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Rin groaned, he hated mornings, and today was no different. Yukio shook his brother lightly, eyes tracing his arms, last night had been hectic, to say the least. Once the brothers had dried their tears, the youngest had to lay down some ground rules.

"From now on, you're going to be watched twenty four-seven. Until you've gained our trust back, there will be no more long sleeved shirts, and no shirt to bed at all. You won't be cooking dinner anymore, I'll take care of it. And when I'm gone, you will be with a friend. You understand me? These are the basics, there might be more rules later. Okay?"

Rin nodded, shame tinging his voice, "okay."

Those rules had been effective immediately, the group had gone through the entire dormitory, removing all sharp utensils and locking off the roof from the outside. Rin had been on edge the entire night, his world flipped onto it's head. The anxiety causing him to wish for the sweet release of pain, but he maintained himself for everyone's sake.

The boys walked to school side by side, something they had never done previously. Rin half expected to hear whispers behind his back and his name being gossiped around the school, but it seemed that no one knew anything had happened. He sighed in relief, parting ways with Yukio for his first class.


The school day had gone smoothly, almost as if nothing had happened. Rin smiled to himself, opening the door to Ol' Sideburns gym class and going into the locker room. Bon was already there, changing into his exercise clothes. Rin nodded in greeting before grabbing his clothes and making his way to the bathroom. There was an air in the locker room, a bit of awkwardness between the two boys, but it was a good kind of awkward, if that made sense. Rin stepped back into the locker room after he had changed, hanging his uniform in his locker. He turned and saw Bon give him a weird look and he raised an eyebrow, "what?"

Bon sighed, closing his locker and turning to face his friend, "I just can't believe I never realized how fucked up your behavior was. I mean, you've been changing in the bathroom, you wear long sleeves in class even though it's gets hot as balls in there." He shook his head and tsked, "and a red shirt, that's fucked up. It's so blatantly obvious now, I can't believe how blind we all were." He gestured to the teen, who looked over his own outfit. He had been using one of Mephisto's long sleeve shirts as his gym clothes. The thumb holes had always ensured that his sleeves would never wiggle up during exercises. And the red? Well, Rin had liked the black shirts more for concealing his cuts, the bright crimson red of his shirt still showed dark stains when blood soaked it, so it had become his gym uniform.

Rin shrugged, "it's not your fault, I was hiding it from all of you."

Bon was quiet for a moment, "are you sorry that you did it?"

Rin met eyes with the other boy, "you'll have to be more clear on that."

Ryuji shook his head, exasperated, "that you lied to us." Rin nodded without hesitation. Bon breathed a sigh of relief, relaxing slightly before he hardened again. "Are you sorry you hurt yourself?" Silence hung in the air between them, the locker room door opening. Koneko and Shima chit chatted before they realized that they had interrupted a serious moment. Rin dropped his gaze to the floor, not bothering to answer, and walked out of the room. The three boys remaining gave each other knowing glances before continuing their own things.


Bon yawned, it was the last class of the day and Okumura-Sensei was just reviewing the last few chapters. So he sat in his seat, bored out of his mind. A phone ringing brought the boy out of his day dreams, his teacher pulling out his cell, mumbling to himself before flipping it open, leaning against the podium. He hummed and sighed, closing his phone. "I've been called on an emergency exorcism, so I'll have to end class early today, I'm sure you are all more than capable of reviewing by yourselves. There's ten minutes left, make good use of it." The teacher packed up his papers, bidding his students farewell before stopping and cussing under his breath. The class gave each other curious looks, and Yukio glanced at his students, his eyes falling on Ryuji. "Suguro-san, may I speak to you outside?" The boy and teacher walked out into the hallway, shutting the door behind them.

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