Chapter Twenty Five

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"What is that?" My nose wrinkled as I stared at the dress she had laid out.

"That is what you're wearing tonight," Donna picked up the dress, smiling widely. "I bought it today as a surprise."

Seeing the pure joy on Donna's face and knowing it was directed towards me made a smile rise to my lips, despite the dress that was totally not my style. I took the hanger from her hands and stepped into the bathroom, slipping the dress on before reappearing in front of Donna.

"You look gorgeous," Donna said, her eyes glistening as she clasped her hands together. "Let me fix up your hair and makeup and you are going to steal the show tonight."

I sighed as she brushed past me into the bathroom, setting out random tools to help me get ready. I cocked my head, studying the dress in the mirror across my room. It was a bright red sleeveless dress with a lacy top half, the skirt landing just above my knees. I turned just as Donna ushered me into the bathroom, sitting me down and ordering me to close my eyes.

For the next hour and a half, I waited as she painted my face with just the right amount of makeup, curling my hair so it landed on my shoulders in soft waves. By the time she had finished, I hardly recognized the girl in the mirror—sharp red lipstick, smoky black around my eyes, somehow the look making my blue eyes pop.

"And last but not least," Donna leaned forward, clasping a necklace around my neck and giving me a soft smile. I looked down before my eyes snapped back up to hers, my heart warming.

"This was my mom's," I said quietly.

"It was," Donna said. "Your dad asked me to give it to you on your graduation day. I figured it wouldn't hurt to have it a little early."

"Thank you," the words barely escaped my lips and I let out a deep breath, turning to face myself in the mirror.

"You look stunning," Donna placed her hands on my shoulders, smiling. "Now I have to go get ready."

I nodded as she left the room, heading back to get ready. I could barely hear music playing as Kelly and Taryn got dressed as well. I stepped out into my room, slipping on the black heels Donna had left out and picking up my phone to see a text from Drew.

Am I picking you up tonight?

I texted him back, smiling slightly to myself.

No thanks. I'm riding with Donna tonight.

I stood, stepping over to my dresser and picking up my wallet and purse. I shoved my things into the small bag before heading out into the hallway, unable to keep the smile off my face.

For the first time in a long time, I was confident that tonight I would enjoy time with my family.


"Holy shit."

I turned slightly to find Drew's eyes on me, my mouth curling up in a smile. Stepping forward, I wrapped my arms around him in a hug. "Hey babe."

"Hey," he said, his hazel eyes finding mine. "You"

"I hope that's a good wow."

"It's a very good wow," Drew smiled flawlessly. "Damn, my girl is gorgeous."

I flushed slightly, laughing as we took our seats at the table. Donna was sitting to my left, Drew to my right. The rest of the table was filled by Kelly and Taryn, each with their respective dates. At the table next to us sat Abbi, Luke, Jake, Jenna, and Braxton, all dressed up for the evening. I glanced around the room, my eyes finding Courtney sitting with her family, Matthew at her side. The boy had been practically glued to her hips ever since they started dating, and he did all of Courtney's bidding—which she was obviously thrilled about.

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