I pulled into the hospital's car park and jumped out the car not bothering to lock it. I ran all the way inside and straight to the desk in the A&E department.

"I. Niall Horan. I need to see. Niall Horan!" I gasped out of breath and the receptionist looked at me with sad eyes.

"I'm sorry Sir Mr. Horan can't have visitors right now, the doctors are going over his injuries. Please take a seat and I'll let you know when he's out!" she told me and I couldn't believe my ears, they weren't going to let me see him!

"You have to let me see him, he's my boyfriend. I got a phone call telling me to come up here. He's probably asking for me. I bet he's so scared!" I told the woman as I tried to catch my breath.

"I'm sorry sir, no visitors allowed at the moment. Please take a seat and I will see what I can do!" she stood up and pointed in the direction of the waiting area before going out back and making her way to somewhere.

There was nothing else I could do at this point so I did as she told me and took a seat in the waiting area. As I sat down it finally dawned on me that the other boys didn't know. I quickly pulled out my phone and texted all of them telling them to come to the hospital and that Niall was in an accident. I didn't wait for a reply and thankfully the receptionist came out asking for me.

"Harry Styles!" she called out.

"Yes. Can I see him? What's happened?" I asked frantically.

"Mr. Styles you need to listen to me." she told me as she led the way down a small corridor. "Mr. Horan hurt his head in the accident he has a slight concussion but that isn't the worst. As he tried to walk away from the accident the car blew up and he was sent flying through the air. Now thankfully he didn't sustain any broken bones. Just cuts and bruises but he has some burns that the doctor is assessing. We're letting you through to see him because he may calm down if you're there with him!"

"Burns? Wait is he like going to be scared?" I asked feeling sympathy for my boyfriend.

"At this point we are unsure, but right now he is in a lot of pain. We've given him some medication but he's so hyped up and won't calm down. He just keeps asking for you!" she explained and I nodded understanding how scared he must be right now.

We reached a door with a small glass window and stopped. I glanced over the receptionist's shoulder and peaked inside to see messy blonde hair with some stains of red. Niall! My poor baby. I felt a single tear drop from my eye. Quickly I brushed it away; I have to be strong for him.

"You ready Mr. Styles?" she asked and I nodded.


She opened the door for me to walk through so I did just that. I stepped inside the room and caught Niall's gaze. He looked terrified! I rushed over to the table he was laid on and grabbed his face in my hands.

"Oh Ni, I'm so glad you're ok! I'm here baby; please don't be scared no more I'm here!" I whispered into his ear as I cupped his cheeks in my hands.

"Harry, I was so scared I thought I'd never see you again!" he gasped as tears fell from his eyes.

"It's ok. I'm here now. Just calm down ok. The doctors need to check you over, the burns they need ointment. Please just lay still I promise I won't leave your side!" I told him and he nodded.

I went to step back but Niall grabbed my hand and kept me in front of him. He mouthed stay and lay his head down so the doctors could check him over. I knelt down so I could face him and leant my head against his keeping his hands in mine while I whispered comforting things in his ear as the doctors attended his wounds.

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