Chapter four; Leaning Onto for Support

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Amy was chilling on the couch one morning and started to feel pain. She knew what it was. She'd felt it before but it was much more painful. "Ah. Uh ooh! Jhah! Ugh!" Amy stood up.
"Ugh!" Amy grabbed her stomach.
"Hey Amy do you know if-Amy! Is everything okay?! Whats wrong?!" Ty ran to her side.
"Ugh yeah. Its just braxdon hicks contractions. Apparently totally normal at this time." Amy said.
"Your sure?" Ty put his hand on her back.
"Yes. I just need some water." Amy said.
"Okay I will get it." Ty ran to the counter.

Lou was on the phone with her friend Nichole. "What?! Really?! Oh Nichole! How sweet!" Lou said over the phone.
"What's going on with Lou? Georgie asked Jack.
"Well whatever it is, she sounds pretty happy." Jack said.
"Guys. You will never believe what Nichole is doing for me. She bought me a ticket to go to New York for my birthday!" Lou said.
"Mom! That's so cool!" Georgie said.
"Well when are you leaving?" Jack asked.
"Next weekend. Oh my gosh! I haven't been to New York for so long! I miss it. I have to go tell Amy." Lou rushed out the door. Georgie and Jack looked at each other and laughed.

"Is everyone good? Yes? Ok," Lou covered her eyes walking up the stairs to the loft. "Amy I need to tell you something." Lou sat on the couch next to Amy.
"Well what is it?" Amy sat up.
"Nichole bought me a ticket to New York!" Lou squealed.
"Wow Lou!" Ty walked over.
"Yeah! Is this a birthday present or-" Amy asked.
"Yeah it my present. I can't wait!" Lou said.
"Well I'm really happy for you!" Amy hugged Lou.

      Back at the house, Jack was warming up his coffee and Tim walked in. "Haven't seen you for awhile." Jack said.
"Well good morning to you too. Listen I need your help with something." Tim said.
"Ah! No." Jack said.
"I haven't even told you what it is! I need you to help me with the rodeo school today. I have a meeting with business manager. Its really important." Tim looked at Jack.
"Oh all right I'll do it." Jack sighed.
"You won't regret this." Tim said walking out of the door. Jack sarcastically laughed.

   Georgie was dropped off from school in the afternoon. "Georgie wait!" Adam called to her.
"Yeah?" She turned around.
"We had a study date? Remember? Science test Monday?" Adam asked.
"Oh right. Come on. I will race you!" Georgie started running.
"Hey! Come on I have a ton of books!" Adam started to run after her.

    "Hey Amy I got to get to work." Ty said grabbing his vet case.
"But you just came home!" Amy said grabbing his sides.
"I know. Scott is busy getting everything ready for his move to Calgary. So I need to help a little more cause Cass isn't partner yet." Ty said hugging Amy.
"Alright. But this will end soon, right?" Amy asked.
"As soon as Scott leaves." Ty kissed her.
"I guess I can live with that for now." Amy kissed him back. Then purposely without thinking, Ty fell back onto the couch with Amy on top of him.
"Ty! Be careful!" Amy said standing up.
"Oh I'm sorry! Is the baby ok?"  Ty said placing his hands on Amy's tummy.
"Just perfect." Amy grabbed his hands, then kissed again.  Ty kissed back but then pulled away. "Ok now I really have to go."
"See ya." Ty left.

At Tim's rodeo school, Jade, Clay, and four other boys showed up. "OK let's get started!" Jack yelled. Jade was at first riding her enemy horse, Whiplash, who actually broke her ankle. "You ready to ride him again?" Jack patted Jade's back.
"Yeah. Im actually ready for him now." Jade grabbed the rope.
"Now listen, before you go off make sure you keep one hand in the air and-"
"Spurring. I know." Jade interrupted Jack.
"Alright." Jack smiled. Jade took in a breath, exhaled, then nodded. The gate flew open. Whiplash was ready to rumble. He started out with huge bucks then went off at a rearing jump. He curled in his head as tight as it would go. Jade kept on spurring. Whiplash threw a buck that almost made Jade go flying. "Jade! Double grab!" Jack yelled from the chute. But Jade didn't double grab. She pulled that rope harder and spurred like she never had spurred before. Clay wanted to melt. He saw her perfection in just a few seconds and jealously poured over him. Then after a eight seconds, the bell went off. Caleb ran on his cow pony to go grab Jade. Jade flew off whiplash and onto Caleb's horse. "That was one hell of a ride." Jack said as Jade came back to the chute. "Thanks. Your turn Clay."
Jade smirked.

   Amy was on her computer looking at baby strollers. Lou walked up the stairs. "Hey Amy. Whatcha doing?" Lou asked.
"You know? I don't know anymore! It feels like I have been just looking and looking at baby things and have no idea what to buy or do! I don't want Ty to know I am feeling like this cause he thinks we have it under control. The truth is we don't!" Amy said.
"Woah woah. Wait. Hold up. What don't you have under control?" Lou asked.
"Babies! We don't everyone is right. I don't even have clothes for it." Amy sighed.
"I can change that." Lou picked up a bin and placed it onto Amy's kitchen table.
"Oh Lou! These were Katie's!" Amy said looking through the bin.
"Not anymore. They are my little niece's." Lou said.
Amy scoffed. "Or nephew's."
"Right." Lou laughed. "But seriously take these clothes."
"Oh thank you Lou!" Amy hugged Lou.
"Your welcome. And you will defiantly put them to use." Lou smiled.

  Tim got out of his meeting in town. He walked back to his truck. He sat and opened a folder from his manager. On it, it said "Texas Rodeo School 2.0".
Tim was shocked that they had asked Tim to go to Texas again. Even though he didn't go last time, he was thinking of reconsidering. Maybe he'd just go to get it started then hire an instructor.
Tim sighed, then left the parking lot. He grabbed his phone and called Casey.
"Hey. I have to tell you something." Tim said.
"What that?" Casey asked over the phone.
"I just got asked to start a rodeo school in Texas again. I think I'm considering."
"Oh wow Tim! Again? That's amazing! You need to go this time."
"You think so?"
"Don't tell anyone. Especially Jade and Clay. I may take Jade with me to help get it started."
"What about the school here?"
"I have got it covered. But listen I have to go."
"Okay love you!" Casey said.
"Bye." Tim hung up the phone.

Sorry for the wait. It took a while to write. So hope you enjoyed it. Another chapter coming as soon as I can make it.

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