Get Over Yourself

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"Why the hell did you give me back the Kurikara if we were just going to play with toy swords?" Rin huffed, tapping the cardboard 'katana' on the ground, but not too hard, he might bend the end. Pfft, useless.

"I didn't give you back your Kurikara, I was simply lending it to you to get you pumped up for training." Shura stood opposite of her opponent, tossing her toy sword in the air casually. "Did you really think I'd give it back to you that easily? Don't be stupid."

Rin groaned, "you're evil, you know that? Have you ever been nice to someone?" Rin was leaning against the training room wall, his jacket and tie hanging off a nearby bench, the top two buttons of his school shirt undone.

Shura looked deep in thought for a few moments and Rin raised an eyebrow, "you actually have to think about it?"

The fire haired woman rolled her eyes, "we all have a weakness that we would rather not show. Mine may be kindness, who knows." She shrugged, tossing the cardboard sword in the air again.

"That's a stupid weakness and you know it," the raven haired boy laughed. With Shura, he felt he didn't have to act like he cared, she never did. He felt free during these training sessions, even if she was a pain in his ass.

"Then what is a good weakness, Einstein, Kryptonite? Tch. Kindness can become a weakness when someone else takes advantage of it." Rin stopped laughing, finally understanding. "And what about you, kid? What's your weakness?"

"How the hell am I supposed to know?"

"To me its obvious, it's that little brother of yours." Shura stopped toying around, taking a few steps in her students direction. All joking aside, her eyes were serious now. "You'd do anything for that brat, wouldn't you. Tell me, what happened to that hand of your's?"

Rin sighed, exasperated, he was tired of telling the same story. "I cut myself doing dishes, that's all, everyone is overreacting, really."

"Bullshit, Yukio shot at you because you were getting out of control."

The boy's eyes narrowed, "how the hell would you know? And I wasn't losing my control! I was pissed, like any normal human would be!" His grip tightened on the cardboard weapon.

"Oh, please! That chicken isn't as good at lying as you are. I shook the answer out of him after our meeting the other night. The kid looked lost the entire time." Shura stepped closer, close enough to touch, and Rin didn't like that. His back was already against the wall, and he was beginning to feel uncomfortable. "And you aren't human, Rin. You're Satan's son, you have his blood running in your veins, therefore his history is what we see you becoming. Those are the only facts about you. That's why Yukio shot you."

"Shut the hell up, Shura. I'm not the only half demon in this world, stop fussing over it, Christ! There are hundreds of people like me!" The demons anger flared, and he began to feel blue flames lick against his skin.

"You're wrong, again, Okumura! Sure, there are half demons out there, but their demon sides are normally low class. Not you! You're the fucking son of the Devil! That's why everyone is cautious of you! You're a ticking time bomb, kid. You got the short end of the stick!" Shura spat, saliva landing on the boys face, but he wasn't fazed.

"And what do you mean by that, huh? I'm a human with fucked up superpowers, sure, but how is that the 'short end of the stick?'"

Shura threw her cardboard katana aside, grabbing her students collar and forcing him in the air. "Get the fuck over yourself, Okumura! You are not human. You do not have superpowers! You've got the power of Gehenna's reigning king stuck inside the fragile body of a teenage boy! You're unbalanced, extremely over powered, and a danger to humanity! So when you get angry, everyone else gets wary! The sooner you get that embedded into your thick skull, the better!" Her breath came out uneven and shallow, ferocity flashing deep within her eyes, and Rin swore he saw hatred mixed in as well.

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