14: She who saves

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Note: Edited by Zia Westerman 6/4/2017


Two Earth days later ...

Planet: Earth

Location: Camp Jameson

I stayed in the place of healing for the past two nights while the priest, well, doctor as humans called them, avoided me. After Jeremy had ordered Tom to make me better, he gave me a place to lay then I hardly saw him, only when he gave me food.

Even after resting for the two days I did not feel any better than when I had woken up. I was feeling lost, alone and abandoned.

A sigh escaped from my throat as I swung my legs over the edge of the place I had laid. I brought my hands up to my face and wiped them in a downwards motion, and as they reached my chin I left them there and rested my elbows on my knees.

I have not seen Jeremy or James for two days. Lucy came in here for a few hours, she did see me but she did not speak to me and I did not speak to her.

Ever since I saved the camp, people being healed by the priest—I mean doctor, Tom, whatever, kept staring at me, mumbling things I did not understand. They called me a creep, strange, weird, bizarre, a freak, and they even said I was dangerous.

Removing my hands from my face I got to my feet.

"Where do you think you're going, girl?"

I turned around to find the doctor standing behind me with his eyebrows raised. "Doctor Tom."

"It's Tom."

I ignored him. "Away from here. I cannot stay here any longer."

"I don't think so." He folded his arms and took a step towards me, and said, "I have orders to keep you here, you're not allowed to leave until James or Jeremy says otherwise."

"I am a prisoner?" When he did not answer I began to feel the energy rise to the surface. Tom noticed and was quick to stand in front of me. I did not want to be a prisoner again. "Remove yourself from my way."


"You do not know what I am capable of." Every vein in me glowed, I reached out and grabbed him by his shirt pulling him to me. "I can kill you just by touching your flesh and there is nothing stopping me from doing it."

"You won't do it."

My head snapped around to the sound of a voice I had not heard since I woke up. "James?"

He stood a few beds away from me, his gun in his hand, pointing it in my direction. "Step away from doc."

I did as he said, tearing my hand from Tom's shirt but not before I pushed him roughly away from me. "You cannot keep me here!"

"Calm down, we're—"

"Do not tell me to calm down! I am not your prisoner!" I grew frustrated, I could not believe these people. I saved them, for what? To become a prisoner again?

My eyes watched James's gun, he was quick to put it back inside the holster on his waist. "I am not your prisoner. I was not sent here to become a prisoner of war! I was sent here to be away from a war to save my own people!" I did not realise the tears which now rolled down my cheeks until I dropped to the floor on my knees. James was quick to run over and knelt next to me. "I am not a prisoner."

"Jewels, you're not one. I don't know why you think we were keeping you here because you were free to leave at any time." His voice was different from Tom's, it carried the emotion sadness in every word he said.

I could feel my bottom lip tremble as the first sob ripped through my body, having the same effect as that of an earth-shake. "I feel alone," I told James, watching as he raised his hand to wipe my cheeks but he retracted his hand and placed it on my shoulder.

"You're not alone, Jewels," he told me, but it was a lie.

I shook my head, allowing my own emotions to control my body. "Oh, but I am, I am so alone."


"I was abandoned! And now ..." My eyes locked with his, I could feel all the pain within me seeping to the surface. "I have no home." More sobs escaped my parted lips. "I am so very alone."

"You can stay here at Camp Jameson, we can be your hom—"

"No! My home is far away from here. My real home—the place I was hatched. The place I was sent away from, the place I love, the place that will forever be lost to me. The place I-I ..." I could not finish my sentence for the tears, sobs and cries rippled throughout my body causing it to shake, and I could not stop them.

James did something I would never have guessed he would do.

He simply opened his arms and encased them around me, pulling my shaking body against his chest. I could feel the warmth from James's body, I could feel the one thing I have not felt since I first arrived all those years ago.

I felt safe.

James's hands ran up and down my back and then in small circular movements. "Come back with me to my house," he said, standing up with me still in his arms.

I nodded because I had nowhere else to go, I had no place to lay at night.

"She's not well enough to leave yet." Tom stands in front of us.

This caused James to pull his arms from around me, he looked straight at the doctor. "She's leaving with me, Tom, if you have a problem with it take it up with Jeremy. But he's a little busy with building a raiding party, so I'm sure he doesn't want to be disturbed."

"Fine, she can leave."

And we did leave, but there was something else that surprised me.

Upon exiting the place of healing we were greeted by a large crowd that had gathered outside the doors. There were clothes, food, blankets and other supplies laid out in front of me.

"What is this?" I turned to James, who smiled and pointed to someone in the crowd. I saw a small girl, it was the girl who had begged me to save her mother.

"Jewels!" she screamed pushing through the crowd. I knelt down and opened my arms, she runs straight into them wrapping her own small arms around my body. "You saved my mum and you saved us all, you're my hero, Jewels." I could feel her body tremble and she begins to sob.

James moved so he was standing behind me. "Jewels, the villages have gathered all of this to say thank you."

"You're one of us now." Jeremy made his way through the crowd and stands next to us. He motions for me to stand up, so I do, letting go of the small girl, who runs back to her mother.

James and Jeremy grabbed my hands and held them in the air. "Give it up for Jewels! Camp Jameson's newest member!"

The second those words left their mouths I burst into tears, and the large crowd cheers.

"Jewels! Jewels! Jewels!" they chanted, louder and louder.

My arm was released by Jeremy but James did not let go, instead he takes my hand in his, and said into my ear, "Looks like you do have a home after all." 


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