Family is Thicker Than Blood

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Rin took off, running away from his brother and friends. He felt flames lick against his skin as he used his demon side to run faster. His only goal was to find a release, any thoughts of consequences were nonexistent. He slowed down in front of a nearby alleyway, no one was in sight, perfect. He ran to the far end and leaned his forehead against the brick wall. He paused to regain his breath only for a moment before unbuttoning his dress shirt and dropping it, along with his tie and jacket, onto the ground.

He did the only thing he knew how and used his fangs to rip into his skin. He bit himself over and over with reckless abandon, not caring about scars or blood stains or who may see him in his insanity, all he needed was the rush.

This couldn't be happening again, they would take this away from him and call him crazy. He'd never be looked at the same way again. Word might actually get back to the Grigori of him, and they would deem him a danger to everyone, including himself, and order his execution. The thoughts of death shrouded his mind, the pain in his chest reverberating through bones. His next bites were deeper, some even ripped some skin up, he was going insane. However, he didn't care, if he would be put to death soon, he might as well get his fixes now.

He got his endorphins, his thrills, oh how he missed them, but every time the pain left, he created a new wound. He had lost his mind, gone completely blitzed by his habit. By the time he had slowed down, he had bitten himself over a dozen times on each arm, the teeth marks bleed like hell and the awful taste of iron stained his tongue. He glanced around the dark alleyway, his unhinged eyes falling upon a shard of glass that had fallen from a broken window.


Yukio stopped his sprinting, bending over and catching his breath, Shura and his students were right behind him, calling his brother's name. It could take all night to find him at this rate, and who knows what he might do to himself by then. Yukio gasped for air, his mind in utter chaos. He focused on Rin, and where he could possibly be, when his eyes fell onto an open alleyway farther ahead. It was too convenient for the situation, given his brother's state of mind when he had taken off, Yukio doubted that he thought about convenience. He took off on a sprint again, dodging a trash can and making a beeline into the alley. The passage was dark and their were broken windows left and right, when the group had finally caught up to Yukio, there were sighs of relief and gasps at the same time.

The twins were there, but sadly, the eldest brother was bleeding profusely. He sat, leaning against the corner of the passageway, his eyes off in a trance while he toyed with a glass shard in his left hand. Shiemi burst into tears and Izumo didn't take long to follow suit. The boys, however, shortened the distance between them and the troubled teen.

"Okumura-kun... please..." Bon was at a loss for words, just like everyone else. However, this wasn't the first time Suguro had caught Rin in the act, so he was a bit more confident. "Put down the glass, let us help you."

Rin started to cackle, "help me.... yeah, right. I can't be helped, I'm broken beyond repair. Once something has been broken enough times, one would be smart to just throw the object away. Why am I any different? I'm just a weapon, an object to be used and maybe even replaced. Scratch what I said earlier, 'It' can't be helped." Rin rambled off, passing the glass shard between his hands.

Yukio sighed, his breath coming out haggard, his words echoing from the week prior, "Rin, how long have you been doing this?"

He didn't hesitate, "six days, if you're talking about the throwing up thing."

Yukio nodded, swallowing hard, "Did you do it to lose weight? I'm at a loss for your reasoning."

The boy continued to play with the glass in his hand, feeling a few hairline scratches appear on his palm. "Another distraction, I never expected you to understand, and don't think you ever will." His tone was empty, like his spirit, he'd given up.

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