42. Side by Side.

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How was your Christmas?
Mine was very eventful lol check out the visitor we had (I'm currently camping and this fella decided to drop by...😨

Note: Edited by Zia Westerman 15/4/2017

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Note: Edited by Zia Westerman 15/4/2017


Two days later ...

Planet: Earth

Location: Camp Jameson

Although I was still getting used to being James's girlfriend—oh, I got that right for once—I was feeling more comfortable with him. I have not spoken to Jeremy for two days, nor has he made any attempt to talk to me.

I was walking beside Mick as he was patrolling the forest near the wall which protected the camp. "Do you remember what this world was like before the Borums invaded?"

"Not really, I was a kid when my grandfather told me stories of the invasion. I was around eight when civilisation fell, don't remember much." Mick shrugged. "I just remember the chaos." I could hear the sadness in his voice. I feared he was not telling me the truth.

Rather than pushing the subject further, I asked, "How did you join Camp Jameson?"

"I was about to be killed by a Borum, but James and Jeremy killed it and asked if I wanted to join them." A smile breaks out on his face as we stopped near the east gate. "So I did and that was ten years ago."

"Wow, you have been here for a long time."

"Too long," he joked with a chuckle. "Well, here comes your lover-boy, time for a little humping!"

James raises a brow. "Shut up, Mick."

"Aw! Boss is in love! O-la-la!" James slapped the back of Mick's head. "Geez, I'm sorry." Mick laughed rubbing the back of his head. "You're so whipped, James."

"Whatever, go see how Lucy's doing." The tone of James's voice was emotionless when he said her name. "If there's any change—"

"I'll tell you or Jeremy, I got it." And with that Mick entered the camp through the gate.

James wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, his chest was pressed against my back and he rested his chin on my shoulder. "How are you feeling? I hope Mick wasn't annoying you."

"I am fine," I giggled and held onto his hands. "And no, Mick is an amusing human."

"Oh, is he now?" I leaned my head to the side when James began to kiss my shoulder, making his way to the top of my neck.

I suddenly got a strange feeling and pulled away from James, my head snapping to the right as my eyes fell on a tree. "We are being watched."

James quickly retrieved a gun from his belt, and said, "Stay here." James started approaching the tree with caution, his gun was out in front of him with his finger hovering over the trigger.

Before he reached the tree I sensed something behind me. I spun around, my eyes widening, but nothing was there. As I opened my mouth to call James, I felt something push passed me with such force I am knocked to the ground. A small scream left my lips as my backside made contact with the ground beneath me.


Shaking my head I look up to see James running towards me. He kneels down, grabbing my face in his hands. "What happened? Are you alright?"

"Yes, I am fine." I looked to the direction whatever hit me went. "I did not see anything." James helped me stand up, I winced from the wound in my leg.

"You didn't see anything?"

I nodded, gripping his hand. "No, I—" Three markings in the ground behind James caused me to gasp.

I pulled away from James and kneeled. I pressed my finger into the middle of the barely noticeable markings. "Oh, no ..."

"Jewels? What is—what are those?"

I frowned, staring at the markings that resembled a cross. "No, it cannot be! It is too early!"

"Babe, calm down." James pulled me off the ground and held me by my waist, my breathing had increased as panic began to rise through me. I felt the energy surfacing. "Hey, it's okay, take deep breaths."

Closing my eyes, I did as he said. I inhaled, held it then exhaled. My energy finally subsided as I opened my eyes and looked into his hazel ones. "I know these tracks, I remember seeing them before my planet—" I gulped, fighting off the memory from the invasion, so many lost their lives trying to defend our planet. "Before the Zutorian's attacked."

"What are you saying, Jewels?" James questioned me, giving me his full attention. I watched as his eyes searched my own. "Are the Zutorian's coming?" I did not want to tell him yes because I knew it was the start of the end. "How long do we have before they come?"

"I do not know." It was the truth, after they send scouts no one could say when they would attack. "There is a Zutorian scout here." I pushed myself away from James. "I must go, James. If the scout finds out who I am, everything you know, everything and everyone you love will be destroyed," I paused. "It is my fault, I have put you all in danger," I started to turn away from him, but James wrapped his hand around my wrist and pulled me to his chest. "James—"

"No, I'm not letting you go, Jewels. We're in this together." He leans down and kisses my cheek before his lips hovered above mine. "And we'll get through this together." James's lips found mine and his hands fall to my waist. "Together, no matter what," he said against my lips.

"Together," I replied, kissing him back.

But together we could fall.


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