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"Okumura-sensei?" Bon asked at the tail end of cram school, still sweating from running from those damn reapers. He was bound determined to show Okumura-kun that he could stand up to the frog demons, too.

"Yes, Suguro-san? What is it?" Yukio looked up from a book he had been reading. The other students quietly talking amongst each other. There were a few minutes before cram school was finished and Yukio had let them off early, telling them to remain in their seats until the bell.

"This may be a stupid question, but it's something I used to think as a kid." Bon cleared his throat, "there are humans in Assiah, demons in Gehenna, but what about angels? Or a god? How come we can't see them?" The room fell quiet, except for the slight snores of Rin.

"That's not a stupid question, Suguro-san. However, think of it this way, you can see demons can't you?" Bon nodded. "What about the people on the streets? Normal people." Bon shook his head. "Alright, but since they can't see demons, that doesn't mean they don't exist. The same may apply for angels and God or whatever deity there might be. Demons seek to terrorize humans, so they tend to harm us, giving us a Temptaint. Seeing as how angels are supposed to help us humans, they would see no reason to give us Temptaints, instead, they help without being seen." Yukio said casually, closing his book.

The room was silent, everyone pondering the newfound knowledge. When the bell rang, Bon gathered his things and made his way to the door, but stopped in front of Rin's sleeping form. The fact that the brat hadn't been awake the whole class, choosing to use the classroom as a bedroom, made Bon's blood boil on a normal day. However, today, Suguro was a little more pissed off than usual and dropped his books on the desk. The thud not even waking the boy. However, the other classmates stopped, knowing Bon's attitude toward the demon child.

Bon grabbed ahold of Rin's shirt collar, pulling him out of his chair and throwing him onto the floor. Jolting him awake, "what the hell?" Rin mumbled.

"Shut the hell up, Okumura. Do you even care to be here? Do you even learn anything?"

Rin yawned, looking up at the sixteen year old in a bored fashion. "We go through this every week, can we skip it this time?" Rin started to get to his feet, but the delinquent looking boy had other ideas, keeping the younger boy on the ground with a boot to the shoulder. "Ow, what the hell, man? Let me up." Rin struggled to escape but the boot remained.

"I'm sick of your shit, Okumura. I don't know how the hell Sensei has dealt with your ass for fifteen damn years." He shoved his foot harder against the demon. Taking delight when he heard a grunt of pain. "He's got to be a saint, living with a demon for that long. Ha! If I were him, I would have killed you long ago."

"Ryuji Suguro. Stop." Yukio's voice demanded calmly, but he remained seated, used to the brawls his brother and student got into.

His demands were ignored however. "In fact, Okumura, didn't he try to? When you killed your old man, I'm sure he had a gun to your head. I mean, what else was that commotion that first day? Why he didn't blow your brains out is beyond me." Bon hummed thoughtfully.

Rin's vision tunneled. "Shut the hell up, Suguro. Don't talk about shit you don't understand." He spat, finding a way from under his foot. He got to his feet within a mere second and shoved Ryuji. The brown haired boy shoving back.

"I wasn't done talking, asshole." The boys started to raise their voices, until Bon decided he'd had enough and raised his fists. Hitting the shorter boy in the throat, sending him stumbling backwards, gasping for air. The rest of the class rose their voices in reaction, Yukio sighed, getting to his feet. He should do something before things got ugly.

Too late. Anger flashed through the half demon's eyes. He flew forward, landing a hit on Bon's shoulder, who retaliated with a punch in the gut, and a swing with the other hand. Rin dodged his assault, coming back with full force and shoving the other boy in the stomach, sending Bon across a few tables before he landed on his ass. Rin didn't even have time to blink before he felt pain radiate from the right side of his face. Yukio came into view, throwing punches and kicks. Rin instincts threw him on the defensive, not wanting to hurt his little brother. Instead, he blocked every strike thrown at him, trying his hardest to dodge Yukio.

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