Chapter eighteen; A New Star

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"Amy just breathe. It's going I be alright." Georgie knelt next to Amy.
"Georgie," Amy panted. "I need get Mitch. Grandpa and Lou...are gone at court with Ty. Mitch is the only one here."
"But...I can't leave you, Amy." Georgie said.
"Georgie, I'm in labor. I can't have the baby here in this arena. Mitch can drive me." Amy said grasping her side.
Georgie didn't know what to say but she had to do something. She looked at Jon and had an idea.
"Jon!" Georgie called. "Tie up the horses, call you're dad, then you need to go get my phone in my room. I need to call Mitch and Ty. If I can." Georgie said.
"Oh okay." Jon ripped out his phone while tying up the horses.
"It's going to be okay. It's going to be fine." Georgie rubbed Amy's back.

At the clinic, Cass and Caitlin were working together on bills.
"So I heard what happened with Ty." Caitlin said.
"Yeah. I can't believe he had family he never knew about." Cass said.
"And not just that. The whole deal with their dude ranch. It sounds intense."
"I just wish Ty could be here today. We are so packed." Cass said.
Caitlin looked around confused. "There's no animals here."
"Look at this." Cass handed Caitlin a sheet.
"Oh." Caitlin raised her eyebrows to the bust schedule sheet.
"Yeah." Cass sighed.
"Cass? Baby I'm here!" Caleb came in.
"Caleb what are you doing here?" Cass stood up.
"I'm here to help. You've been saying how it's hard without Ty all the time." Caleb said.
"Caleb, you're not a vet." Cass said.
"How hard can it be?"
"He could do some chores around here." Caitlin whispered.
"Okay you want to help? Here." Cass smiled handing Caleb a cleaning bucket.
"What's this?" He asked.
"Cleaning supplies. You can clean the cages!" Caitlin laughed.
"Not what I had in mind..." Caleb sighed but Cass glared at him.
"But if it helps you, sure." Caleb smiled.
"Thanks." Cass smiled back.
"Cleaning cages. Fun." Caleb fake smiled than went to work.

"Georgie!" Jon yelled as he ran back from the house to the arena.
Georgie grabbed her phone from Jon's hand. "Thanks."
Jon nodded.
"Call Mitch." Amy panted.
Georgie nodded then dialed his number. Georgie shook her head then hit the number again. "He's not answering!" Georgie yelled.
She finally hit his number one more time. Mitch answered.
"Mitch!?" Georgie gasped.
"Hey kiddo. Is something wrong?" Mitch asked.
"Yes! Yes it is! Something is really wrong!" Georgie said in a panic.
"Okay okay. Just breathe, Georgie. Tell me what's wrong." Mitch said.
"It's Amy. She's in labor." Georgie panted.
"What?! Get Ty or Jack! Why are you calling me?" Mitch said.
"Mitch! Ty and Jack are gone at court, remember? She needs help and I can't drive her to the hospital."
"Okay I will be down there as soon as I can. Stay calm and tell Amy breathe." Mitch said then hung up the phone.
"Okay he will be here soon."  Georgie said as Amy nodded.

As Caleb cleaned the cages, Caitlin noticed something fall onto the floor. It was a small box with red velvet fabric on it.
"Um Caleb," Caitlin said picking up the box. "You dropped this." as soon as she picked it up, a small metal figure fell out.
"Oh!" Caleb said trying to find the missing object.
Caitlin got down and looked with him.
Caleb looked under the cages and the front desk.
"Is it this?" Caitlin asked holding up a ring. This wasn't any ring, it was a diamond ring. It looked exactly like an engagement ring.
"Um...yes?" Caleb said taking the ring.
"Caleb?! Why didn't you tell me! Is it Cassandra? Are you going to ask her?" Caitlin asked.
Caleb sighed then looked around to see if Cass was near by. When he was in the clear, he turned to Caitlin and whispered, "of course it's Cass! There is no other woman in this world that can match up to Cass. Not my ex, nobody. She's the one. I've been waiting for the right time. I wanted to take her for a picnic today but she's busy and put me to work. But I will find another time I suppose." Caleb said.
"Caleb I am so happy for you!" Caitlin squealed.
"Keep it down." Caleb said.
"Oh right." Caitlin whispered.
"Caleb?!" Cass yelled walking into the room.
Caleb felt a rush of guilt flow through his body. His face turned ghost white and his hands shaky. Caleb thought to himself if she really heard everything he just said. He gulped and tried to cover it up.
"What's wrong?" He said nervously.
"It's Amy. She's in labor. She wants us to take care of the animals that are left uncared for at the moment. The thing is, nobody is there except Mitch. He is not going to take her to the hospital. I am. Let's go." Cass grabbed her purse.
"Wait what do you want me to do?" Caitlin asked.
"Just keep me posted on everything that's happening." Cass said opening the door.
"I will. Wish Amy good luck!" Caitlin called as they drove away.

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