Chapter two; Babies and Boyfriends

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        Georgie was at trick riding practice one morning practicing the back drop. "Do you need Sam to do the hippodrome?" Coach Natalie asked.
"Ugh! Yeah." Georgie grunted as she pulled up to the top of her saddle.
Sam climbed onto the top of Checkers withers. "You ready?" She called to Georgie.
"Uh huh!" Georgie let herself down as the loped around the arena.
"Good job girls! Georgie let loose a little more! There. Good!" Natalie said.

    Ty left for work early in the morning. During the day Amy looked on websites, through catalogues, magazines, and newspaper ads for baby  items. Amy sighed. "I need a break." She propped her legs up on a pillow and decided to take a quick nap. Then her phone rang. "Hey." Amy picked up the phone.
"Hey baby. Im done with my shift im coming home." Ty said.
"Oh that great." Amy said.
"Are you ok? You sound tired." Ty asked.
"Yeah I was about to take a nap cause I was looking at baby items all day." Amy said rubbing her eyes.
"Hey tell you what? Im going to order a changing table when I get home. I already know which one. "
"Ok that would be great. But I will have to let you go now. Love you." Amy said.
"Ok bye love you!" Ty hung up. Amy fell asleep immediately.
Ty came home about 15 minutes later. "Amy im ho-" Ty stopped. He saw his beautiful wife asleep on the couch. He went over to her, bent down, and kissed her on the forehead.

Lou was at the dude ranch getting one of the cabins ready for her new customer. She looked out the window and saw Mitch mowing the grass on Jack's huge lawn mower. "What are you doing?" Lou ran out side and yelled loud at Mitch.
"What?" Mitch turned off the lawn mower.
"I told you not to mow until these people are gone! Their kids have allergies." Lou exclaimed.
"Im sorry. I will just put it away then." Mitch said.
"You can't do that now! The lawn looks dumb half mowed." Lou yelled.
"Ok your highness I will mow the rest." Mitch started the engine.
"Good!" Lou scoffed. "What a showoff."

"Jade! Georgie! Order up come on!" The chef at Maggie's exclaimed.
"Coming!" They both said.
"Oh my gosh. We are so busy today. Why are there so many people? Christmas isn't for another three weeks." Jade complained.
"I don't know. Maybe something going on in town?" Georgie guessed.
"Well whatever it is its dragging in a lot of people." Jade said leaning her elbows on the counter.
"Order up!" The chef said impatiently.
"Im coming!" Jade said angrily.
"Hey could I get a menu?" A guys voice asked.
"I will be with you in a minute." Georgie said cleaning the coffee pot.
"Looks busy. Maybe another time." The voice said.
"Wait wait let me ge-," Georgie paused then stared. "Steven?! What the heck are you doing here? Its so good to see you!" Georgie hugged him.
"I came for a visit. I have an aunt who lives here in Hudson so I'd thought I'd drop by and see how things are going." Steven said.
"Oh that's so great! You will have to come back to my place after lunch." Georgie insisted.
"I'd love to." Steven smiled.
"Great!" Georgie smiled back.

     A truck pulled up to the front of the barn. Ty walked up to the loft window. "Amy," he whispered. "You have to get up. You have a client." Ty rubbed her back.
"Huh? Oh what? Oh okay I'm up." Amy sat up. "I totally forgot."
"C'mon I will come with you." Ty walked with Amy down the stairs.
"Hey! Im Amy. This is my husband Ty."  Amy introduced her and Ty.
"Im Margaret. This is Delilah." Margaret showed Amy the horse. "Oh and this is my daughter Macy."
"Hello! Im Amy I'm going to be working with your horse." Amy said.
Macy waved.
"Oh I'm sorry. Macy is mute but she can still hear you." Margaret said.
"Oh. Well want to help me put Delilah in the barn?" Amy asked. Macy nodded.

In the barn Amy was brushing Delilah. "Come help me. Its your horse!" Amy said. Macy shook her head, folded her arms and backed up. "Its ok. She won't hurt you. I promise I'm right here." Amy reassured Macy. Macy slowly walked up to her horse. She held out her hand. Delilah freaked out and backed up and reared in the stall. Macy ran out of the barn. "Woah woah! Easy easy! Shh. Easy." Amy calmed down Delilah. Amy looked over and Macy was gone. "Amy! Are you okay? What happened!?" Ty rushed down the loft stairs.
"It's okay. Im fine. But Macy and Delilah, I think they are scared of each other. Macy just ran out." Amy said petting Delilah.
"I'll find her." Ty said walking out of the barn.

    Georgie drove Lou and Stephen home. "Oh Stephen its so good to see you!" Lou gave him another squeeze.
"You too Mrs. Morris." Stephen put his hands in his pockets.
"Alright come inside!" Georgie ran onto the front porch to open the door.
"Hello Mr. Bartlett." Stephen waved to Jack.
"Stephen? How are you boy?" Jack gave him a bro hug.
"Im good. My aunt is here so I'm here visiting."
"Stephen, lets go out to the horses." Georgie pulled him.
"Okay!" Stephen followed.

      Ty was looking around the barn for Macy, but he couldn't find her. Then he heard sniffling coming from behind the log pile. He casually sat down next to the pile. "Its a shame. Amy was hoping you could bond with your horse in there."
She looked at him and started making signs very angrily. "Hey hey! I can't understand you when you do that.  I know the alphabet in sign language so could you do that?" Ty grabbed her wrists. Then she signed I  C-A-N-T
E-V-E-N  G-E-T  C-L-O-S-E!
"Look if you just trust your horse and Amy, everything will be fine. C'mon lets go." Ty stood up and walked to the barn and the little ten year old followed.

"There you are!" Amy said shutting the stall door.
"She's ready to work with Delilah." Ty said.
"Great! Lets go into the round pen and get started with join up." Amy said leading Delilah out. Macy had a blank look on her face. "C'mon it will be fine. We will be there." Ty said.

"Alright. Here you go. Start by leading her round in circles. Make sure she goes faster than a trot." Amy handed her the rope. Delilah wouldn't listen to Macy. She just ran in the direction she wanted to. "Get in there and make her change direction!" Amy called. Since Macy couldn't scream, she panted really hard. Delilah kept running in the opposite direction. Macy ran right in front of Delilah and swung the rope high in the air. Delilah finally turned. "Good! Keep going! Don't stop!" Amy yelled. Macy slowed down then walked to the edge of the round pen. Delilah pricked her ears forward and walked towards Macy. Macy felt a gentle breath on her shoulder. She turned and hugged her horse. Tears of happiness streamed down the girls face.

"So not really a difference in horses or anything." Georgie walked into the barn with Stephen.
"Nope. I have only been gone a year though." Stephen said.
"Yeah. Hey guess what? Im headliner of my trick riding team!" Georgie giggled.
"Really that's awesome!"
"Haha. Thanks." Georgie smiled.
Then Georgie heard a bike outside.
"Hey Georgie. Who's this?" Adam came up to Georgie and Stephen with an angry look.

Chapter three coming soon!
Thanks for reading!

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