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I stare across the dinner table at Genesis.
"Let go of the check."
We had finished our dinner a good twenty minutes ago, yet Genesis refused to let me pay. I'm used to Gen putting up a fight when it came to anything that I wanted to buy her, but dinner? Really?
I rub my hand over my face, frustrated.
"Genesis. Seriously. You are probably the only woman in the history of women that refuses to let her husband pay for dinner." I glance down at her hand which she had placed over the check as soon as the waiter put it down.
"Move your hand, honey."
Gen makes her mouth into a straight line.
"Logan, you take me out to fancy dinners all the time---"
I raise my hand to stop her. "Gen, we're at Chilli's. "
She rolls her eyes. "Nevertheless, I'm paying for dinner."
"Why are you insisting on paying for dinner tonight? Is this some feminist movement that you're on or something?" I ask.
Genesis straightens up. "Maybe I am on a feminist movement. Maybe I'm trying to..." She thinks for a minute, looking for the right phrase. "Assert my independence."
I give her a look. "Is that right?"
She nods. "Yes. I would think that you would support me."
I chuckle, and lean over towards her. "Gen, I've known you for over ten years. You assert your independence all the time. In every argument, in every situation--" I wink at her. "Not to mention in every position."
"Lo--" she starts to speak but I raise my hand to stop her.
"Don't let me buy you gifts unless it's a holiday, okay I can deal with that. But goddammit, Gen, I'm paying for dinner."
The waitress comes back over to our table. "Are we ready here?"
"Yup," I say, quickly snatching the bill from underneath Gen's hand and simultaneously taking out my card. I hand both to the waitress. "Thank you for waiting."
I smile sweetly at Gen, ignoring the annoyed look on her face.
I shrug.
"Wanna get the tip?"
"Can you pass me my charger, by your nightstand?"
I pretend to look all around, before answering Genesis's question.
"Oh, are you acknowledging me now?"
We are both sitting in bed on our laptops. Genesis hadn't spoken to me since we came back from the restaurant; that was over three hours ago. I didn't bother her, instead, I let her have the attitude. If she was going to spew over getting a free dinner, than that was her problem.
Genesis rolls her eyes. "Are you going to pass me the charger or not?"
I pretend to think. "Not."
Genesis rolls her eyes again, (the fifth time that evening) and gets up from the bed, and walks over to my night stand. When she comes within two feet of it, I pick up her charger, and throw it on the bed: exactly in the spot she had just gotten up from.
Genesis glares at me. "Asshole."
She starts to turn away, to walk back around the bed, but I grab her arm and pull her towards me.
"You know it's faster if you go over," I suggest.
Genesis squirms for a minute, and when she realizes that she is not getting out of my grip, she stops.
"If I go over that means I will have to climb on top of you to get to my side of the bed."
I shrug innocently. "What's wrong with that?"
Genesis places her hand on her hips. "I don't want to climb on top of you, Logan."
I raise an eyebrow. "I seem to remember that you didn't have a problem climbing on top of me the other night."
Genesis leans her head back, frustrated. "Logan, please---"
"What did I do?" I ask. "Just tell me what I did wrong."
Genesis looks me in the eye. Her mouth opens and closes for a second. She seems to be confused by the words herself. Finally, her shoulders sag in defeat.
"Nothing." She runs a hand through her hair, irritated. "You did absolutely nothing wrong. Thank you for the dinner."
She was holding something back, I could tell. But I also knew not to push it.
"You're welcome."
We stare at each other for a minute.
Genesis motions to her waist, where my arms stayed firmly clasped.
"Can you let go of my waist now?"
"Yeah, but first, kiss me."
The tiniest semblance of a grin plays on her lips before she grabs my face in her hands, and gives me a soft, lingering kiss.
"Good night."
"Night." I purse my lips for another kiss, and she obliges me: gently nipping at my lip, and dipping her tongue into my mouth before we part.
Grabbing my shoulders, she climbs over me, straddling me as she does so. I laugh.
We both get underneath the covers. I grab her around her waist, and am pleased when she doesn't fight me when I pull her to my chest.
"Yes, baby."
"I'm paying for next dinner," Gen says sleepily.
I chuckle. "Sure you are,  Gen. Sure you are."

Crazily Married (Sequel to Crazily Sane)Bwwm RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now