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He wasn't wrong. He had reserved the two most luxurious suites at the Waldorf Astoria. The one for her girls featured a dining room where they could share meals, and the one for him and Emma was historically authentic with modern conveniences. He had also had spa time reserved for all of them, and the spa was accessible from Prince and Emma's suite. It was a level of luxury Emma didn't even know existed. She was starting to feel like she was in Wonderland, she'd had so many new experiences.

The girls arrived, filled with stories of their adventure so far. Their excitement and energy were contagious, and they took to Prince immediately. He was gracious, and laughed frequently in their company, which was a relief to Emma.

When they left the room to get settled in their own suite,  Emma asked Prince, 'Could we talk for a minute? There's something I need to say.'

'Sure, sugar, what's up?' Prince's tone of voice was casual, but his body language became protective, and Emma took a deep breath.

'Put your shields down, this isn't what you think.' she leaned over and took his hand in hers. 'I've been thinking the last few days, and there's something I need to say. This may come out awkwardly because it is still embarrassing to me, but I'm going to do my best.'

Prince didn't say anything, but he did smirk and relax a little bit. 'I'll bet this is about sex. Hope I'm not doing something wrong-aww, wait, you know better, Nelson.'

After a deep breath, Emma continued, 'I've been very intentional about not comparing my past with my present, but there's something you should know. I never realized the physical side of a relationship could be as fun and fulfilling as what you've shown me these last few weeks.'

Emma could see Prince visibly relaxing as her words sank in. 'What I had before was great, but I never realized I could ask for, or you could tell me, things to enhance an experience. That had never happened before.'

'You mean you never spoke during sex?' Prince looked incredulous. 'Not even to say his name? I've heard mine plenty of times these past weeks, but I've told you in person and in my lyrics that's a goal of mine.'

Emma blushed. Prince chuckled. Emma continued, 'Okay, that did happen. But me asking for things, or you telling me what you would like, or even saying sweet things, all of that is new to me. I really like it, and I wanted you to know.'

'Are you telling me I'm the best you ever had? ' Emma could see Prince sitting taller as he spoke.

'Umm, yes, I guess I am.' Emma blushed again. 'Thanks for that.'

Emma found herself flat on her back on the sofa, Prince looming over her. 'I wish I had time to show you how that makes me feel, but here's a taste.' She was enveloped in his arms, receiving a kiss more passionate than any before. When he broke it off, Emma looked up at him stunned, unable to speak. Prince smirked at her, saying, 'Just wait until we're finished tonight. You're going to love it!'

Prince, the girls in the band, Emma, and her daughters all went to the sound check. He was such a perfectionist for sound, hearing things Emma didn't, even with her musician ears. It became clear that nothing was left to chance, with everything rehearsed including calling out the location they were in. His attention to detail was a great example for Marti, who sat wide eyed, drinking it all in.

There was a break before the concerts, which were scheduled back to back the same night. Prince had dinner delivered to the girls' suite, and they had a fun time eating together, laughing at jokes and stories. The girls wasted no time telling stories to embarrass Emma, but they were sweet in that they didn't bring up their dad. Prince asked a couple of questions about  him anyway, and the girls were very forthcoming with their answers. Their honesty was always refreshing to Emma, this night being no exception.

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