57: Never say goodbye

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Note: Edited by Zia Westerman 16/4/2017


Planet: Earth

Location: ROGS Compound

My head snapped to the side as Mick rose up from the ground. Brett appeared at his side with a smile on his face.

"Have a nice nap, did you?" Brett's smile faded as he looked at Jeremy's motionless body.

Mick rubbed the top of his forehead. "I'm okay, what about—" I watched Mick's eyes fall on Jeremy, a frown taking over his facial features. "Jeremy?"

"He's gone," James's arms were wrapped tightly around me. "He's gone, Mick," his tone was laced with disappointment.

I could not believe James had given up on Jeremy when they were family. I would never give up on my family.

I frowned at his words. "You may have given up, but not me." I peeled James's arms off me, and before he could question me, I stood up and made my way over to Jeremy once again.

Looking back at James, I said, "I will not give up on you, Jeremy." I allowed the energy to flow through my arms and into my hands, causing them to glow. "Do not give up on us!" I lifted them up into the air and then slammed them down onto Jeremy's chest.

The impact created a blinding light and throws me backwards into James, who catches me in his arms.

"Jewels, what did you do?" James's voice echoed in my ear, but I had no strength to answer him.

If I could answer I would tell him I just risked my own life to save Jeremy's. I forced almost all of the energy from me into his body.

James looked down at me, his face showing worry. I could feel myself beginning to be consumed by darkness. "Jewels, hey ... keep your eyes open!"

"I cannot," I managed to say and I was surprised how weak my voice sounded. "J-James," my hand reaches up to his face but he grabs it. "J-James, forgive me."

"What? Jewels, why?"

"I am sorry." I could feel my heart beginning to beat slower.


"I love you, James." My eyelids finally closed as I gave in to the darkness.


"Jewels," a voice I had not heard in a long time called me. "Daughter."

Opening my eyes I am shocked to find myself standing in an ocean of white, but I am even more shocked with the person standing in front of me. "Mother? But how?"

"You are—" she briefly pauses, "as the humans call it, dead."

I shakily stood up and walked over to her. "It cannot be."

"I am sorry, daughter, but it is." She reaches out and wipes a fallen tear from my cheek. "Why do you cry?"

"Did I save him?"

"Who?" Her hand rested on my cheek as her eyes searched my face. "You mean the human boy?" I nodded. "Jewels, I cannot tell you."

"Mother, I do not want to leave them," I cried as she engulfed me in a hug. "I am not finished on Earth, I must save them from the Zutorians."

"I know my, daughter. And that is why I am sending you back."

I looked up at her. "What do you mean?"

"Your time is not yet, but do not be afraid, Jewels, we will meet again."

I opened my mouth to speak but my mother places two fingers on my forehead and then a blinding light takes over my vision.

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