I'm Fine

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"Nii-san... wake up Nii-san." Rin groaned, rubbing his eyes, but he didn't wake. Instead, he pulled the covers over his head and shifted before falling back into the warmth that was sleep. Yukio laughed to himself, grabbing the blanket and pulling it completely off the bed. Then Yukio laughed aloud. What a sight.

The smaller boy lay curled up on his side, one arm under his pillow, the other was under his nightshirt against his chest. The nightshirt had ridden up, exposing pale skin underneath, and was paired with blue flannel pj bottoms, a gift from Yukio. His face was peaceful, mouth slightly ajar with quiet snores escaping through. His hair was a ruffled mess and there was a small drool spot on his pillow. Kuro was curled up against the boy's stomach, his familiar had taken to sleeping in the warmest spot possible. Rin's tail lay wrapped around the small feline, almost protectively. What a sight, indeed. Yukio had to admit it, it was rather cute.

Kuro's eyes opened sleepily, gazing up at Yukio as if to ask why he would disturb him, but nonetheless, he stretched out and started to move a few muscles. Yukio decided his job was done and that Kuro would take on waking his brother and made his way downstairs for breakfast.

Kuro hopped up on top of Rin, pawing at his face. "Rin! Rin! It's morning! It's time for breakfast!" The feline nudged his nose against Rin's chin, "C'mon!"

"I'm up, I'm up, Kuro..." Rin yawned and stretched, Kuro jumping on to the floor. The teen got up and started to undress, Kuro not really caring to turn around. He had a question.

"Rin, why do you always wake up in the middle of the night?" Rin didn't pause getting ready for school, but he also didn't answer. "You toss and turn a lot, do you have nightmares?" Rin fixed his tie before looking down at his familiar.

"I'm fine, Kuro, I'm sure it's a phase that will pass eventually." The boy walked into the bathroom, running a comb through his hair, making sure he looked presentable.

Kuro's ears went back, a sad look crossing his face. "It's a phase that's been happening for weeks though, Rin. You should tell Yukio, he might be able to help! You've lost so much sleep, it's not good for you."

Rin sighed, walking back out to his room and into the hall, "you're starting to sound like Yukio yourself, Kuro." He left the feline and made his way down to where his brother was eating breakfast. Rin went to the fridge and grabbed a yogurt, not all that hungry, even though he hadn't eaten the night before.

"Hey, Nii-san, when did you make our lunches for today? When I went into the fridge for dinner last night, they weren't in there..." Yukio looked at his brother, genuinely curious. Rin glanced away, it's not like he could tell him that he had been waking up in the middle of the night. Let alone that he would spend an hour or so making their lunches so he could shake off the feeling the nightmares left. Yukio would flip a switch if he heard that.

"Ha, you might want to get your eyes checked again, Yukio, they were in there." Rin smiled, rubbing the back of his neck. Yukio didn't look completely convinced, but without any other answer, he let it go.

"Alright, I'm off then." Yukio placed his dishes in the sink along with the platter from the night before. He paused, "why don't you have any dishes in here?" Rin hummed in question. "Didn't you eat last night?"

"Oh, yeah, it was easier to eat as I was making dinner, no point in using a plate when I don't need to." Rin got up and threw his yogurt container in the garbage. "Besides, here's my dirty dish." He smirked at his brother, placing his spoon in the sink.

Smooth play, Okumura. Rin thought, mentally high-fiving himself.

Yukio looked relieved, "alright, guess I'm off for real this time." Rin waved and smiled in dismissal, his tail wagging. However, as soon as his brother was out of sight, the act dropped. Rin turned to the sink and filled it with soapy water, rolling up his sleeves and scrubbing the dirty cutlery. He remembered he forgot the dishes from last nights preparation, and grabbed the rice bowl, wooden spoon, and knife, dropping them into the bubble covered water. He let his mind wander - something he did constantly - on good thoughts and bad, mainly bad. His thoughts shifted to Shiro, how he missed him, and what his dad might think seeing both his sons in this prestigious academy. Rin swallowed hard, drying the last of the dishes before reaching into the cloudy water to pull the drain plug. However, it seemed suctioned to the bottom of the sick, Rin grunted, pulling harder when... nothing happening.

"Ugh!" He didn't need this right now, not only did he not need this emotionally, if he didn't get going soon, he'd be late for school. Placing his other hand against the edge of the sink, he yanked as hard as possible on the drain plug, but his hand slipped. "Ah! Fuck!" His momentum sending him back into the kitchen island, slamming his tail between his spine and the granite countertop. "Ugh." Rin slammed his fist on the counter, "huh?" He glanced down and saw crimson red flooding from his wrist.

Out of reflex, Rin quickly ran his arm under cold water, grabbing a towel. "Oh yeah..." the cut was gone, damn demon healing. However, the pain remained for a few moments, and Rin focused on it, taking a deep breath. He hadn't felt this way in months, ever since he stopped fighting on the streets. He missed it, the rush. He shook his head, stopping his thoughts, he needed to get to school, but first, he needed to empty the sink.

More carefully this time, Rin reached into the sink, feeling the metal tab of the plug, but instead of pulling it, he searched around it. It's possible it was stuck for a different reason, and it didn't take long for Rin to figure out why as his fingers grasped something else in the sink, something metal. Moving up the metal object Rin soon realized the culprit of his wound, grabbing the handle and wiggling it free from its position lodged between the metal plug and sink. Rin threw the knife on to the counter, diluted blood still present on the blade as well as in the dish water. Rin sighed, pulling the plug up easily and making his way out of the kitchen.

"Rin! Rin! Are you okay??" Kuro's voice came from behind the metal kitchen door. Rin opened it, letting the feline hop onto a nearby table. "Are you okay? I heard you yelling. What happened? Did you get hurt?" Kuro's voice running a mile a minute.

"I'm ok, Kuro, I just accidentally cut myself doing the dishes. I'm all healed up already." Rin waved his hand, patches of blood still remaining on his wrist, but no visible wound or scar.

Kuro breathed a sigh of relief, "ok, you had me worried. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Rin laughed, "don't get soft on me, Kuro."

"Alright, well, have a good day at school, Rin!" The cat jumped down from his perch, and Rin opened the door once again, both going their separate ways. Rin's face, again, losing all signs of happiness.

'I don't know what I'd do without you.' Pshh! I see how you are with Yukio. He's a better partner than I am. You just feel sorry for me don't ya? Rin made his way to school, the bell ringing. Great, I'm late, it's gonna be a wonderful day...

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