Genesis Chapter#23

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The baby monitor sitting on my nightstand goes off again, as Raelynn's screams echo into our room, forcing me to open my eyes.
I have been on maternity leave for two months. Jamie had been doing a great job keeping things in place while I was gone, making the presentations, handling the meetings, all I had to do was approve them.
Two months, I was eager to get back to work, but I had also stayed home so long because Raelynn was still having trouble sleeping at night. We had taken her to the doctor several times only to have him assure us that Raelynn would sleep when she's ready, and in the meantime keep the baby monitors on high.
The monitor goes quiet, and I wait for a few seconds, listening to see if she'll start up again.
Sometimes she did that- a quick sniffle, a small burst of tears, and she was right back to sleep as if she was only testing how fast Mommy or Daddy would respond.
After a full 45 seconds, of not hearing anything, I allow my heavy eyelids to close shut again, only to immediately slam them open once more, when Rae's cries comes through the small radio, more determined then before.
I sit up and rub my eyes, and turn to see that Logan has sat up in bed also, doing the same thing. We look at each other, for a few seconds, our exhaustion a reflection of each other.
"My turn?" He asks, and I can see that he is still half-asleep, as he tries to rub energy into his face with his hands.
"No, I got this one," I say and throw the covers back stepping towards the floor, before my body betrayed my mind, and I'd fall fast asleep.
"You sure?" He asks, but he is already in the motion of laying back down.
"Ok." He yawns, as his head hits the pillow. "I got the next..." And then he is gone from the world once again.
I get up and walk into the hallway where Raelynn screams have reached a point of true aggravation and frustration, and I walk faster to the nursery.
"Hey, baby girl," I sing song, as I open the door and make my way to her crib. As soon as I peek over, Raelynn's cries quiet to small sobs and she reaches her arms out to me.
I pick her up, talking to her as I place her on my shoulder, feeling her bottom for any signs of a wet diaper.
"Awwe da whittle baby, what's the matter?" I ask patting her back.
Her diaper is dry, and I knew she couldn't be hungry- the last time she was crying I had breast fed her until she went back to sleep, and that was thirty minutes ago.
I hold her in front of me at arms length.
"Did you just want some attention?" I ask her in that ridiculous baby voice, that people always use to talk to their babies. There was a time, that  when I used to hear people talking to their babies that way, I would roll my eyes, and laugh, thinking to myself, The baby is a human, talk to it like it's a human. But in the past few months, I have learned that when I used the ridiculous voice to Raelynn she would squirm and smile, and I would do anything to keep that smile on her little face, even if it meant talking like an idiot, and making up words like "whittle" to see her happy.
Funny, how life works out.
Tonight, my effort does not go unnoticed and right on cue, Raelynn smiles at my words, and giggles, or whatever you call that cute laugh that babies do, and my heart swells in my chest.
I hold her close, and pat her back, continuously saying sweet nothings, as she slowly falls asleep again. By this time, I look out the window that is directly across from her crib, and see that the sun is just starting to rise. Instead of placing Rae back into her crib, and retreating to my room for some more sleep, I sit in the rocking chair near the window, with Raelynn in my arms and eventually fall asleep.
"We're thinking about enrolling Benjamin into the private school nursery down the street. They play Mozart for the babies instead of regular lullabies and it's supposed to make your child smarter." Diane takes a sip of her coffee, and turns to  her adorable, curly-haired  son who sat in the booster seat next to her restaurant booth.
"And we want the baby to be smarter, don't we?"
I smile and also take a sip of my coffee.
Diane was a woman that I had met in the hospital, during the weeks I had spent there after my birth. She was a 33 year old, Latina and Haitian woman who spoke first, and thought later. She had been married for six years,and  Benjamin was her third son, and she couldn't have been more excited about it. She was as proud of her heritage as she was of her family, and her attitude and outlook on life was as unique as Diane herself: she had vitiligo; a skin condition that turned her would be smooth Midas touch skin, instead into symmetrical yin yang patches all over her body.
She was captivating, kind, and a bundle of energy, and I truly enjoyed being in her presence.
Not to mention she was the only one outside of my family who I was able to come to about marriage and advice on being a first time mother.
I adjust, Raelynn in her chair and smile when she grins back at me.
She was so cute.
Her hair was already a thick halo around her head, her skin already a nice caramel tone. Her blue eyes caught the light as she turned towards me, and I can't help grinning back.
"So how have you been?" Diane asks me. " Are you and Logan thinking about neighborhoods with good schools?"
I sigh. "Yeah but it's hard, like we're looking at houses and schools, and we're trying to calculate the time away from our businesses. Who's going to take what off, for certain holidays." I fiddle with my cup. "At first it used to seem like we had so much time to figure those things out and now here they are hitting us in the face, all at warp speed. " I meet Diane's eyes. "This is too much adulting for me."
Diane laughs. "I hear you girl. But it'll get easier." She points to Rae. "Trust me, these 18 years are going to fly by."
I roll my eyes. "Don't remind me. I'm going to be so old."
Diane shakes her head, grinning. "The good news is you won't even realize that you are growing old because you're too busy trying to get this little one ready for life, that once she starts hers-"
"Ill be just ending mine?" I finish, and she playfully slaps my hand, and I laugh.
"No, you've realized that your life is just beginning, all of the possibilities."
I shrug. "I guess so."
Diane winks. "I know so."
We are suddenly interrupted by a loud noise in the diner. A loud fire alarm goes off in the small restaurant space  and all conversations stop as mostly everyone hands is brought to their ears, looks of confusion and panic crossing everyones face.
A man comes out which I assume is the manager, waving his hands, comforting the nervous murmurs that soon take outer the room.
"It's alright everyone, the cook just burned some toast!" He yells. "We're sorry for the interruption, there's no danger." As he's saying this a bunch of waiters are busy opening windows, as one stands on a ladder waving a towel in front of the fire alarm.
The cries of little babies fill the room, their little ears not used to the harsh sounds of the fire alarm, and mothers try to quiet them as the conversations try to start up again. Diane has a sniffling Benjamin in her arms, and it's this action, that makes me turn to my right, to my daughter who is sitting next to me, who I'm sure needs my attention.
I feel guilty until I see that Raelynn is not crying. She is silent, her focus is on the  bowl of baby snacks that I had placed on her table, as she grabs one and places it in her mouth completely unaware of the noise going on around us.
Confused, I look at Diane who's also noticed the lack of reaction on Raelynn's part, and she shrugs, echoing my bafflement.
Raelynn looks up at me and smile, a baby snack stuck to her cheek.
I smile back ignoring the worried feeling in my throats that I couldn't get rid of.
I wasn't exactly sure why I was bothered so much, but I just couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

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