I laughed. "Yup, but it's for desert."

Dean and Ethan groaned in unison, making me giggle. "Now, who's hungry?" I announced.

"Me!" Ethan cheered. "Come on Mr. Winchester! Momma made burgers!"

"Damn. Burgers and pie? You're definitely the perfect woman for me." Dean winked at me, causing to me to blush once more.

"Come on momma and Mr. Winchester! I'm hungry!" Ethan whined, tugging on our hands.

"Alright sweetie, we're coming." I chuckled.


"Wow, that was awesome. Haven't had a home cooked meal in a long time. Your cooking is delicious." Dean sighed contently as we sat down on the living room sofa.

It was after dinner. Ethan had gone to bed, pretty much passing out after having the last of his pie. Guess today was overwhelming for him.

"Really? It was nothing. Glad you liked it." I smiled, handing him a beer I'd carried from the kitchen.

"Liked it? I frickin loved it! Can I just stay here forever and eat your amazing food?" He grinned, swigging his beer.

I giggled, sipping my beer as well. "So, what made you wanna become a kindergarten teacher?"

Dean shrugged. "My younger brother, Sam, said I'd always been good with kids. I used to look after him when he was a kid. I felt more of a dad than a big brother." He chuckled.

"Wow. You sound like a good man then. What's Sam doing now?"

Dean smiled proudly. "He's at Stamford. Gonna become this big lawyer one day. That kids got the whole world in front of him."

A feeling bloomed inside of me. I liked watching Dean talk about his family. The cute smile that caressed his lips made me so happy.

"Well, with you beside him, how could he not?" I said heartily, shuffling closer to him and resting my head on his shoulder.

Dean was a little unsure at first but rested his head on mine and placed his hand on my knee, moving his thumb up and down. It had been a while since I'd been touched (not in that way idjits) like this. It was nice.

"I can see why Ethan really likes you." I hummed contently.

"Yeah? Well I hope his mom does too cause I really like her." Dean confessed.

It was silent for a moment but my lips twitched into a big smile. "Yeah I do like my sons kindergarten teacher."

I lifted my head up and look at Dean who was gazing at me back. Both of us had big grins plastered on our faces. "God this is so chick flicky." He smirked.

I laughed, nodding. "Yeah, I usually hate stuff like this but...with you, it's different."

"I agree. There just something about you." Dean chuckled, staring into my eyes.

Slowly, our faces moved closer. I closed my eyes, preparing for a kiss. When our lips were centimetres away, we were pulled back by:

"Momma!" Ethan's voice yelled from upstairs.

Me and Dean both looked at each other and burst out laughing. "I think I'm gonna have to give him detention for that." Dean joked, making me giggle.

"You're so cute when you're all teachery." I teased, standing up.

"Hey! I'm not cute. I'm handsome." Dean protested.

I rolled my eyes, sticking it my hand to help him up too. He took it and pulled himself up. Now we where stood so close, our bodies were touching and our faces were once again rather close.

"Hey." He smirked, staring into my eyes, making me almost melt.

"Hi." I giggled.

Dean placed his hands on my hips, sending tingles at his touch. My arms wrapped around his neck. Then, automatically, I lifted myself up on my tiptoes, connecting our lips.

Dean kissed back immediately, responding with passion and hints of lust. It was the best kiss I'd ever had. Involuntarily, I moaned into his mouth, making him smirk.

"Ewww! Momma you can't kiss Mr. Winchester!" A small voice whined, making me and Dean snap apart.

A blush found its way to my face, knowing we'd  been caught. Dean chuckled at my flustered state. I sent him a playful glare.

"Ethan sweetie, what are you doing out of bed?" I asked in my best mom voice.

"I couldn't sleep. Why were you and Mr. Winchester kissing? That's gross." Ethan grimaced in his batman onesie.

"I, uh- we..." I didn't have a good answer.

"Do you love him momma?"

Dean chuckled beside me. I blushed bright red. Damn this is awkward. Thankfully, Dean swooped in and saved the day.

"She might do buddy. Anyway, how about I take you back up to bed and tomorrow, maybe I could take you and momma out for lunch or something?"

His words where more directed at me but Ethan cheered a yes, grabbing onto his hand and pulling him to his room. I smiled at the sight. Dean really was good with kids.

I nodded my head at Dean as he was pulled out of the room, giving him an answer to his question. He winked at me and let Ethan drag him away.

Maybe Ethan was right. Maybe I was falling in love with Dean...

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