"You're my best friend and you slept with the guy I liked. So you sit here while I go thank Arin for our drinks." I said.

I got up and took a seat next to Arin at the counter. "Thanks for the milkshakes." I said.

"It's no problem Normani." Arin said.

"I really like your haircut, it really fits you." I said.

Arin started to blush and he said, "Thanks. My friend Y/N hooked it up for me."

When I heard Y/N's name I put in a fake smile because I didn't want Arin to think something was wrong.

"He did a really good job." I said.

"Thanks. So I was wondering if I could take you out this weekend?" Arin asked.

Without even thinking I smiled and said, "Sure I'd really like that. Let me give you my number."

Arin took out his phone and handed it to me so I could up my number in it. I put a few emojis by name just so he would know it's me. I kissed Arin on the cheek and that made him blush even harder. "I gotta go but I'll call you later." Arin said.

"I'll be waiting for that call." I said.

I gave him another kiss on the cheek and went my back to my seat. Even though I was smiling Dinah wasn't.

"What are you trying to prove Normani?" Dinah asked.

"Nothing. I've already lost Y/N to you so what's the point. You got your bae and I'm about to have a new one." I said.

"I guess the words I don't want him can't seem to pass through your thick ass skull. Y/N and I are just friends, you could still have him if you stopped being a stubborn little bitch. Now you're in petty mode and you're about break up a friendship because your feelings are hurt. Dawg you're not making any sense right now." Dinah said.

"Maybe you and Y/N can double date with Arin and I this weekend." I said.

"I'd rather play in New York traffic." Dinah said.

"Well there's always next weekend." I said.

"Girl let's finish eating, we do have a dance class to teach." Dinah said.

~ Y/N's POV

"Shawn hold still I'm almost finished." I said.

"I'm sorry dude but it tickles." Shawn said.

I'm trying to line the back of Shawn's head up but he won't relax his damn shoulders. Finally he relaxed and I was able to finish doing his hair. When I finished I handed Shawn the mirror and asked, "What do you think?"

"Dude this is the best haircut I've ever had. Arin wasn't lying when he said you knew how to cut hair." Shawn said.

"I do what I can." I said.

"How much do I owe you?" Shawn asked.

"Since this was your first time I'll let you off easy, ten dollars. But next time you owe it'll twenty." I said.

"Deal. I will gladly pay twenty dollars for a haircut from you." Shawn said.

Shawn went in his wallet and pulled out a fifty dollar bill. "Dude I don't have that kind of change." I said.

"Keep the change. I'll see you around and I hope your mom gets better too." Shawn said.

"Thanks man." I said.

I got the broom and swept the floor. My friends Trevor and Troy are supposed to be coming in for haircuts any minute now. After I cut their hair I can go home and chill. I'm so glad that I don't have homework today. I sat down in the chair to call my Porsha to see how my mom was doing and Porsha said my mom was watching a movie with Skylar. While I was playing a game on my phone Dinah came in.

"What's up Dinah?" I asked.

"Nothing much. I just came to talk to you for a minute." Dinah said.

Dinah sat down on the couch and crossed her legs. I swear Dinah and those thighs are going to kill me.

"Do you know how to dance Y/N?" Dinah asked.

"I was a tap dancer for a couple of years." I said.

"Seriously?" Dinah asked.

"Yes I'm serious. I have the pictures and videos to prove it. Don't let my smooth tough guy demeanor fool you. Your boy got moves." I said.

Dinah started giggling and I got to see that beautiful smile that she tries to hide so much.

"Well if you're up to it and if you have the time. I'd like you to be my dance partner for the showcase that the studio is having. Right now I don't have a lot of options and I don't want to dance with my cousin Masi, that would be weird." Dinah said.

"I'd love to be your partner." I said.

"For real?" Dinah asked.

"Yeah. I'm gonna ask my uncle to give me time off so I can be with my mom more. But you can come to my house or we can meet up somewhere and practice." I said.

"That's great what are you doing this weekend?" Dinah asked.

"Well started morning I'm visiting my sister in prison but I'm free for the rest of the day." I said

"So Saturday is good?" Dinah asked.

"Yep Saturday is good. " I said.

"Okay I'll see you around Y/N." Dinah said.


I think this become is going to become a (Normani/You/Dinah) as the story you'll see why

Thanks for reading, tell me what you think 😌

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