37: Misfortune

135 35 21

Note: Edited by Zia Westerman 14/4/2017


Planet: Earth

Location: The city 

James aimed his rifle at the door and glanced at me.

"Can you run?" he suddenly asked, even though I was feeling weakened I found myself nodding. "When we get out run, don't look back."

"Okay." I adjusted the bag's straps on my shoulder.

Nodding his head, we walked to the doors as the lights from the torches became brighter. The murmur of people talking bounced off the walls and into our ears. James suddenly grabs my hand intertwining our fingers and bursts through the doors pulling me with him.

It was possible they did not know we were here because the lights were reflecting off a mirror on the wall.

James held my hand as we ran down the corridors. "Almost there, babe," he said, making a right which lead to the door we had first entered through.

I tried to fight off the dizziness but it was no good, everything was spinning. It felt like I was about to pass out and just as my vision blackened I tugged on James's hand.

James quickly picked me up into his arms, he did not say a word as he exited through the door.

I hold onto his neck as he broke out into a run. When we arrived on the other side of the place where all the vehicles were parked near the bridge, the sound of a gun firing caused James to drop to the ground. I rolled from his grasp as a bullet flies by us and smashes through a window of a nearby car, shattering the glass.

"Jewels, you okay?" he asked getting to his feet.

I nodded also standing up. "I am fin—" another gun was fired but this time I felt it lodge into my right upper thigh, causing waves of pain to pulse through my leg.

"Shit!" James quickly grabbed my arm and flung it around his neck while he wrapped his own arm around my waist, helping me stand. "The Jeep is just over there."

I squint my eyes trying to see the Jeep parked in the darkness just under the bridge before us. "I can make it," I told him with a smile.

Yelling caused us to walk faster towards the Jeep.

I winced with every step but I tried not to worry James. Men with torches and guns jumped out from behind a vehicle, and I remembered Mick telling me it was called a bus. James gripped his rifle, but more men surrounded us from behind.

"Camp Jameson, funny seeing you here."

"He's got that chick the ROGs want." One of the men narrowed his eyes at me. "We should take her."

James tensed and pulled me to his body, his arm tightening around my waist. "Over my dead body!" he growled, eyeing all the men, who burst into laughter. "I won't let you touch her."

"Oh? And how are you going to stop us? We have you surrounded, she already looks injured and you're not looking so bright yourself," a large man remarked stepping from the shadows and into our vision. "We make the choice here, boy, not you."

Deciding it was time everyone knew what I was capable of doing, I allowed the energy within me to surface. The darkness of the night soon disappeared as my veins began to glow brightly, chasing away the darkness.

"Jewels, what are you doing?"

I did not answer James, instead I take a step forward, not feeling the pain in my leg, not feeling anything at all. I narrowed my eyes at the men around us.

"Kill it!" a chubby man said lifting his gun up and aiming it at me.

The rest of the men surrounding us do the same thing, all guns aimed at not just me, but also at James. And then within a second, gunfire rippled through the air.


I released a scream and it all happened in slow motion.

Firstly, I raised my hands above my head and then bring them down; secondly, rays of light like that from a lightning storm escaped my body and were sent in all directions around both James and me. Thirdly, the airborne bullets were destroyed by my energy; and lastly, my power hit the men around us. Upon impact with the rays of light, their bodies were, as humans would say, electrocuted, and their bodies exploded into the air.

My legs gave out from beneath me and I fall to the ground, gasping for air. "I-I am a monster," I whispered, but a small whimper escapes my lips as the pain returned to my leg. "James, I—"

"You're amazing." Tilting my head I could see James staring at the place the men once stood. "You are so bloody amazing, Jewels." His eyes now looked at me. I followed his eyes to my leg, small rivers of my energy dribbled from the wound. "We have to get you back."

I gave a nod and James reaches for something in his bag and pulled out a bandage. I wince as he wrapped my leg then lifts me up into his arms. "Jewels, you're gonna be okay, I got you."

"Thank you." I smile shyly while he carried me across what was left of the men; ash and dirt. "Why do you not see me as a monster? Why are you not afraid of me?"

His hazel eyes looked down at me. "Because, Jewels," I felt him open the door to the Jeep and I am placed on the passenger side seat, he brings his lips to mine and kisses me passionately but when he pulled away he smiles, "because I'm in love with you."

"In love?" I questioned. With a nod of his head, he kisses me again and again, this causes me to chuckle. "I do not know what this love means, but I like it."

"I hope, in time, you'll return my feelings." He buckled the seatbelt across me while smiling. James gives me one final kiss before closing my door and places the bags in the back of the Jeep then climbs in the driver's seat. "Let's go home, yeah?"

I nodded smiling at him, he placed a key into the hole near the steering wheel and turns it, causing the engine to roar to life.

Home, it was so weird how this planet, a planet I was imprisoned on for so many years, a planet that is at war with itself, can be called my home.

As James drove the Jeep through the streets, I held onto the necklace my father had given me when I was sent to the stars. I missed my mother and my father so much, I hoped that someday I would see them again if it was in this life or the next.

We made it safely out of the city and in the safety of the trees, James reached his hand over and felt my forehead. "Babe, you're burning up."

"I am fine." I tried to smile but failed to do so, not only was my leg hurting from being shot but my whole body felt weak. "I just need some—"

The Jeep suddenly made a sharp left turn followed by a right turn and then James slammed his foot on another peddle. "Hold on!" he yelled, as the Jeep was thrown off the road and went tumbling down an embankment.

My head smashed the windscreen.


Next Chapter Update: 

When this one reaches, 60 reads, 15 votes and 10 comments.

(Also I will be going camping for 18 days! So I may not be able to post chapters as regular as I have been, so please be patient with me.)

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