Genesis- Chapter #11

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I knock on my mothers door for the third time. I had called ahead to tell her that I was coming so I knew she had to be home. After the wedding, Mom and Dad bought a small one floor house in L.A in order to be closer to us and her grandchildren. Despite her moving however, I still hadn't made the time to come and see her, due to the trouble I was having with the business. Quick brief phone calls seemed to be all that I was able to manage.
I knock on the door again, and after there wasn't any answer I decide to walk around the back. My dad loved to garden, and there was a good chance if my mother was in the house doing something, cooking most likely, with the music turned all the way up like she normally does, then my dad had escaped to the one place where he himself  could get some private time.
I see my father's straw hat, as I round the corner of the house. He sat in a row of tomato plants, busily maneuvering dirt out the way with his calloused, yet gentle to the touch hands.
Walking up, I carefully step around anything green to avoid the lecture and heart breaking look, that I would be sure to get from my father if I stepped on anything.
"Hey Dad." I call when I get within two feet of him.
My dad sits up from the row of plants he was messing with and smile his famous grin.
"Genesis! My favorite youngest daughter," He exclaimes. He gets up and dust off his overalls, before pulling me into a hug. I hug him back and he pulls away and scrutinize my face.
"You're alright?"
I smile at him. "Yeah Dad, I'm fine. How are you?"
He laughs. "I'm better than fine, sweetheart. I'm just asking because well we haven't seen you in a while, and I know that you are busy with your business and everything and I just wanted to make sure that you weren't in any kind of trouble."
He looks at me again with the same scrutinizing look.
"You're not in any trouble are you?"
At first, I have a panicked thought that maybe Dani had already called ahead and told them about the pregnancy. That maybe my dad already knew exactly what was going with me and the business, and he was just waiting for me to come clean about it.
I look into my father's eyes and see genuine concern. But to be fair, my father was always concerned about Dani and I. Maybe he wasn't prying for me to tell him the truth (chances are he really did not know) maybe he was just being a father.
"No not in any trouble, Dad." I say finally. "At least none that I can't figure out on my own.  But I do have to talk to you and mom though. Is she in the kitchen?"
My dad nods, and dust off his dirty hands.
"Yeah, I'll walk you in." He leads the way to the back door, and opens it stepping back to allow me to go ahead of him.
"You have to talk to us, is it bad news?"
I shrug. "Well it depends on how you look at it."
"Mmmmhmm." My dad says and leads me through the house where the unmistakable scent of Cinnamon rolls and the smooth soft voice of Michael Jackson fills the air of the entire one story house.
"Ebbie look who came to see us" Dad says as he grabs one of the cinnamon buns cooling on the counter.
My mom turns around and breaks out into a wide grin when she sees me.
"Gen!" She comes over and gives me a hug. "If I would have known you were coming I would have made something other than cinnamon buns."
"That's ok, mom. I'm not staying for long-"
"Sit down and I'll make you a sandwich," she says already going to the fridge to take out things for a meal I did not ask nor was hungry for.
"Mom, that's ok. I'm really not hungry-"
"It'll only take a minute."
After exactly ten minutes, I sat at the table with my father and mother, with a bowl of homemade baked potato soup, accompanied with a small salad (courtesy of my dads garden). With a plate of cinnamon buns already wrapped up for me to take home.
I take my fork, and dig into my salad. I hadn't started off hungry, but with the soup and the salad sitting in front of me, the scent wafting to my nostrils, I suddenly found an appetite.
"So mom, dad, I really do have something to talk to you guys about." I say between bites, I take a sip of my iced tea.
My dad nods, without looking up from his soup, and my mom motion towards me from the end of the table.
"Sure, Gen. What is the problem?" Her deep brown eyes, so much like my own,looks up at me. The wrinkle of concern in the middle of her forehead.
I take a deep breath. "Well...I have some news."
My mom nods."Ok. Wassup?"
I look straight at her, when I let the words fall from my lips. "I'm pregnant."
There is the sound of my fathers spoon hitting his almost empty bowl, before the silence settles in.
My father is the first one to break it.
"Gen, baby that's great." He elbows my mother playfully in the ribs. "Here that Eb, we're going to be grandparents again."
"Thanks, Dad." I say but I keep my eyes locked on my mothers.
There is silence again and when my mother finally does speak, it is in a spitfire of questions.
"When did you find out?"
"A couple of days ago. I took the test with Dani."
"How far along are you?"
"I think about two weeks."
"How do you feel?"
"I've been nauseous and my breasts have been hurting from time to time."
"Have you and Logan discussed your maternal leave from your job, and the time he's going to take off as well?"
At this, I look down at my hands.
My mom raises her eyebrow. "Genesis?"
I could not tell her that I hadn't told Logan about the pregnancy. She would just lecture me on what I already knew. I could not explain why I hadn't told him to her; but that was only because I hadn't figured out a way to explain it to myself.
I clear my throat.
"We haven't discussed it yet."
"Well you better do so soon." My mother says getting up from the table and clearing my fathers dishes. "These next ten months are going to fly by."
She comes over and kisses me on the forehead, before she drops the dishes in the sink.
"But that's great honey. I'm so happy for my baby."
Her words cause a big wave of relief to flood across my heart. I felt ultimately, better. My mom was okay with the pregnancy. Everything was going to be ok: With Logan, the
I take another forkful of my salad; contented.

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