Water Slides (BickslowxReader)

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     Bickslow and you decided to go to a wark park for a vacation...bad idea. Bickslow wanted to go on every water slide in the park, he dragged you along with him. "Bickslow can we rest yet?" You asked as he led you to the next water slide. You sighed when he didn't answer you.

     "Look Y/N! We have to go on this one! After that we can take a short break, but it can't be too long or we won't be able to go on every water slide here!" Bickslow smiled sticking his tongue out, you rolled your eyes but smiled. The two of you walked up to the line (which was actually kind of short), once you two got to the front of the line you were handed a tube. Bickslow was the one to carry it because he offered to. 

     You two walked up the stairs to the very top, once you were up there Bickslow set the tube down. The person held it so he could get on, he sat in the back, then they held it so you could get on. You were in the front, once you two were ready the person pushed you down the slide.

Once you reached the bottom you fell off the tube (I've done this when I was younger and my brother had to get me out of the water because I was a very weak swimmer XD). After a moment you popped your head out of the water and saw Bickslow sticking his tongue out. 

     You laughed and walked over to him, grabbing his hand the two of you walked out of the small pool. "I'm hungry, can we eat then go on more water slides?" You asked with puppy eyes, Bickslow laughed but nodded and dragged you out of the water. Once you two sat down with your food you leaned over and gave Bickslow a small peck on the lips.

     "I'm glad we came here for our vacation." You smiled

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