Chapter #21-Genesis ( Part 2 of the P

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"Ok, Mrs.Bennett once we put the mask on you, we want you to countdown backwards from thirty." The nurse adjusts the mask on my face and turns on the anesthesia.
"Ready? Begin."
I take a deep breath.
Everything is going to be ok, Genesis.
Despite the fact that you said everything was going to be ok, last time and the baby came out breached.
I can feel my body begin to relax, my eyes fighting to stay open. My head  starts to nod and it is hard to think of anything but sleep at the moment.
Breached. My baby is breached! What if I don't wake up? Did I tell everyone that I loved them? Doc, wait! I have to tell my family I love them--
My head collapses into the pillow, and all frantic thoughts are erased as I fall fast asleep.
I wake up laying in a grassy field. The wind is blowing gently, and the sun is in the right placement of the sky that it hits my skin in such a way that it turns it into a beautiful golden brown.
I sit up and take in the endless rolls of grassy fields around me.
My chest feels lighter, for the first time my mind is at ease. No upcoming deadlines, meetings, or any racing thoughts plague my mind today.
It's just quiet.
And it's really nice.
I look ahead and see a figure in the distance.
Squinting, I stand up to try to get a better look.
"Logan?" I hear myself call out as I began to step closer to the figure.
The figure doesn't move, so I walk cautiously towards it. As I get closer I realize the figure is a baby, sitting with its back towards me.
"Hey, little baby." I say as I come closer. "Are you ok?"
The baby doesn't even move, it doesn't even turn around at the sound of my voice.
I place my hand on its shoulder and The baby turns around I see that it's a little baby boy.
He smiles at me.
"Hi, where's your mommy?" I ask him. The baby smiles falters, as a perplexed expression crosses his face. He turns his head and continues playing, and It is then I notice that he is playing with hearing aids.
Frowning, I pick one of them up.
"Who gave you these?" I ask him but he just continues playing.
Just as I reach over to pick him up, I am blinded by a white light.
"What the hell?"
Suddenly, I'm being pulled backwards away from the baby. At the same time I see a car coming towards him.
"Hey, wait!"
I'm yelling at the invisible force, pulling me back.
"Hey wait, we have to get the baby!"
I'm fighting, but I can't break through the invisible holds on me, and I feel my heart began to pound in my chest as I see the car get closer to the baby.
The baby boy sits in the field. Unaware of the car, and the upcoming danger.
Why doesn't he move? Why isn't he crying? Why doesn't he hear it?!
Then I know. Suddenly, I understand.
"No!" I'm screaming now. "No, please!"
I'm screaming hysterically as I fight to move closer while continually getting pulled back.
The car gets closer, and he doesn't move.
I cry out just as the car gets inches towards the baby and he finally looks up, eyes wide.
"Nooooo!" I reach towards him then my body is thrown backwards into the abyss.
My eyes flutter open, and I am temporarily blinded by the hospital white lights. Doctors and nurses race around me.
Suddenly, my doctor peers over me and flashes a light in my eyes.
"Welcome back, Mrs. Bennett. How are you feeling?"
I nod. I am not able to form words. My heart is still racing from that horrifying dream.
"I have good news." The doctor says, and he grins at me. "You are now the proud mother of a beautiful..." He turns to the nurse then hands me a bundle of wiggling blanket.
"Baby girl." He finishes.
I peel back the blanket and the tears immediately come to my eyes. All of the worry that I had felt before this moment, the panic, the insecurities about me being a mother are washed away as I look into my daughters eyes.
"She's beautiful." I whisper, gently running my hand on her cheek.
Her eyes open slightly and I am startled to see Logans cornflower blue eyes looking back at me. She whimpers and grabs hold to my pinky, with her little hand, and another tear falls down my cheek.
"Are you ready for us to bring the family in?" The Doctor ask me, and I jump at the sound of his voice.
I was so caught up in my daughter, I had forgotten that we weren't the only ones in the room.
I nod. "Yeah, yeah I am."

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