Chapter twelve; Up and Over

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            Two days had past. Jack had woken up early in the morning to the sound of wind outside his bedroom window. It was so loud it sounded like it could shatter the entire window into pieces. He realized Lisa had cracked the window for him. Jack slowly got out of bed and walked over towards the window and shut it tight.

    Jack knew he wasn't going to go back to bed. He went to the kitchen to get some coffee. He opened the cabinet door only to find caffeine free coffee.
"What the-" Jack huffed.
He set the coffee down and placed some of the grinds into the machine.
While the coffee brewed, he went to go sit in his chair by the fire place.
Lou had walked out of her room. 
"Grandpa! What are you doing out of bed!" Lou snapped.
"Lou it has been two days of you and all of the others treating me like a princess. Im tired of it. I wanted to make my own coffee and sit in my chair." Jack said.
"Grandpa. You just had another heart attack-"
"Mini! Its a mini heart attack Lou! Im fine." Jack snapped.
"Its still a heart attack grandpa." Lou sighed getting his coffee.
Jack paced over to Lou and grabbed the coffee pot from her.
"I said I wanted to make my own coffee. You don't need to do this for me Lou." Jack said.
"Fine! Do it yourself!" Lou stomped away.
"Lou," Jack called to her.
"Ok listen, I get why you want to get out of bed. But aren't you concerned about you're health?" Lou asked.
"Of course I am! Walking to the kitchen isn't going to change anything." Jack sighed as he poured his coffee.
"I know I know." Lou said.
"Is everything okay with you?" Jack asked.
"Everything's....peachy." Lou half smiled and walked outside.

Caleb and Mitch were outside trying to install a water pump for the horses.
"How long is this going to take you think?" Mitch asked Caleb as he started to dig with a shovel.
"Well from my experience about six years ago is that me and Jack never got the pump right. So, today is the day where we get it to work!" Caleb cheered. (Picture above) A while back, Caleb and Jack were Trying to install a water pump for the horses but it didn't work out quite as well as Lou imagined it would. (You can find this in episode 4x02)
"So you got the right tools for this, right?" Mitch asked.
"Absolutely. Lets get digging." Caleb said.
Ty was about to go to work when he saw Caleb and Mitch at their work.
"So," Ty walked over and said. "You at it again, Caleb?"
"Yes actually. This time it's going to work I swear." Caleb said.
"Yeah maybe now that I'm here." Mitch smirked.
"Whatever lets just get back to work!" Caleb scoffed.
"Haha see you two later!" Ty waved as he got into the truck.

Amy was in the barn brushing Spartan down and giving him some treats.
"You're a good boy!" Amy said stroking his mane.
Georgie walked in the barn with an armful of cubed feed.
"Need a hand?" Amy asked.
"Ugh! Nope! Got it!" Georgie grunted as she threw the two fifty pound bags onto the tack box. "I see everything's back to normal with you and Spartan?" Georgie said.
"Yeah I guess so. I think we both had a bad couple of days." Amy sighed.
"Im glad things are working out between you two." Georgie smiled.
Amy grinned. "Me too."
Copper started to paw in his stall and raise his head.
"Aww. What's wrong boy?" Georgie came to his stall.
"He looks really bored in there. When was the last time he was exercised?" Amy asked walking up to his stall.
"Uhh...ugh I think maybe a little over four days ago? I've been so busy with extreme team, school, and all the other horses to exercise. Im sorry I-"
"No its fine its not you're fault. Aww you miss you're mommy don't ya?" Amy said.
"Who, Mallory?" Georgie asked.
"Yeah. I've noticed he hasn't been himself lately. I may do some ground work later." Amy said.
"Should that help?" Georgie asked.
"Probably. Well it'd at least burn some of that energy he has. It'd be good for him."
"There you are Georgie!" Lou walked into the barn.
"Yeah?" Georgie asked.
"You have a shift at Maggie's in a half an hour." Lou said.
"Don't worry I didn't forget." Georgie laughed.
"Alright." Lou said.
Lou then turned her head to look at Mitch. She stared at him for a good long while before Georgie snapped her out of it.
"Mom!" Georgie yelled.
"Oh sorry. I...I'll be in the house if you need me." Lou smiled as she walked away.
"What's up with her?" Georgie asked.
"I have no idea." Amy replied.

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