Sneak Peek In-Love With my In-Laws

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"What is wrong with you!" I yell at Elliott, as he stands across from me in my kitchen. His head down, his eyes on the ground.
"Here I am, putting myself out there, throwing myself to you, and you...and you-"
"You're married, Danielle!"
I fall silent as his eyes pierce through me.
"You...are...married." He says it a little more quietly, and steps towards me until he is standing directly in front of me. Being 5'10, you get used to everyone looking up to you, but with Elliott, I have to tilt my head back to meet his eyes.
He comes closer, and my words choke in my throat, and goosebumps rise to my skin as he takes my hand in his.
He leans down his lips hovering above mine.
"What's wrong with me?" His voice comes out strained as he brushes his hand gently over my face.
"What's wrong with me is that You're so beautiful. I see the strength in you, the fight in you. How intelligent you are in situations in and outside of the classroom. How elegantly you handle conflicts."
He swallows hard and pause.
This was the first time I ever seen Elliott uncomfortable.
"I want to be here for you. I want to wake up beside you every day, want to help you raise those beautiful girls you have....I want to make love to you-" He pause again, as if he was stopping himself, but then blew out a breath and continued. "Maybe make some beautiful babies of our own."
My heart stops and I can't speak.
"But I can't do those things." He let's go of my hand and rubs both of his hands over his face.
"Not when you belong to someone else." He steps back, and straightens his shoulders.
He was back to just being Elliott.
Cool, calm, collected Elliott.
"And for you to admit your feelings for me while you still belong to someone else, knowing that I feel the same way, is cruel."
He could've slapped me. It would've hurt less.
We stand there in silence.
"I should go."
He says. Picking up his jacket, he turns to the door. And walks away from me.
No, it couldn't end.
Not now, not like this.
The tears have already gotten hold of my voice as I follow him outside. It had started drizzling. The weather oddly appropriate for the situation and my feelings.
Elliott races down the porch steps and begans walking towards his car.
I race down the steps after him, not even wanting to think about what the weather was doing to my hair.
He doesn't answer me, but instead keeps walking at his calm but brisk pace.
"Elliott!" I yell his name again at his retreating figure.
"Dont you dare walk away from me."
He stops, and turns towards me.
"What do you want?" He asks.
The drizzling had picked up now, and had turned into a full blown rain storm.
I shrug.
"I want you." The rain beats down on us and I can already feel my hair begin to shrivel up.
"I know it's unlikely and it's illogical, but I can't help myself."
Elliott shakes his head in disbelief. Looking at me he points to my hair.
"Your hair is getting wet."
I roll my eyes, and smile. "No kidding."
Elliott grins. "Go back inside, Danielle."
"Not until you give me an answer." I plant my feet and square my shoulders.
"You didn't ask a question," he states and makes a step towards me.
"I didn't think I had to."
Elliott shrugs and look at his feet, his thick curly hair already  soaking wet.
He takes two steps closer to me.
"If you want an answer, I would suggest you ask."
I rub some of the water out of my eyes.
"What are we now?" I ask him.
There is a pause, as Elliott looks up aimlessly at the sky.
He finally looks at me.
"I guess...we're just in-laws."
I swallow hard, and try to ignore the breaking of my heart.
"Well, alright then."
I turn away from him and walk back towards the house. It's when I reach my steps that I feel Elliott's strong grip on my wrist, and suddenly I was being whirled around and pressed against Elliott's very wet, very muscular body.
"Don't you dare walk away from me." He growls then press his lips firmly against mine.
And that, at precisely that moment, when I kissed my brother-in-law in the rain, is when things got complicated.
Very complicated.

Crazily Married (Sequel to Crazily Sane)Bwwm RomanceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ