Chapter seventeen; Hope for Tomorrow

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     Amy was now 9 and a half months pregnant. She was so big, she could barely get up out of bed. Ty had been gone with Lou, Lisa, and Jack at James and Elizabeth's trial. Peter had to be there since he was a big part of this.
Amy wondered how Lou would do. She hasn't seen Peter since he proposed.
Amy rolled over to look Ty's empty spot in their bed.
She sighed and attempted to get out of bed. She heard a noise outside. It sounded like a big truck. Amy walked over to the window to see Caleb driving a huge pickup truck pulling a trailer.
Amy threw on her coat and boots and went downstairs.
"Hey Amy!" Caleb called. "Got something for ya." Caleb opened the trailer to two horses. Almost identical.
"Twins," Caleb said walking into the trailer to grab their leads. "Aren't they beautiful?"
"Yeah they are beautiful," Amy rubbed their necks. "But why are they here?"
"Well they are actually Roman riding horses. They are my friends daughter's. They have trouble staying in sync."
"Okay," Amy sighed and rubbed the circles under her eyes. "Why couldn't he just have dropped them off?"
"Well I was coming here and I thought I'd talked them for him. His daughter can come by anytime though." Caleb said.
"Alright. I'll ask Georgie to help me. I'll see what u can do." Amy tried to keep herself from yawning.
"Thanks but you okay?" Caleb asked.
"What do you mean?" Amy responded.
"I don't know you just seem a little tired." Caleb said.
"This third it would be much worse if Ty wasn't here but it's still tiring. No sleep, always hurting sides, tired feet, oh Caleb I can go on." Amy said.
"Wow. Never heard you complain about something so much." Caleb laughed.
"You haven't the slightest idea of what it's like. I suggest you stop where you are, Odell." Amy gave him a look,
"Woah. Just saying." Caleb said.
"Sorry, im just really tired. Im going to try to get some sleep then I will work with them." Amy sighed.
"Alright great. Thanks for you're help." Caleb got back into his truck.
"Bye." Amy waved as she walked the horses into stalls.

Georgie was with Jade in the diner working an early shift.
"You know I don't understand why Tim has us working an early shift all the time." Jade said filling up coffee cups.
"He says it's because we are young and have "the energy"." Georgie laughed.
Jade scoffed. "Yeah because after riding broncs all day before im supposed to wake up and think I have SO much energy."
"Well at least we have a job." Georgie said.
"Yeah I guess." Jade said serving breakfast.
"So how's everyone's morning?" Tim asked walking into the kitchen area.
"Full of energy." Jade said sarcastically.
"Great cause you're going to need it." Tim said starting to walk away.
"Wait why?" Georgie and Jade asked.
"Because we are hosting an event today." Tim said.
"There's an event?!" Jade said.
"Lou didn't tell you? Whoops. Well we are hosting a free pancake service for all those who have helped in Hudson's community fundraising parade yesterday. It'll be great." Tim said walking out of the diner.
"Wow. We always know last minute." Jade laughed.
"Oh c'mon it won't be that bad. You'll see. You can get Clay to help." Georgi suggested.
"And you can get Stephen too." Jade said.
"I don't know. He just moved in I don't want to bother him." Georgie said.
Jade shrugged.
The Maggie's door opened. And out of the blue, Stephen walked in.
"Well it couldn't be a better time." Jade said walking over to Stephen.
"Stephen?" Georgie asked.
"Hey Georgie!" Stephen said hugging Georgie.
"Wow. I guess our meet ups are always at Maggie's." Georgie laughed.
"Yeah I guess it is. I rode up to you're house but Jack said you were at the diner. So I came here." Stephen said.
"Well we are so glad you're here because we need you're help." Jade said pulling Stephen by the arm to the kitchen.
"Okay sure. What's up?" Stephen asked.
"Well Tim and Lou are hosting this pancake thingy later today for all the volunteers in the Hudson fundraiser parade yesterday. We need help making pancakes." Georgie said.
"Sounds cool." Stephen said.
"Can you cook?" Jade asked.
"Im pretty good with a griddle." Stephen replied.
Georgie smiled.

Mitch and Lou were at the dude ranch painting the inside of one of the cabins.
"Im glad the trial went okay. So you find out tomorrow if they are going o be put away?" Mitch asked.
"Yeah. Tomorrow I believe. But could we not talk about it please? I'd rather focus on the pain job." Lou said.
"Okay no problem...So you don't want the ceiling done?" Mitch asked.
"No that's okay. I want to get this done before the pancake brunch at Maggie's later." Lou said.
"Oh yeah I heard about that. Isn't it something for the volunteers?"
"Yeah it is. We are all pretty excited. Are you going to be there?" Lou asked.
"If you're there." Mitch smiled.
"Who else would keep it under control?" Lou laughed.
Mitch laughed. "You're the best woman for the job."
"Thanks I think," Lou said. "You know we need all the help we could get. If you want to, you could help be a chaperone for the kids at the pancake stand?" Lou asked.
"Oh," Mitch said walking over to Lou. "So you want me to babysit a bunch of kids?"
"Well no not exactly. It's just Georgie, Jade, Stephen, and probably Clay. I just don't want any fires." Lou laughed.
"Yeah I guess I could come." Mitch wrapped his arms around Lou's waist.
"Uh huh. You better." Lou replied.
Mitch started to lean in for a kiss. As soon as he got close enough, Lou wiped paint across his nose.
"Hey!" Mitch laughed and started to chase Lou around with a wet paintbrush. "Come here!"
"No!" Lou laughed.
Mitch caught Lou with his arm and wiped paint across her face.
Lou gasped then laughed. Their eyes met. Mitch leaned down to give her a kiss. Lou stood upward towards Mitch and leaned in as well. Their lips met. It wasn't just a regular kiss. It was one of the most passionate kisses Lou and Mitch have ever had. Once finally pulled apart Mitch said, "Wow."
"Wow." Lou said too.

Home Is Where the Heart Is (A heartland season)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن