41: Lost

121 34 14

Note: Edited by Zia Westerman 15/4/2017


Later that day ...

Planet: Earth

Location: Camp Jameson

James had spent most the day fixing the gate with Mick and Brett. I sat in the forest just outside the camp admiring the strange creatures that would fly in the air and then land in the tree above me.

My attention was captured by Jeremy as he emerged near the main gate. He was carrying poles which he gave to some people.

I still did not understand him. The reason he had been acting oddly towards me was still unknown.

Did it bother me?

Yes, because I could not help but wonder what I did wrong. Some days he would talk to me, but other days he acted as if I were not there.

Thinking back, he started to treat me oddly when James asked me to be his girlfrog. Perhaps that is why he was being this way?


"Jewels? What are you doing out here?" I was pulled from my thoughts by Jeremy's voice. I lifted my head and noticed he had made his way over to me. I did not even hear him approach. "You alright?"

I found myself asking him, "What happened to James? Why do you think he will hurt me?" It was curiosity which made me ask that question.

Jeremy frowned and then sat beside me on the log I was seated on. He turned his head to the direction of the main gate. "Lucy and James were close once," he began, inhaling a large amount of air. "They would do everything together, even go on raids. They were inseparable."

"What happened? How did James use her?"

"Well, they used each other." He groaned and massaged his forehead. "They used each other for pleasure. Although they were extremely close, they never dated and—"

"I am sorry, but what is this pleasure you speak of?"

Jeremy's gaze was captured by my own, his hand rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, this conversation just became awkward."

"How? I do not understand, Jeremy. How did James and Lucy use each other for this pleasure?"

"They fuc—um, sexual intercourse," he groaned and then stands to his feet. "Bottom line is, every girl James has been involved with has always ended with the girls being hurt. I don't want to see that—"


Jeremy closed his mouth, his lips forming in a straight line. He stepped to the side revealing James walking up behind him. "Speak of the devil."

"Am I interrupting something?" I shrugged at James's question, causing him to glance between both Jeremy and me.

I opened my mouth, but Jeremy said, "I'll see you later, Jewels." He then pushes passed James.

"Jeremy, wait." I was quick to stand up and run around James, who was watching my every move. I grabbed Jeremy's wrist causing him to stop and turn to face me. "I want to thank you."

"What for?" One of his brows were raised as he waited for my answer.

Instead of answering him, I leant in and pressed my lips to his cheek before stepping away and walking over to James.

"Am I missing something, Jewels? What the hell? Why did you just—"

I quickly cut him off by kissing his lips. James wrapped his arms around my waist and pulls me flush against him. But over his shoulder I noticed Jeremy watching us.

His face held a saddened expression, he then turned on his heel and walked away.

James pushed me backwards until my back connects with a tree behind me, his lips never leaving mine. I winced at the contact but my hands find their way around his neck.

When Jeremy disappeared into the camp, James loosens his grip on me and breaks our kiss. "You're mine, Jewels. You can't go around kissing other men!" His voice was laced with anger.

"I was just being friendly!" I defended myself and stepped away from him.

James frowned, his tongue moves across his bottom lip before he said, "I'm sorry for yelling." I watched as he stretches his hands out and takes mine in his. "I know you're new to this."

I sighed, and allowed him to pull me against his chest. "I did not know I cannot simply eat another man's cheek."

I could feel James's chest vibrate against me when a series of chuckles erupted from his throat. "Kissing, Jewels, it's called kissing."

"Kissing," I repeated lifting my head so that I could look at him, my blue eyes locking with his hazel ones. "I will have to—"

James placed a finger on my lips, "Shh, baby." He removes his finger and his lips were once again on mine.

My arms sling around his neck and I move one of my hands to the back of his head. I run my fingers through his jet black hair, tugging lightly on his roots while my lips moved in sync with his.

"Jewels," James mumbled against my lips, gently squeezing my hips with his hands. "You gotta stop kissing me like this," he said pulling away, breaking our kiss. He leaned his forehead against mine.

"I am sorry? Am I not—"

He laughed, moving one hand to my right cheek. James runs his thumb along my cheekbone then traces the outline of my lips, his gaze never leaving mine. "Jewels?" His tone was serious and his face held an emotion I did not know.

"Yes?" I shifted my hands from around his neck and placed them on his chest.

"What do you feel towards me?"

His question caught me off guard, I was not sure how to answer it. I did not know these feelings, I had never felt this way before; the way his touch ignited fire throughout my body, and when his lips touched mine, it felt like they were meant for me.

I noticed his lips were slightly parted and droplets of sweat ran down the sides of his face.

"I do not know the way I feel for you, James. These feelings, they are all new to me," I told him the truth, how could I explain it if I did not know?

"Do you feel something for me?" He drops one of his hands to my chest. "Do you feel it here?" James's hand was above my heart, I could feel it beating fast against his hand.

I nodded. "Yes, but James."

Shifting my own hand to be above his which is still on my chest, I smiled at him. "Words cannot explain this feeling."


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