Chapter 17-Genesis

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My boobs hurt.
I think , as I watch season four of Orange is the New Black. I had already finished it but had started watching all of my favorite tv shows again. Despite regular FaceTime calls with Jamie, who was holding everything down at the office since I left, I had nothing to do. I wasn't used to being so restless, and unoccupied. I had already finished reading every baby book that Logan brought home, twice, and was doing my baby aerobics from a video that was supposed to "keep me fit until arrival."
My back hurt on the regular and at this point I was just ready for this baby to hurry up and come.
Plus I hated the fact that I was already hungry, and could never get comfortable because I always had to pee. Everyone who mattered now had the right to check up on me unannounced because as Logan put it--" I Should not be alone for a long time, at this stage in my pregnancy." He had read every pregnancy article and book he could find, even going so far as to watch giving birth videos on YouTube, and now considered himself an expert on me and the life growing inside of me.
So, everyone, meaning immediate family on both his and mine sides had keys now. Every time I woke up from a nap someone different was in my kitchen, or cleaning my living room, or bringing me food. Elliott, my mother, or Lois. So it didn't really surprise me when Dani burst through my front door, and stormed into my living room unannounced.
"My boobs hurt." I inform her as she collapse beside me on the couch.
"We need to talk." She says.
"Oh no," I say feigning concern. "Are you breaking up with me?"
She hits me on the arm, and I laugh.
"Okay what's up?"
"I wanna talk about Elliott."
"Oh no, did he fuck up?" I say. "Because if so that's going to make things hella awkward at the family reunions."
"No, it's fine. But...." She looks at me. "Is it weird?"
I look at her with mock innocence. "Is what weird?"
"You know that I'm sleeping with my brother-in-law."
I debate on whether I should tell her the truth. If I lie, she'll find out how I feel eventually, and if I tell her the truth it will devastate her.  
I go for the truth.
"Honestly?" I say.
"Yeah," she says.
"Do you really want the first man you introduce to Skai and Hazel be their...uncle-in-law?" She sits back. "I never thought about it like that."
"Listen," I turn towards her on the couch. "People are going to give you a lot of shit about it. Forreal. It's a little unusual, yeah, but if he makes you happy, I say go for it. Just think of Skai and Hazel."
She turns to me. "I don't know. I've been thinking, and part of me kind of feels guilty."
She nods. "Yeah. I don't know what to do, Gen."
"Follow your heart."
She looks at me. "What?"
"Sorry, I watched a string of Disney movies before I started re binge watching all of my shows."
Dani nods. "Uh huh."
I shrug. "Seriously, though. Do what your heart tells you. After all, your duty is to your heart."
Dani squints at me. "Now, that's Mulan."
I stare at her for a second before shrugging, and grinning. "Yeah you got me there."
Dani laughs. "How the hell do you follow your heart? Like what does that even mean?"
I shrug. "I don't know." I pick up the remote. "Wanna watch it with me and find out?"
Dani isn't listening. She's staring off into the distance. "Would've I don't make the right decision? You know for my kids?"
I place my hand comfortingly on her shoulder. "Dani, whatever decision you make is going to be the right one. Because that's who you are. You think things through, and you figure it out."
She looks at me, tears welling in her eyes. "You think so?"
I raise an eyebrow at her. "You calling my girl Mulan a liar?"
She giggles and lay her head on my chest.
We sit and watch Orange is the New Black for a minute.
"Dani?" I whisper.
"My boobs hurt."
"Oh." She said. "So maybe I should-"
"Get your head off of my chest? Yeah." I finish for her. She sits up.
"Are you hungry?" She asks.
"Always." I respond.
"With pickles and frozen yogurt please."
She makes a face, at my selection of dishes but gets up and walk towards the kitchen anyway.
I sit back into the couch, and focus on Piper and the rest of the girls.
My boobs throb more intensely now, thanks to the weight of Dani's head where she previously laid.
Cmon baby.

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