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"You've talked quite a lot about promoting these sales in your business, but how exactly do you plan on doing this?"
Logan looks up at me from his notebook, folding his hands underneath his chin.
"Well Synch has a loyal band of followers, and I'm sure they will support any new product that we put out, judging if it has the same quality standards," I say to the room, "Which it will."
"So you do not have any solid evidence that this new product you're introducing will be a success?"
Logan raises an eyebrow.
"Well, no not yet but we have done..."
"So you're promoting a product that you're not even sure is going to be successful." Logan interrupts.
I glare at him. Why was he doing this to me? He was deliberately nitpicking my presentation. Trying to make me feel even less important in front of these testosterone filled counterparts who were now staring at me waiting for me to answer.
Fuck that.
I square my shoulders, and look Logan in his beautiful blue eyes.
"No, Mr. Bennett. We are not sure if the product will be a success." I move from around the table so that I am standing in front of Logan. "Every product we make, new idea we put out, we are never sure if it will be a success. But that's business. You come up with these things and pray that the world likes it, cross your fingers that they will agree. And if they do," I shrug, "Great. But if they don't, then you can lie down and swear that you will never invent, create or dream again, or you can get back up and force them to see your idea in a bigger and better way."
I lean over towards Logan. "So when I say that Synch has a loyal band of followers behind it, I mean it. Because they know it doesn't matter how many times we get knocked down, we will always come up with great products that are better, more inventive, and more creative."
I fold my arms over my chest. "Does that answer your question, Mr. Bennett?"
The room is quiet. You could cut the tension between us with a knife, and sprinkle it over salad.
Logans jaw twitches, as he holds my gaze. "Yes, thank you, Ms.Willis."
I turn to everyone else. "Any more questions?"
They all shake their heads, and I nod. "Great. Thank you everyone for listening to my presentation. I'll see you all at the next Idols retreat."
Chairs are pushed back from the table as the men slowly get up and leave, shaking my hand on their way out.
I close the door to the conference room. Turning around, I see Logan still sitting at the table.
We stare at each other.
The humiliation and anger builds up inside of me, but I don't say a word to him. I walk over to my desk, and grab my purse and my coat. When I walk back across the room, He is already standing up at the door. When I reach it, he opens it for me, and we both walk down the hall in silence.
We say nothing as we wait for the elevator.
When it comes, we get on, quietly .
It isn't until the doors to the elevators close that I say the word that has been on the tip of my tongue since the end of the meeting.
"There it is, " Logan says.
I turn to glare at him. "How could you do that? How could you stand there and humiliate me in front of all those men?" My voice shakes with anger remembering it. "Like I don't have to work hard enough to make sure I do not get trampled in this business, and you make it seem like I don't know what I'm doing."
Logan squares his shoulders. "I was trying to help you Gen."
"Making me feel like an idiot, is your way of helping me?"
Logan looks down on me. "In a sense, yes."
"Ugh," I say, turning away from him as the elevator doors start to open. "Go fuck yourself, Logan."
I start to walk off the elevator, but Logan grabs my hand and pulls me back in. He presses a button on the elevator panel and the doors slam shut. The elevator comes to a halt, not moving.
He takes my arm and pushes me up against the wall of the elevator.
Pinning my arms to my side, he leans down so that he is on eye level with me.
"Every time you walk into that conference room, you can get bet your ass that they are paying attention to you." He growls. "Those men are taking in the way you walk, the flirty way you give presentations, and how great your ass looks in every fucking skirt that you wear. I know this, because when you used to assist me, I used to do the same thing. You stand up and give these presentations, and I watch you work hard on them, and then I watch as they strip you down mentally to your underwear."
He moves closer.
"You have become naive, Gen. I have been in this business a lot longer than you have, and I know that you are going to need to be a little bit more aware. You need to wake up and smell the damn coffee. Those men will tell you that you are great, they will tell you that you are amazing, if they even think that they've got a shot with you. And then when you go into the real meetings, with the big dogs, you will be devastated when they tear you apart, kick you to the curb, and your reputation will be ruined. My job, as your friend, your husband, your business colleague is to keep you on your toes. To prepare you. Because you have the drive, the ambition, the intelligence. But you could use help, and I'm going to give that to you whether you like it or not. I will always ask questions. I will nitpick every detail in every single one of your presentations, every promotion, every pitch. I will not go easy on you because you are my wife; in fact, I'll be the opposite."
He steps closer, his lips hovering above mine.
"Because I want to see you succeed. I want to see you be the CEO that I know you can be. And I will do whatever it takes to help you get there. So yes, Gen. I was helping you."
We stand there like this: so close, anger and understanding filling the small space of the elevator.
"Well when you put it like that," I swallow hard. "Do you really think they aren't listening to what I'm saying?"
Logans face softens. "They do when you bring attention to it; which is why I asked you the questions. But yes, I do believe most of them are looking at your ass."
I look down, and he lifts my chin with his finger so that I can look at him. "But you handled yourself well in there today. I'm proud of you, and you should be too."
I look up at him.
"Thank you."
He looks down on me, and smiles.
"Your welcome," Pulling me close, he wraps his arm around my waist as he hugs me, then gives me a soft kiss on the forehead.
Suddenly the intercom comes on in the elevator.
"Mr. Bennett and Ms. Willis, the elevator stopped, are you two alright?"
Logan nods, looking up at the camera. "Yes, we're fine."
"Roger that."
The elevator gives a little jerk, and we are moving again. It stops, opening up on our floor.
Logan takes my hand as we step off. "I'm hungry."
I look up at him, and raise an eyebrow. "Slowly opens legs," I say.
Logan looks down on me, his eyes traveling my body, before pulling me to his side. He bites my ear, and says deeply,
"Please do, Gen."
I laugh and give him a lingering kiss on his lips. "Or, we can just go to a restaurant."
Logan smiles, as we walk out the building.
"Great. Red Lobster for dinner," he winks at me. "You for dessert."
I giggle. "Sounds like a plan."

Crazily Married (Sequel to Crazily Sane)Bwwm RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now