Countdown to D -Day

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Preparations for the bone marrow transplantation procedure began. When they met with Dr. Koehler the next Tuesday, she had some news. 'I noticed on your chart that you are a Jehovah's Witness. Thanks to caring physicians, a bloodless procedure is available, which will not interfere with your beliefs, so no worries on that score.'

'Honestly, that's good to hear, but it wouldn't have mattered this time,' Prince replied. 'Getting well is my highest priority, because it means I stay with Emma.'

'Great. Here's the plan. You'll need chemotherapy and possibly radiation to kill off your current bone marrow, which is out of control. It will not be fun. You will lose your hair at that point. That will be a new look for you!"

Prince smirked, and thought, 'Well, you've done everything else with your hair, now you'll do this.' Emma whispered, 'More skin to kiss." Prince smiled.

Dr. Koehler continued, 'You'll come into the hospital several days before the procedure so we can make sure everything is in place. Post procedure, you'll be in hospital for several weeks in a larger than normal room, in isolation. All that means is a very select group of people will get to spend time with you, but they and all medical personnel will be masked and gloved at all times. No kissing Emma for at least four weeks post procedure.'

'Now, that, I've gotta say, is a sacrifice,' Prince responded. 'Wife, we're gonna be busy!' Emma blushed and shook her head. Dr. Koehler laughed.

There are side effects that are pretty invasive. You'll be receiving nourishment through a central line IV we'll put in place until the mouth sores you get will resolve, and there are other issues we'll deal with as they come up. But, we'll get you in remission, and we'll do everything we can to keep things like that for years and years. '

'And years,' Prince replied. 'I plan to be a test case for longevity after this procedure. I have plans that stretch out for many years, and I want to see them all fully realized.'

'That strong will and future planning of yours will do you as much good as almost anything else,' Dr. Koehler responded. 'My patients who have had the best result with this procedure are people just like you-healthy lifestyle, good support, strong will, endurance. You are going to beat this, Mr. Nelson.'

'What's our timeline? How soon can we get this all started?' Emma asked, caressing Prince's thumb with her thumb as their hands were entwined.

'Has your sister agreed to be a donor?' Dr. Koehler inquired.

'Yes, she's on it. She is a great gal. Married with kids.'

'It's a simple thing for her. First we'll make sure she's a match. We'll need her to come in for five days for injections to build up her stem cells, then we'll do a blood draw and separate the stem cells, let them grow a little bit, and put them into you. We won't do all that until just before the procedure. We need to get your chemo and radiation timeline figured out first. I believe we can start next Monday. Why don't you two get away for a few days before all this begins? I imagine you have a favorite place to go.'

'You're right, doc, we do,' Prince replied. 'I think we'll head out tonight, and get back into town Sunday evening. Just let me know what time we need to show up on Monday.'

'Emma,' Dr. Koehler began, 'you don't have to-'

'Yes, doc, she does,' Prince interrupted. 'You may not realize that Emma administered two of those save shots I had last week. Her being part of my treatment is very important to both of us. She literally saved my life on Thursday morning.'

'It's true, Dr. Koehler,' Emma interjected, 'that I helped with the save shots. More importantly, Prince and I are basically inseparable at this point in our lives. This love found us late, and we are selfish enough to want to be around each other every day we can. We work in the same place, at different things, of course, but we're within calling distance of each other at any given time. This situation just intensifies things for us.'

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