56: Shattered pieces

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Note: Edited by Zia Westerman 16/4/2017


Many Earth years ago ...

Planet: Everotorn

Location: Royal Citadel

"Mother!" I sobbed as her lifeless body laid in front of me.

Her body was unrecognisable; the blonde hair which once cascaded down her back and covered her head was gone, her beautiful skin burnt. And it was all my fault because I could not control this curse within me.

My mother was now sleeping forever.

"I told you, Father, I am cursed!" I yelled picking up my mother's head and laying it carefully on my lap. Drop by drop, tears rolled off my eye brims and tumbled down my cheeks. "It is a curse, I am nothing but—"

"Daughter, do not think like that."

My eyes lifted to my father who stood before me. "How can you possibly say that? I have brought sleep on Mother!" I told him, my gaze once again falling on my mother.

I see the shadow of my father come closer, indicating he was now in front of me. He placed his hand on my shoulder. "I believe in you, Jewels, my precious daughter." I looked up to meet his eyes. "You need to believe in yourself, this power inside of you has beauty in it. You can take life but you can also give it."


"No, listen to me, Jewels, you need to bring her back. Do not doubt yourself, do not question your abilities. Just do."

I shake my head, my bottom lip trembling. "But what if—"

"There is no if," his hand lands on my cheek and wipes the tears away. "I believe in you and your mother believes in you. You can do this, I know you can."

Briefly closing my eyes I allowed the energy within to surface. I could feel it flowing through my veins making them glow.

I place one hand on my mother's forehead and one on her chest, holding her against me. I closed my eyes.

"You can do this, Jewels. I know you can," my father encouraged me.

I focused all my thoughts on my burnt mother. The energy rushes from my hands and into her body only this time instead of it destroying her, the energy restored her body.

Both of us glowed so brightly, I could see the light through my closed eyelids.

"Ahhhhhhh!" I released a scream as pain erupted across my own body. The lack of energy within me hurts, it hurts so much. "Father!"

"Jewels! That's enough!" His hands suddenly comes in contact with both of mine and instantly the energy stops flowing. I felt him remove my hands from my mother's skin. "That's enough, daughter," he whispered into my ear as I tried to calm my breathing. "Open your eyes."

When I do, my vision returned to normal, I gasp and tears rolled down my cheeks. I felt extremely weak. "Mother."

The last thing I saw were her beautiful blue orbs open and her reaching up and touching my cheek. "You saved me," she said then there was only darkness. "Jewels!"


Present time ...

Planet: Earth

Location: ROGS compound

James's eyes started to water then tears flowed down his cheeks and dripped onto Jeremy's pale forehead. "You can't be dead, Jer! You can't leave me like this!" his cries were heartbreaking, even Brett's bottom lip trembled as he tried to hold back his own tears.

I knelt next to James. "Let me see him," I said softly, causing the black-haired man to look up at me wiping away tears. "Please, James, you must go to the door and watch for Derek's men."

"I won't leave him."

"Boss, she's right," Brett agreed standing to his feet after he placed a jacket over Mick who was still unconscious. "James."

James released a groan. "You can save him, yeah?"

"I do not know, but I will try," my answer caused James to crash his lips upon mine, but before I get the chance to kiss back he pulls away. "Go."

Nodding James stood up and began to make his way over to Brett but he stops and looks over his shoulder, "I love you, Jewels."

"I know you do." I flashed him a smile before turning my attention back to Jeremy, who lays on the floor beneath me.

I did not know if this would work but I would try.

Memories of when I had brought my mother's spirit back into her body filled my mind. I repeated the same process I had done with her by placing one hand on Jeremy's cold and pale forehead and my other on his chest.

"Please work." I lowered my head until it was resting on top of Jeremy's. "Your camp needs you Jeremy, James needs you, I need you," I said in a mere whisper.

I released a grunt as I felt the energy rising to the surface, pulsing through my veins. "He is worth saving," I muttered to myself. "You are worth saving, Jeremy." And with that being said, the energy races from my body and into Jeremy's.

Both of us glowed brightly, emitting a light into the darkened room. I could feel my body becoming weaker, but still I forced the energy into his body.

"Jeremy," this time it was I who cried. "Come back to us, come back to me." I focused my mind on his lifeless body forcing the energy to repair the damaged man laying in front of me.

"I believe in you, your mother believes in you. You can do this, I know you can," my father's voice appeared in my mind.

Taking his advice, I repeated the words, "I can do this!" over and over in mind.

With a final push along with a scream, I released a blast of energy so powerful I was knocked over and the surrounding walls and ground shook. When the burst of light disappeared I was left lying on the cold ground, panting and feeling utterly weakened.

James rushed to my side and lifts me up onto his lap. "Jewels! Speak to me!" he begged, worry laced in his voice. "Open your eyes, babe! Please."

After a while I managed to open my eyes. "D-did I do it?" I asked. James looked back to Jeremy and I followed his gaze. Jeremy's body was still motionless as the energy subsided from within his body. James's shook his head and I frowned. "I-I am s-so sorry, James. I failed—"

"J-Jam-es?" a voice much weaker than my own spoke.


*Clears Throat* Well then....

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