Getting Worse for the Better

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It had been almost a week since Shura had grilled him about "life and purpose." He had felt both worse and better after that night, and it could be summed up into two sentences. He had a purpose, but no place to belong to. He was able, but alone. What a sob story.

Rin walked back to his dorm after another night of cram school. To the ones around him, things had gone back to normal for the most part. Rin had gone back to making Yukio dinner, getting up in the middle of the night to make their lunches, and training with his flames, but he still ignored Yukio as much as possible, preferring to be seen and not heard. He was still sour toward the students in cram school, but they didn't mind, most of them spat back at him and then some for extra measure.

Rin stopped in front of his room, a blue paper bag sat next to it. Curious, he picked it up by the handle, noticing a envelope on the inside with his name on it. Walking into the room, he set the bag down on the desk, withdrawing the envelope and tearing the top off, reading its contents.

Darling student of mine,
It has come to my attention that a part of your school uniform has been destroyed. Do take care of the replacements I have given you. However, with the amount of blood you have shed upon your clothing as of late, I doubt they will stay white for long.

P.S. also inside this bag, I have given you a gift, three to be exact. Each one for a different reason, yet all for the same purpose. As you should know, the winter months are closing in, as is your birthday. So think of them as a Christmas present, a birthday gift, and lastly, a token of kindness from an older brother.

Don't get too carried away,
Mephisto Pheles

Rin slammed the paper onto the desk, opening the bag. Inside were two crisp, white button ups. Rin relaxed mentally, he had been doing laundry nonstop while trying to find a way to scrounge up enough money to pay for these, yet Mephisto had just given him a replacement, two at that.

'With the amount of blood you have shed upon your clothing as of late.'

Rin paused.

'I have given you a gift... The winter months are approaching... Don't get too carried away.'

Rin set the button ups on his bed, reaching into the bag and withdrawing his 'gifts.' Three long sleeved shirts were the only thing left in the bag, Rin looked closely at them. They were nice, obviously not from the local thrift store. The seams were heavily stitched and the fabrics were durable but light. Two shirts were black, one red. '...three to be exact. Each one for a different reason, yet all for the same purpose.' What the hell?

He shrugged, gratefully accepting his gifts from his 'brother.' He sneered internally, he may be related to that leech by blood, but he was no brother to him. Although, he had been nice enough to buy him the shirts. He sighed, deciding to take a shower before studying. He grabbed a black long sleeve, thinking about testing his new outfit, along with his favorite pair of pj bottoms, the blue flannel ones. They had been a birthday present from Yukio the year prior.

He stripped and got into the shower, letting the hot water wash away the memories of that day. The blue eyed boy washed up thoughtlessly, letting the numbness take over while his mind switched to autopilot. The soap ran over dirty marks, but they never washed away, the red lines not fading, even with demon healing they appeared to fade like a normal wound. The number of lines had increased over the past week, but only by a few. Rin could count on both hands how many scars resided on his right wrist, two of which were fresh from a couple days ago.

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