Chapter evelen; Love with a sickness; Part two

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Writers POV)
It was around 6:00 in the afternoon. Lisa was starting dinner with the help of Katie and Georgie was outside in the the barn polishing her trick riding saddle. As she scrubbed, Georgie didn't blink. Her mind couldn't stop replaying her and Adam's conversation. How could this happen now of all times? Amy walked into the barn from the back pasture. She eyed Georgie scrubbing way too hard at her saddle.
"Georgie if you're going to scrub that hard, the leather is going to fade off." Amy said changing Coppers water.
"Sorry," Georgie slowed down. "I guess I'm distracted."
"Adam?" Amy asked.
"Yeah. I still can't believe he's moving." Georgie sighed.
"I know it must be hard. You know this decision shouldn't be yours to make. If you and Adam are together, you need to make this decision together." Amy said.
"So, I should talk to him?" Georgie asked.
"Yeah," Amy nodded. "See what he thinks. Then you can tell him you're feelings. You should be able to work something out. All you need to do is to listen."
"So talking about a problem together, could solve our problem? Wow that makes sense. Why didn't I think of that?" Georgie placed her saddle on the rack.
"You were too focused on Adam's question. Just talk it out. Im sure you'll make something work," Amy smiled. "Hey I have to run into town today so wanna come with me and go talk to Adam?"
"I would, but I haven' know, know what my feelings are yet." Georgie fingered her sleeve.
"Oh alright. I guess it's you're own time then. Since you're staying, I need you to fill the water trough for the horses." Amy said walking out of the barn.
"Oh Amy? Any luck with Spartan?" Georgie stopped Amy.
Amy shook her head with a fake smile. "No. I don't know what's gotten into him. Well whatever we don't need to worry about that now. I'll see you later." Amy said climbing into Ty's truck.
Georgie waved.

    Georgie's POV)

I walked into the house smelling fresh rolls and spaghetti.
"Lisa that smells amazing!" I say peeking over her shoulder.
"Hey I made it too!" Katie whined.
"Yes she did and a good job at that." Lisa winked at Katie as her big grin grew.
I looked around for Jack. He wasn't anywhere in sight. Maybe Lisa knows.
"Hey Lisa? Where...where's Jack?" I asked.
"Umm...actually I have no idea. I'd thought he'd be back from the cattle drive by now. Maybe they just stayed late and went into town." Lisa stirred the spaghetti.
"Maybe...maybe you should call him?" I didn't want to call him myself especially since Lisa was his wife who should be worrying.
"Yeah I think I just might do that." Lisa set down a towel and grabbed the home phone.
I waited for Jack's voice to answer the phone. All I heard was the sound of the phone ringing.
"Hmm," Lisa set down the phone. "He should call back. Right?" Lisa asked me.
I didn't know how to react but with a simple nod.
"Oh...Kay..umm so its almost dinner. Can you go get Ty? He's been working all day and Amy won't have time to make dinner." Lisa asked.
"Yeah sure." I walked out of the house towards the barn.

   Once I entered, I heard noises upstairs in the loft. I walked upstairs to see Ty moving furniture.
"Umm..what are you doing?" I asked.
"Oh hey. I uh..I was looking for more loose boards just incase. These things are so damn..-dang cheap." Ty laughed realizing that I was in the room.
"Uh dinner is ready if you want to eat with us." I giggled a little.
"Yeah sure I'll be there. Thanks." Ty said as he continued to search.
"Um what ever happened to the puppy?" I asked.
"Oh that puppy. Yeah Bob found a family who was willing to adopt him. Everything checked out well so he's with them now." Ty said.
I was a little disappointed. I loved that little pup. "Oh," I say casually. "That's good I guess. See you at dinner." I walked down stairs. 
"Alright." Ty said.

Writers POV)
It was quiet at the dinner table. Georgie didn't even look up, Lisa barely touched her food, Katie was scarfing her food down, and Ty just looked confused.
"Umm," Ty started. "Is everything okay here?"
"He's missing." Katie blurted out.
"Who's missing?" Amy walked through the front door.
"GG." Katie took a bite of her food.
"No no, he's not. He's just delayed that's all. Nothing to worry about."
"Grandpas missing? With Mitch?" Amy sat down next to Ty.
"Nobody is missing!" Lisa shouted. Everyone was shocked but they knew she was upset.
"Im..I'm sorry. I have... I have to um wash up these dishes." Lisa stood up and walked into the kitchen.
"Georgie, what's going on?" Amy asked.
Georgie picked at her food. "Lots of things I guess." Georgie whispered the last words.
"What happened to Mitch and grandpa?" Amy didn't take her eyes off Georgie.
"They should have been back hours ago but they aren't. Shouldn't you be more worried about Spartan? He hates you remember!?" Georgie stood up with her plate and walked into the kitchen.
"Georgie you don't mean that!" Ty called back to Georgie.
"No, Ty. Its okay. She's just stressed. About Adam. He asked her if they wanted to break up since he's moving away," Amy stabbed a carrot with her fork. "Ty, what is going on?" Amy turned to Ty.
"I don't know. I don't know." Ty rubbed her back.

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