It Comes Out

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Rin stood in the shower, face toward the stream, letting the water wash out his mouth, the acidic taste of vomit still tainting his tongue. Yukio had insisted on breakfast burritos that morning, and it had been a bitch to throw up. Rin cracked his neck and turned off the water, grabbing a towel from the rack.

"Hey, Nii-san?" Rin tensed, "where did you put that suit? You should probably iron it." He relaxed, continuing to get dressed. He opened the door and saw Yukio digging through his closet.

"It should be in the back, right hand corner." His voice scared his twin, causing him to jump. Yukio looked back, almost like he had been caught doing something wrong. The half demon laughed, moving him out of the way and grabbing out his suit.

Looking around, he saw that he wasn't the only one with formal attire. Laying on Yukio's bed was a black suit and tie, he looked at his brother. "You really are going to make us look like twins, aren't you?"

"Pfft, we don't look that similar, in fact, I'm sure other can distinguish us by our faces, we wear matching school uniforms, remember?"

"It's the eyes, everyone gushes about our difference in eye colors. Speaking of which," Rin hopped a few times, trying to reach the top shelf of the closet, where a small box was located. Yukio walked over and easily grabbed the box down, handing it to his twin.

"Our eyes are obviously not our only difference," he laughed.

"Har har, I get it, I'm short. Anyway, remember how whenever Dad made us go somewhere special, he made us wear button ups and dress pants?"

Yukio sighed, a smile on his face, "vividly, you hated those pants so much."

"They were too long! Anyway, he took us to that girl's wedding and I remember he got us these," he said, opening the box. Yukio gasped, two ties were inside, one blue, one teal.

"You kept them? I thought Dad said he returned them, they were expensive. How did you...?" Yukio trailed off, giving a pointed glare.

Rin groaned, "I didn't steal them! Jeez, have some faith in me. I begged dad to keep them, I gave him everything I had and spent months doing extra chores to pay him back." He smiled, memories of the old days crossing his mind. "Dad had expressed how much he liked them on us, and how upset with himself he was when he realized he had balanced the checkbook wrong, needing to take these back."

"Oh, Nii-san, you were such a good son to Dad, I wish he was here today. He would be proud of you." Yukio hugged his raven haired sibling.

Rin whispered, "he'd be so much prouder of you, and that's fact." He pulled away, taking the ties out of the box. "I remember how every girl at that wedding gushed at how this tie matched you eyes perfectly, you got so flustered." He laughed, handing the silk accessory to Yukio.

"It's not my fault you stayed in the shadows that night, you were embarrassed of your black eye."

"Hey! That asshole deserved it!"

"Sure, Nii-san."


"Oi, Okumura-kun," Bon called, he was in a suit as well, when he noticed Yukio he nodded, "and sensei."

The twin laughed, "Bon, this is a school dance, I'm your peer here, call me Yukio." Bon nodded.

"Hey Bon, what are you doing here anyway? Isn't this a dance for couples?" Rin looked over his shoulder, spotting the rest of the cram school students talking and laughing.

"Pfft, Shima is going with Shiemi, but Koneko and I are going just to have some fun, the rules never said you had to have a partner. Which brings me back to you guys. Since you were unaware of that fact, Rin, who's your date?" Rin blushed, pointing behind him, Bon turned and nearly choked to death. "Izumo-chan?" The boy nodded, flustered. "High five, dude."

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