two minutes with neither one of us saying anything.
Jamie looks at me for the first time since she entered the office. She takes a deep breath and squares her shoulders; the nervous look replaced with a determined one.
"We have a problem."
I look at her. "Who's we?"
I chuckle. "Why does Synch having a problem concerns me? If anything this is good news for me."
Jamie squares her jaw. "Because the problems fall under the department that Genesis runs."
I sit back in my chair. "Go on."
And she does, explaining the debt and the situation that the 48 hour powered tablets had produced.
"If this is really a big issue, why didn't Genesis come to me with this problem herself?"
Jamie shrugs. "Pride. She wants to handle the situation by herself."
"That makes sense," I nod. "She's like that at home too. If she didn't feel like she couldn't handle the situation, then she wouldn't have said she could. Genesis hates when I help her, when she didn't ask for it."
My mind goes back to the dinner at Chilli's.
Jamie shakes her head. "Yes. You do not have to tell me about her stubbornness. I am very much aware of that. But I think she-we, have really dug ourselves into a hole."
"How so?" I ask.
"Because we have a $50,00 debt that has to be paid in twenty-four days."
"Shit." I mutter. I was already doing the numbers in my head. There was no way that amount of money was going to be paid off in that short amount of time. Which might be more than that, since the bonuses for the workers hadn't even been discussed yet. Jamie was right; Genesis needed my help.
"Ok. I'll give you guys the money."
I reach over my desk to my checkbook, but Jamie places her hand on top of mine to stop me.
"What are you doing?" She asks.
I raise an eyebrow. "Writing a check."
"You can't just pay the full debt off right away. Genesis will know, then she will be pissed at both of us."
I give her a look. "Wait, Genesis doesn't know that you are here?" Her silence answers my question. "Awe hell, Jamie."
"I know, I know." Jamie says. "But I was desperate. I can't watch this company slip through her fingers, because of her stubbornness."
I nod. I felt the same way.
"Okay, here's what we will do." I say. "I'm going to write a check, for $60,000 and give it to you. Don't cash it until it comes close to your deadline. Then you can tell Genesis that the money came from the fundraisers that you guys are holding."
Jamie nods. "That's good." She sighs, a big one filled with relief. "Thank you, Mr. Bennett."
I rip the check off the book, and hand it to her.
"You're welcome."
Jamie takes the check gratefully, and gets up. But instead of walking to the door, she walks to the trash can and picks up one of the paper balls on the floor. Coming over towards my desk, and shoots it. It floats gracefully in the air, before landing cleanly into the trash can.
I look at her impressed.
"I played basketball in high school." Jamie says. "If you follow through with your wrist, you'll have less paper on the floor."
Than she walks towards the door. "Thanks again, Mr. Bennett." She throws over her shoulder, before closing the door behind her.
I crumple up another piece of paper on the desk, and slowly, and carefully, I shoot, following through with my wrist.
The paper ball floats and joins Jamie's in the basket.

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