Chapter 18-Logan

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"Mr.Bennett the board has called you down here today to discuss your frequent absences."
I look at the row of old men sitting in front of me.
"Is that right?"
"Yes," the leader of the Board nodded. "You seemed to have skipped out on a number of meetings, and the ones that you do make an appearance at you're wearing-" He looks at my clothes: A Shirt that read, 'Caution. Strong, Educated, Black Woman Coming Through' that Genesis bought for me from a street vendor when she visited Philly. (I wore it because I enjoyed the stares I got from people and the irony.) Paired with blue jeans and nikes- "Well, that." He finished.
I look down at my clothes. "What's wrong with what I am wearing?"
He sighed deeply. "It's not appropriate."
"You don't think my shirt is appropriate?" I raised an eyebrow. "What do you have against strong, educated, black woman Mr. Delaney?"
He looked appalled. "What? I would never-" he stopped when he saw my grin. Clearing his throat, he glared at me. "Mr. Bennett you're recent behavior at this company have been unacceptable."
I laugh. "I am this company."
Mr.Delaney looks at me. "Excuse me?"
I lean forward. "Look. I'm sorry for calling out without putting in a notice first. But let's be honest here. I'm the reason why this company is even known. My father found this company, my fucking name is in the title for Pete's sake. Since I was 23, I have worked my ass off for this company, taking it to the place it is today. But now I'm married. And my wife is pregnant, with my child. So for the first time ever, the company comes second. If you have a problem with that, you can call up my father a.k.a the future grandfather of my kid, and talk to him, since, you know he is the one writing you guys checks."
I look around the room where the smug faces have turned into worried ones. They looked at the table, the ceiling, anywhere but at me.
Mr Delaney cleared his throat. "I'm sure we can come up to some sort of agreement."
"That's what I like to hear," I say sitting back in my chair. "How about I hold all of my meetings on Skype?"
I looked around the room, and Delaney gives me a weak head nod.
"Excellent. I'm glad we got that over with." I get up taking my car keys with me. "Now if you excuse me gentleman, I have a doctors appointment to go to."
Delaney calls after me, "But the Scott firm comes in 15 minutes. Surely you can-"
"Tell them I'm pregnant. I'm sure they'll understand."
I walk out leaving them in my office.
The next month of Genesis pregnancy flew by. Genesis was in the last stage of her pregnancy and it showed. Her stomach was huge, protruding out from her small frame. She looked like that she was going to go into labor at any time now, but that wasn't the case. We had all rushed to the hospital for 5 false alarms. Now, she was a week past her due date, and all of us, (Mom, Dad, Henry, Ebony, Dani, and Elliott) were just waiting for the baby to come.
But despite how eager we were for Gen to just hurry up and have the baby, Genesis herself had to be the most impatient.
"I want to have this baby Now!" Genesis came out of the bathroom wearing a Tshirt and pajama pants. "I'm sick of not being able to fit into my size 12 dresses."
She collapse on the bed next to me. "I hate you Logan."
I look up from my laptop at her. "Me? What did I do?"
"You did this." She motioned to her belly. "If I was a lesbian, I would still be able to fit into my skinny jeans, and drink wine." She sighed. "God, I miss wine."
I chuckle. "I'm sorry that my penis was such an inconvenience to your life."
Genesis nod. "You should be."
I roll my eyes. "The baby is coming we just have to be patient."
"I have been very patient Logan." Genesis talks through gritted teeth. "I have had 9 months and some change of patience. I want this baby out now."
"Well, what do you want me to do?" I ask her, because honestly I felt the same way.
"Google ways to go into labor." Genesis says matter-of factly.
"Seriously?" I ask thinking she's joking.
Genesis shoots me a look.
I open a new tab and type in what she tells me.
After clicking on a few links and reading a few articles, I settle I something that doesn't sound too extreme.
"It says dancing is a good way to induce labor for many women." I look at my wife, who laid on her back, looking absolutely defeated at the ceiling. "Wanna try dancing?"
Gen shrugged. "At this point, what do we have to lose?" She reaches her hands in front of her. "You're going to have to help me up."
I get up and come around and pull her to her feet. Plugging my phone into the laptop, I place my playlist on shuffle.
"My phone is on shuffle,"I explain. "So I am not responsible for anything that plays."
Genesis giggles. "Ok."
We wait a few seconds, and the opening music of Sean Pauls, 'Temperature' blasts from the speakers.
Genesis laughs out loud,and we start dancing. Forgetting about her pregnancy, forgetting everything altogether, just generally having a good time. Every song my phone played, we made up s move for it. Genesis was super cool about my playlist. She didn't even complain when she heard Lady Leshurr a British rapper that got famous on YouTube.
'Killing Me Softly' came on next, and I pulled Genesis close. Or as close as I could get her with her stomach.
She later her head on my chest as we rocked back and forth.
This moment was so perfect.
I felt at ease and at peace with the world, dancing in my bedroom with my pregnant wife.
Nothing could ruin this moment.
Nothing could take me out of this serene state that I was currently in.
"Yes babe?" I kiss her on her forehead.
"My water just broke."

Crazily Married (Sequel to Crazily Sane)Bwwm RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now