34: Discouraged

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Note: Edited by Zia Westerman 14/4/2017


Planet: Moapita 

Location: Optinpus (trading capital of Valpatria)

The King of Everotorn and Prisoner of War watched as the city of Optinpus came into view. Despite its unwelcoming appearance, Optinpus was possibly the most welcoming place when arriving in the Valpatria Galaxy.

Landing on a platform outside of the city, the small supply craft was soon attached to a loading dock. The three suns in the sky emitted a beautiful orange-red glow across the top of the domed trading buildings, which was covered with a thin layer of green gas that originated in holes between the rocks that surrounded the city.

"I am going to get supplies," the king heard Morgan speak from the other side of the doors. "I want ten guards posted here. If the king escapes I will personally behead every single one of you! Do I make myself clear?"

The guards responded, "Yes, sir!"

"Good, I will be back in twenty irontinx's," Morgan's voice disappeared with his footsteps, signalling he had left.

The king sighed and sat down on the small bed in the middle of his cell. He had not heard any word from his wife and it worried him. He knew there was nothing he could do about it, there was no way he could escape Morgan. If only—

"Father," her voice broke his line of thought.

Looking around the cell he tried to find the source of her voice but failed.

Once again, her voice found his ears. "Father, if you are out there, please, please give me a sign." Closing his eyes, the king focused on her voice.

"Daughter, I am here," he replied, hoping she would hear his voice. "I am here, my daughter. I will always be here."

There was nothing but silence.

When her voice finally came back it was something that made his heart break. "Please, I need to know, I need to know you are alive."

"I am alive." He tried to hold back the tears forming in his eyes. If Morgan should see him in such a state, it would make the King of Everotorn look weak.

"Father?" He closed his eyes, hearing the disappointment in her voice was enough to shatter his very soul. "I miss you, Father."

"I miss you, too." Reopening his eyes, the first teardrop fell. "I miss you so much, you are so very brave. So much more than I."


Planet: Earth

Location: Camp Jameson

Her eyes were full of amusement but also rage, I watched as her fingers shook as they gripped the trigger.

I took a step towards her, showing no fear as I spoke, "I do not fear you."

"Jewels," there was something in the tone of her voice. "I-I didn't come here to hurt you." I could only watch as her hand opened and the gun fell to the ground with a small thud.

"Then why did you find me?"

This time it was her who took a step forward. "I came to apologise to you."

"Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry, Jewels." I did not know why she suddenly had a change of heart or why her voice was calm but I could see it in her eyes that she was telling the truth. "I'm sorry for setting you up and for shooting James, I was just so jealous."

It Started with the StarsΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα