Chapter six; Strangles and Rodeo School 2.0

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        "Why is he so sweaty?" Georgie asked.
"I think it's..." Amy didn't finish.
"What?!" Georgie cried.
"Um, let me get Ty." Amy started running upstairs to the loft. Georgie started panting hard. "What's wrong boy?" She pet him. Ty and Amy ran down the stairs. "Excuse me Georgie." Ty bent over and listened to Trouble's lungs and heart. Ty sighed. He rushed out of the stall. "Its strangles." He said.
"What?!" Georgie cried out.
"Strangles?" Amy said.
"I know Georgie this is freaky. I need you to take Trouble to one of the sick stalls outside. Away from the other horses." Ty said handing the lead rope to Georgie. Georgie quickly ran outside and put Trouble into a sick stall. "You're going to be okay." Georgie petted him.
"Amy I need you to take every horse that's been near Trouble since yesterday and put them in a far away outside stall." Ty said.
"Okay. Oh no this reminds me of the quarantine seven years ago." Amy said.
"Don't worry it won't be. Im better trained." Ty said hugging Amy.

     Georgie was trying to get Trouble to eat but he refused. "C'mon buddy. You gotta eat." She said holding up the bucket.
"Georgie what's going on out here?" Jack asked.
"T-Trouble has strangles! We were at the rodeo cause Trouble could go because he had a week until he needed shots so I went and we roman rode together and we came back and the next day, which is today Ty said that he needed that shot last week!" Georgie ran out of breath.
"Wait hold on. Strangles?! Where's Ty?" Jack asked.
"In the barn."

"Ty!" Jack yelled in the barn.
"Yeah?" Ty said.
"Strangles?! Are you serious?!" Jack said.
"Im pretty sure it has just effected Trouble and Phoenix, but I'm looking at the other horses." Ty said.
"I thought Trouble's shots were up to date for another week?" Jack said.
"I know I know. Scott must have mixed up Trouble's files with Phoenix's file. But since the last strangles incident, I'm much more prepared for this thing Jack." Ty said.
"What do you need me to do?" Jack asked.
"Get anyone in the house that can help. We need to clean everything." Ty said. Jack nodded then went to go gather the family.

     Georgie was brushing down Trouble.
"You're going to be okay. Easy boy. Easy." She patted him.
"Hey Georgie. Let me see if that medicine is having affect on him yet." Ty asked.
"Has it already been two hours since his last dose?" Georgie asked.
"Yeah. How bout you go see if any of the other horses need help while I will stay here helping Trouble." Ty asked.
"Wait, other horses?! Who? Phoenix?" Georgie cried. Ty looked at Georgie but didn't say anything. Georgie ran to Phoenix's sick stall. He was the only heartland horse near Trouble. "No no!" She came into the stall and saw medicine bags hanging up on a rack. "You're so sweaty!" Georgie immediately started to brush him off.
"Georgie," Amy started.
"This is all my fault. I should have never taken them near that stupid horse. Or that rodeo!"
"Wait what horse?" Amy said.  Georgie looked and blushed with embarrassment. Then she explained everything that happened to Amy, Jack, and Ty.

"This is all my fault!" Georgie cried.
"No its not. You didn't know that horse had strangles or that Trouble was a week behind in his shots." Jack said.
"Yeah and we caught it early!" Ty said.
"Its just going to get worse." Georgie ran out of the barn.
"Georgie!" Amy called to her.
"N- Amy. Let her blow off some steam." Jack said putting his hands on Amy's shoulders.

About an hour later Tim walked into the barn. "What the hell is going on? There is horses in the sick stalls wha.?" Tim said.
"Trouble has strangles." Ty said.
"Strangles?! Again?!" Tim yelled.
"Dad. Less yelling more helping." Amy said holding a saddle and cleaning rag up to him. Tim ripped the rag out of Amy's hands. He was upset. Last time heartland had strangles, his horse, Pegasus died. "Who all has it?" Tim asked.
"For now just Trouble and Phoenix." Ty said. Tim sighed. "Where is Georgie?" Tim asked.
"Out by her boys." Amy pointed out by the sick stalls.

  Tim walked out by Georgie who was in Phoenix's stall brushing him down and trying to get him to eat. "Georgie. Let me help you." Tim grabbed a brush.
"You can do Trouble." Georgie said.
Tim nodded and went into Trouble's stall. "You know Ty is doing everything he can to help your horses." Tim said.
"Yeah I know and I'm grateful but guilty." Georgie sighed.
"What why?" Tim looked at her.
"Cause I brought Trouble next to a sick horse without knowing it was sick at the rodeo parking lot." Georgie said.
"Georgie. You didn't know. At least we caught it early." Tim said.
"Yeah only early enough to make both of my horses sick." Georgie sighed.
"Wow guess this isn't a good time then." Tim mumbled under his breath.
"What wasn't a good time to say?" Georgie asked. Tim sighed.

It was dinner time. Everyone was exhausted and ready to eat. It wasn't a fancy meal since everyone was cleaning all day. "I'm sorry it wasn't a fancy meal." Lou said.
"No no. Its still good. And we brought some leftover sandwiches from the loft too." Amy said.
"So Tim. What were you going to say out by Phoenix and Trouble?" Georgie asked.
"What by them? I don't remember." Tim said biting into his sandwich.
"C'mon. You are a terrible liar." Georgie laughed. Everyone stared at Tim. "Yeah dad what is this all about?" Lou asked.
"Uhh. Well," Tim cleared his throat. "So the other day at my meeting uh, my manager asked me if I wanted to fix up a new rodeo school." Tim said.
"Wow dad. Is this going to be close or..?" Amy asked.
"Actually its in uh, Texas." Tim coughed.
"Texas?! Are you kidding me? Again?" Lou yelled.
"Now it won't be for long. Its just to get the school started and," Tim was interrupted.
"Oh now you're considering?" Amy said.
"No I,"
"I can't believe this dad. At a time like this? The horses? Us?" Lou said.
"You know this was an opportunity for me to expand my school. But I guess that's not happening now is it." Tim stormed out of the room.
"Look at you two. Its you're father for Pete's sake! He didn't go last time because they needed him at the school all the time. This opportunity could EXPAND his school!" Jack yelled. Lou and Amy left the table. "Amy." Ty walked after her.
Ty walked outside. He saw Amy heading into the barn. "Amy stop." Ty grabbed her arm.
"I-I can't believe this! He's going?!" Amy stuttered.
"Amy look at you! This is your dad. He has an amazing opportunity. And its not even going to be that long!" Ty said.
"N-no! You don't understand! My mom wasn't here for my wedding and she sure won't be here for this baby. I want my father to be here when this baby is born!" Amy cried.
"Come here," Ty held her hands. "He said he's going to be gone a month. You will be almost 8 months pregnant. That's not when the baby will come. Im sure of it." Ty said.
"What if something happens to the baby? What if-"
"Nothing is going to happen." Ty hugged Amy. "It's gonna be okay." Ty whispered into her ear.

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