60: Light in the darkness (part 1)

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Note: Edited by Zia Westerman 17/4/2017

A/N: That pic above, with Jeremy (Ed Speleers), brings back so many memories... I had a crush on him when I was 15 xD


Planet: Earth

Location: Camp Jameson

James ran a hand through his hair. He sucked in a large amount of air watching Jewels disappear into the trees. He wanted to follow her, he wanted to kiss her pain away and tell her how much he was truly sorry.

If he could travel back in time he would never have listened to Lucy. She convinced him that Jewels would never wake up, she convinced James he did not love her.

A whimper left James's lips as his fist connected with the concrete wall as he walked through the camp.

"Fuck!" James finally allowed his emotions free. "I messed up," he mumbled to himself. His hand once again found the concrete wall before him, again he lifted his fist and aimed for the wall.

But a hand grabbed his wrist preventing him from hitting the wall before him. "Leave me!" he yelled.

"James, stop." James was startled to find the voice belonging to Jeremy. "You need to—"

"No, you need to stop taking Jewels away from me!" He turned on his heels, now facing Jeremy. "You always do this! First, it was Lucy and now it's Jewels. Why, Jeremy? Why?"

Even though James was yelling and his face was red with rage, Jeremy's own features showed concern, a frown taking over his face when he looked at his broken cousin before him. "James, I'm sorry you think I take them. I never thought like that before, they always come to me after you—" he paused, thinking twice about what he was about to say. "I mean, when they leave you, for some reason they come to me."

Jeremy took hold of James's hand, his eyes narrowing at James's bleeding knuckles. "I don't know why they do it, James, I don't know. But I'm so sorry, you know I would never do anything to hurt you."

"Well, you did." James had the urge to cry, he had never cried in front of Jeremy. It was always when he was alone yet he couldn't stop the tears as they spilt over the rims and rolled down his red cheeks. "I love her, Jeremy, I love her so much."

"If you love her why did you give up on her?" His gaze locked with James's, his blue eyes burning into hazel ones. "Why did you say she wouldn't wake up? And then you went back with Lucy—" an idea sparked in Jeremy's mind, his eyes widening as his thumb stroked James's injured hand. "It was Lucy, wasn't it? She got the idea in your head."

James briefly closed his eyes. "Yeah, she convinced me Jewels would never wake up."

"And you believed her." This time it was Jeremy who got mad, he didn't understand the power Lucy holds over James. "Why did you believe her, James? You know she lies!"

"I—" James's head fell in defeat, his heart breaking into a million pieces. "What can I do to make her love me again?"

"Nothing." Upon that single word leaving Jeremy's lips, James's head shot up. "You can't just make someone love you," Jeremy's hand landed on his black-haired cousin's shoulder. "That's not how love works."

"And you would know, wouldn't you?" James bit back, his voice laced with anger. "You're making Jewels fall in love with you."

Jeremy stepped backwards, his hand falling from James's shoulder. "You're not listening to me! That's your problem, James, you never listen. This is why you can't stay with one girl."

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