33: A sign

138 37 34

Note: Edited by Zia Westerman 14/4/2017


Planet: Earth

Location: Camp Jameson

Lucy was somewhere out there.

I could see James's body tense up, he turned and looked at me. "Jewels."

"I know."

Mick was now standing beside Brett, both of them kept gazing between and James and me waiting for James to speak but he does not say anything straight away.

Inhaling, James finally spoke, "Does Jeremy know?"

"Yeah, he's doubled security," Brett replied crossing his arms across his chest. Mick nodded in agreement.

"Triple it, no one leaves camp without any of us knowing," James told both men, who once again nodded their heads. "And I want the entire camp searched, I want her found!"

"You got it, boss." Mick turned on his heels and left while Brett scratched the back of his neck. He opened his mouth as if he was about to say something then followed Mick out.

James pinched the bridge of his nose and begun to pace around the bed. "I can't believe she's escaped!"

"They will find her." I stood to my feet and reached out for his hand, "James, please."

"No! You have no idea how furious I am right now!" The way he yelled caused me to step away from him, he notices and his features soften. "I'm sorry." This time it was he who reached for me. "I'm sorry for yelling, Jewels," James said. he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to his chest.


It was, as humans say, midday and the sun was high above our heads. I walked through the camp helping them search for Lucy, there had been no sign of her since she mysteriously escaped. No one knew how she managed to escape, Tom was convinced someone aided her.

"Stop giving me excuses!" I followed the sound of Jeremy's voice, I turned down a narrow road between the back of some huts. "I don't give a damn! Find her!"

Jeremy's back was turned to me, he pushes a guard who was quick to walk away. "I can't believe how hard it is to find—"


Jeremy shifted on one foot then turned around and made eye contact with me. "What are you doing here?"

"Same as you," I responded walking up to him, but he takes a step away from me. "What is it? Why have you been avoiding me? Have I done something wrong? Do I not—"

"No, it's not you," he sighed, taking a bottle of water out of a small bag. He brings it to his mouth and takes a sip. "It's me, Jewels, I know you're dating James and well—I just don't want to see you hurt because I know what James is like, he'll hurt you."

"You do not know that—"

"I do! I've seen it! He's hurt many girls in the past!" Jeremy walked towards me until he was right in front of me. "I don't want to see you hurt," he whispered reaching his hand out he tucks a loose strand of my blonde hair and tucks it behind my ear. "I hate seeing you sad."

I closed my eyes and felt his hand move from my hair to my cheek. Jeremy runs his fingers slowly over my skin. "Jewels," he breathed, his breath fanning across my face.

The second I open my eyes his lips touched mine and he places one hand on my back pulling me against his chest. His lips felt different to James's.

I do not kiss Jeremy back, instead I used my hands and push his chest causing him to stumble backwards. "Why did you do that?" I asked stunned.

"I like you, Jewels. I can't help it." He attempted to step forward, but I moved away. "I can't stand seeing him with you, it hurts so bloody much."


"It's okay, I get it, you have feelings for him." He turned away from me, looking over his shoulder he said, "He will hurt you, Jewels, and when he does don't come crawling to me." And just like that, he was gone.

Once again I am left alone.

I did not know how I felt about the things Jeremy had just told me, would James hurt me like Jeremy said? Did I have these feelings for James? And if I did, how would I know? It was all new to me, I was still learning. Words could not explain the way I was feeling towards James, nor the way I felt when Jeremy looked at me.

The heat from the big sun was making me feel hot and small rivers of sweat ran down my body. I was feeling thirsty and exhausted. My feet carried me towards a large tree, which stood at the junction of two narrow streets.

I sat down on the ground and picked up a handful of dirt, closing my fingers around it. I remembered when I first arrived here. It made me laugh thinking back when I tried to eat this stuff. Opening my closed hand, I watched the dirt fall from my hand and float into the air before falling back to where it belonged. How I wish I could go back to the place I belonged, my world, the place I once called home.

Everything was so different now, my mother—how I miss her—there was a part inside of me that believed she was not gone, that her heart still beats. And my father, I did not know if he was alive or if he met the same fate as my mother.

"Father," I said in a whisper so that the people walking by me did not think I was an idiot. "Father, if you are out there, please, please give me a sign." I gripped onto the necklace he had given me when I was sent away. "Please, I need to know, I need to know you are alive." I could see a blue light flowing between my fingers which held the pendant.

"Father?" I opened my hand so I could see the pendant clearly, small rays of light shone from it. "I miss you, Father." The necklace stopped glowing and the light slowly faded away. I was left thinking if it was a sign. My father may still be alive.

Deciding I was in need of water, I got to my feet but suddenly the area around me begins to spin. I grabbed hold of my head, closing my eyes tightly.

When I opened my eyes the person I did not think I would see stood before me. A smirk was plastered across her face as she held a gun to my head.

"Hello, Jewels."


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