Chapter fourteen; Unknown Secrets

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"Amy," Ty walked into the living room where Amy was sitting. "What are you doing out of bed?"
"Ty," Amy sighed. "It's been two weeks. Im fine."
"But you need to take it easy." Ty sat down next to her.
" Really Ty. There is only a tiny bit of pain when I move. It doesn't hurt to breathe anymore. I don't want to be in bed when Nugget comes." Amy lied on Ty's shoulder.
"Please just don't go walking around I mean it. Nuggets due date is in three weeks." Ty said rubbing Amy's belly.
Amy smiled. "I know." She kissed Ty on the cheek.
"But a due date is just a due date Amy. Which means little nugget could come early." Ty said.
"Or later." Amy said.
"What I'm trying to say is just please take it easy. I know how you can't sit still for long." Ty raised his eyebrow.
"Yes I can! I'll show you." Amy laughed.
"Yeah we'll see about that." Ty laughed rubbing his nose on Amy's.
"Mhmm." Amy touched her upper lip onto Ty's lower lip. They closed their eyes then kissed. Their lips locked as they placed their hands onto each other's cheeks.

"Copper, why won't you look at me?" Georgie said looking at Copper in his stall.
She folded her arms and placed them on top of the stall door.
Mitch walked in with a square bale of hay. "Careful. Remember what Jack said?" Mitch asked.
"Yes I do. "Don't go in Coppers stall." I know." Georgie sighed.
"Why don't you just let him out of his stall by the other horses?" Mitch asked.
"Because he's really mean to the other horses. And even if I did another horse, maybe a younger one, would get mad and hurt Copper. I don't know how I'd tell Mallory if he did get hurt." Georgie said.
"So what are you going to do?"
"I don't know. I think he needs to trust me first before I try anything else." Georgie held out her hand.
"Im sure you'll get it. Just don't get hurt." Mitch walked away.
"Yep." Georgie sighed.
Copper turned his ears towards Georgie.
"Hey boy." Georgie said.
"You miss Mallory don't you. Yeah. I miss Adam. He moved today. I bet you felt just as sad when Mallory left." Georgie sighed. Then she had an idea. She rushed out of the barn to the house.

     Georgie raced up to her room and ripped out her laptop. She pulled up messages and went under Mallory.

Hey Mallory! This is Georgie. How have you been? Haven't talked to you in a while. Hope everything's good. Things are going great except for one thing. Copper. I don't want to worry you but he had become a bit agitated over the past few weeks. Got anything that can help him? He doesn't trust anyone yet. I hope you can help.


Georgie sent a message to Mallory. She hoped she didn't just make a big mess out of everything. She took a sigh then closed her laptop.
     Georgie looked over to her bulletin board. It was full of pictures of her and Adam. Ones were Adam kissing her on the cheek and another with his arms wrapped around her shoulders.
     She walked over to the pictures and touched Adams cheek. "I miss you." She whispered.
   Georgie wiped a tear then turned away to go back to her laptop that had made a notification sound.
   She opened the computer but it wasn't Mallory. It was Stephen. 

                 Hey Georgie! I know we haven't talked in a while but how've you been holding up? My friend John back in Hudson said Adam was moving today. I wanted to know if you were okay. I miss you.


  Georgie smiled reading that message. She didn't know if she had ever known anyone more caring than Stephen. Oh how she missed him.

Jade had an early shift at Maggie's. Nobody was there yet so she was just setting up tables and chairs.
Clay walked through the door.
"We aren't open yet." Jade said placing a chair on the floor.
"What? So I'm not a welcomed guest?C'mon you open in five minutes." Clay laughed.
"Six." Jade corrected him.
"Same thing. Anyways, I haven't seen you since that one day a while ago. You know rodeo schools on a break." Clay said.
"About that day," Jade started. "Why did you kiss me?"
"Why did you kiss back?" Clay added.
"That's besides the point..."
"No its not. I kissed you and you kissed back. We have something there like a connection or something."
"HAD a connection. Not anymore." Jade said.
"Why weren't you returning my calls or texts?" Clay asked.
"I've just been busy... you know I just got a sponsor and then this diner..." Jade said scrubbing the counters.
"You got a sponsor?!" Clay shouted.
"Yep. A real good paying one too. I think I'm going to move into Caleb's trailer." Jade said.
"Thats....great I guess." Clay was jealous. He had been trying to get a sponsor for the longest time and to see that Jade had one made him jealous.
"You guess? Its awesome. Now if you're not going to order anything I'll need you to leave." Jade said pointing to the door.
"Alright. Fine." Clay backed up and walk out.

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