15 // Everything Has Changed

Start from the beginning

She knew the two events weren't a coincidence.

"Lucas? Lucas?" Haley said as she lightly shook him. He was asleep, but she couldn't wait. "What hurts the most?" She asked.

"All of it," Lucas said. He was referring to his accident and the fact that he knows he screwed up with Aurora.

"So you broke up with my sister to be with Peyton?" Haley asked.

"You think that's wrong?" Lucas asked. The glare that Haley gave Lucas would be lethal if looks could kill.

"Do I think that's wrong? Did you really just ask me that? Lucas, I told you when you first started dating Aurora that if you weren't 100% into it and her, then don't go out with her. Sure she's your best friend, but she's been in love with you forever. You broke her heart and asked her just to be your friend again? That's not fair. Especially considering you cheated on her. More than once." Haley snapped.

"Did you tell her?" Lucas asked. Haley couldn't believe that was his only takeaway.

"Trust me, Lucas. If I would've told her, you would know." Haley said, and Lucas nodded because he knew that was true.

"Hales, look, I'm sorry. I know she's your sister, and I know I hurt her. But it hurts me too, she's my best friend, and I may have just lost her forever." Lucas said.

"Then you should've thought of that before you started dating her in the first place."


Aurora was in Haley's room, lying on her bed with Nathan. Nathan came by the house to check on both of them, but she told Nathan that Haley was at the mall with Peyton, which he said was okay because now he could spend time with her. When he asked why she didn't feel like being in her room, she told him about Lucas breaking up with her and how she didn't want to face the dozens of pictures of the two of them that she had in her room.

"He sucks, simple as that," Nathan said, which made Aurora laugh. He was lying against Haley's headboard, and Aurora was lying on her back with her head on his stomach.

"I should've seen this coming. I knew it was too good to be true. The best friends aren't always supposed to date, and when they do... it only ends in disaster." Aurora said, and Nathan shook his head.

"That's not true. Lucas is just an idiot. He let the best thing that's ever happened to him slip right through his fingers." Nathan said, and Aurora shrugged her shoulders.

"You don't think that maybe... it's because his feelings for Peyton came back, do you?" Aurora asked, and Nathan sighed a little.

"Oh, come on, Ari. The dude almost died in a car accident. I think he just needs some space. He'll come crawling back to you in no time." Nathan said, but Aurora shook her head.

"I doubt it. I don't know, Nate. My gut tells me something deeper is going on here, and you know my gut is never wrong." Aurora said. Nathan laughed as he twirled the end strands of her hair; as Haley walked into the room, she was surprised to see her boyfriend and sister in her bed.

"Oh, hey guys," Haley said as she set her things down. "Are you feeling better?" She asked Aurora, to which Aurora shook her head.

"No." She said as she sat up from laying on Nathan's stomach and moved over so Haley could sit down on the bed too. When she did, Nathan glanced over her before raising an eyebrow.

"Wait a minute... is this a new outfit?" Nathan asked, and Haley smiled.

"He noticed. Yes, it is. It's all a part of the new me. Do you like it?" Haley asked. Aurora looked at her sister and raised an eyebrow. The new her? She thinks Haley has been spending too much time with Brooke and Peyton.

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