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I brush my teeth in the mirror over the sink, enjoying the fact that I was up at a regular hour on a Saturday morning. It was rare when me and Gen got a day off, especially on the same day. But Gen was going to her mothers house, and I decided to go see Elliott at his house. It was a while since I hung out with my brother.
I rinse my mouth out. I walk out of the bathroom while drying my face with a hand towel. As I lower the towel, I stop in my tracks at the sight of Genesis.
She is standing in just her underwear staring at herself in the mirror.
I clear my throat. "Uh, the bathroom is open if you want to go in."
Genesis nods crossing her arms over her bare chest. "Ok."
Things had been kind of awkward between Gen and I lately, and I wasn't sure why, or what I could do to relieve it. I was afraid that if I talked to her long enough the truth about me paying her company's debt would come out and she would be furious.
"Ok." I pull on a fresh T-shirt and grab my jacket out of the closet. "I'll see you later."
I start to walk out of the door when Genesis stops me.
"Logan, wait."
I turn around.
"Do I..?" She looks down at herself nervously. "Do I...Have I...?" She takes a deep breath before blurting out. "Do I look fat?"
My eyes get wide, and I chuckle before shaking my head. "Genesis, I'm not going to answer that question. It sounds like a trap."
She chuckles, "I'm being serious. I just want you to give me an answer."
"Please, Logan. I really need to know."
I sigh and scrutinize Genesis's body. It was true; her chest had gotten bigger from what I could see. And I could definitely see that her ass had gotten fatter, and there was the teensiest bit of pudge over her underwear, but none I would take so seriously.
I shrug. "Barely. You look great to me."
Genesis checks her reflection in the mirror. "Are you sure?"
I nod. "Yeah. You always look great to me, Gen."
She gives me a small, relieved smile, and I know that I answered correctly . "Thank you, Logan."
I grin. "You're welcome. I'll see you in a little bit ok?"
She nods and I walk out of the room closing the door behind me. It isn't until I get halfway down the steps, that I realize I forgot something. Jogging back upstairs, I open the door to our bedroom, to find Genesis, now dressed in jeans and a bra.
"Wassup?" She asks when she looks up and sees me standing in the doorway.
"Almost forgot," I lean down and kiss her lightly on the lips.
"Bye," I say jogging back down the stairs.
I get in my car and start the drive to Elliott's house.
I walk right in the back door of Elliott's house, no key needed. When I warned him about the possibility of intrusion, he grabbed his metal baseball bat that he kept by the door, and slapped it purposely in his hand.
"They can try some shit if they want to."
My brother was older than me by four years. He broke the stereotype of being a jock and idiot when he played football in high school and graduated as valedictorian  after he led the team to the championships.
He had the choice of going anywhere he wanted to go in high school, but instead settled on Stanford. After he graduated, they loved him so much, they urged him to come back, and he became the youngest professor at the school.
After obtaining tenure at 34 he was wealthy, single, and probably one of the happiest guys I knew.
I open his fridge and help myself to the lunch meat, cheese, and other perfect sandwich condiments that he had in the fridge.
"Hey Ell! Your favorite little brother is here!"
I spread some sandwich spread on a slice of bread.
"And I'm making a sandwich!"
"Logan?" Elliott calls down from the steps.
"I thought you had to work?"
"Got the day off." I yell back as I pile on some turkey. "Want a sandwich?"
"Hold on, I'm coming down." Elliott yells back. Two minutes later, Elliott comes down in his pajama pants pulling on a shirt.
"Wassup bro."
I take a look at him: His dark curly hair was tousled over his head, he hadn't shaved, but there was a shine in his eyes that I hadn't seen in a while.
"You good,  Ell?" I ask him.
He nods and goes to the fridge and takes out a bottle of apple juice. Opening the top, he throws the bottle back, and begins drinking. He doesn't stop until the bottle is half empty. "Yeah, I'm great. Why do you ask?"
"That's a lot of Apple juice." I observe.
He smile at me, that twinkle still in his eye. "Thirsty."
"Mm." I say knowingly. I look him in the eye and ask him the question I was pretty sure I already knew the answer to.
"You here alone?"
Elliott looks at me. A quick look of panic flashes across his face before he answers.
"What do you mean?"
I laugh at his reaction. "I mean do you have a girl upstairs?"
Elliott clears his throat, and lean against the counter, rubbing his chin. The thing he does whenever he was determining to tell the truth or not. "What makes you ask that?"

I laugh. "Because you come down here at--" I check my watch---"ten o'clock in the morning, hair tousled, a twinkle in your eye, and you drink damn near the entire bottle of apple juice." I wiggle my eyebrows at him. "I don't know about you, but those are the signs that says a man had a good night." I lean in close taking a bite out of my sandwich. "A real good night."
Elliott laughs, and holds his hand up in surrender. "Alright you got me, I do have someone upstairs."
I finish chewing and point to him, triumphantly. "I knew it! Where did you meet her, What she looks like, What's her name?"
Elliott opens his mouth to answer when a woman's voice interrupts him.
"Elliott are you downstairs?"
Elliott yell back. "Yeah, baby stay upstairs though! Don't come down!"
"What?" The girl calls back.
"Why can't  I meet her?" I whisper to Elliott with a big grin on my face.
"Because..I don't want you to." He whispers back.
"Cmon let me--" I stop as footsteps rounds the corner into the kitchen and the female voice gets closer.
"Elliott I couldn't hear you, what did you---" she freezes when she looks at me. "Oh."
I damn near choke on my sandwich. Because standing in front of me, wearing one of my brothers button down dress shirts, was the tall light skinned woman, whose daughters sometimes spent the night over my house.

Crazily Married (Sequel to Crazily Sane)Bwwm RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now