Bitter Woman

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Yukio stalked his way through the cram school hallways, stomping down a few flights of steps before busting through a door. Shura sat on a bench, metal music playing in the background. She must've been practicing with her sword. Yukio didn't care though, he stormed forward, grabbing her by the arm. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Shura looked surprised for once, "What are you doing here, chicken? Shouldn't you be babysitting Rin? For all we know, he could be carving your name in his arm right now." Yukio's vision grew darker and his grip tightened. "Ow! Alright! What do you want?"

Yukio let go of her, "what did you think you were doing, telling Rin those things? Jesus Christ, have you no empathy for others?!" He was pissed, and Shura had never seen this side of him. He was almost always calm, and when he was angry, he was still composed. Not now, though.

"Yukio, what are you spewing? What did I tell Rin?"

"Un-fucking-believable, you told him he wouldn't lead a normal life, that he would die by the hands of an Exorcist! He lives his life in constant fear that the Grigori will execute him at any given moment. He's sixteen, Shura, sixteen! He's easily manipulated and you knew that! You instilled fear in his heart so he would gain control of his flames quicker!" Yukio heaved, teal eyes filled with venom.

Shura sighed, "yes, alright? So what? I did him a favor by speeding up the process. If I hadn't, he might still be uncontrollable!"

Yukio slapped her, her eyes going wide. "Those scars on his wrists, a good portion of them are caused by you. You fucked with his head so badly that he turned to self destructive behaviors to medicate himself. Do you have any idea what you've done by speaking those lies?" He took a step back, running his hands through his hair.

Shura sat still, eyes flashing with regret, "there is no way one conversation sparked that." She said firmly, but deep in her words, she faltered.

"You're right... you're not the only one at fault, I am too. That day, I shot my brother, and I also caused the mental instability he has now. But while my actions sparked his behavior, your words sent a delayed detonation to them. We fucked up, Shura, badly. Now my brother is hurting, and you have to help me get him back."

Shura folded her arms over her chest, but she was compliant nonetheless. "How?"

"Maybe tell him the truth, Shura."

She sighed, "it was the truth at the time, chicken, so I didn't lie to him."

Yukio's eye twitched, "but you held the truth from him when it changed, so you've been lying to him for over a month! How long until you tell him that the Grigori called off their watch on him, that they no longer see him as a threat? For fucks sake, they even acknowledge how well on his way he is to becoming an exorcist! Yet, he still lives in unnecessary fear every day. That's wrong, and you know it. I thought you told him...."

The fire haired woman rubbed her face, "if you saw his practice sessions, you'd understand. Trust me. I see that fear in his eyes, but it's what drives him to prove himself to the Grigori. He's amazing, your brother, he'll make a fine knight, but if he loses his passion to fight, I'm afraid he will only get worse." She stood up, walking over to the wall, leaning her head against it.

"He's not you, Shura. He has that damn martyr complex you keep complaining about. He will always put his life on the line for others, I don't think he will lose that passion. You need to tell him the truth." She felt his presence behind her and she sighed.

"Fine," she whispered, turning around. A small noise escaped her mouth when she turned face to face to Yukio. Suddenly, his lips were on hers, and she all but squealed in surprise, eyes going wide. She pulled away, "you're 16, Yukio," she whispered frantically.

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