Rip Alicia

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Alicias pov:
He took slow steps towards me.

Oh shit hes going to kill me...

I turned around looking for a exit but all the doors are closed with these big bars in front of them.

When did those get there?

I ran towards him and punched him in the face.

He didnt flinch at the slightest. His eyes turned bright red. I have never seen that before.

Most alphas eyes turn dark black when they are mad, not red.

His hard glare made me feel weak.

He grabbed my wrists and cracked them.

"AHHHHHHH" That fucking hurt like hell!

I tried to kick him but he grabbed my leg and pushed it back.

I fell to the ground.

He then took a pocket knife out of his back and stabbed me in the leg.

I yelled

He put his face close to mine.

"You will pay the worst death for your crimes Alicia Ronan."

Then black dots appeared in my vision and the darkness took over.

Ashtons Pov:

We are on the road. Surprisingly Jordan won the match. We are almost to the castle, and i just pray that my father did what he had to do.

2 hours later

We get to the castle. I tell the guards to let us in and they do. We are walking to my fathers office when all of a sudden we smell blood.

Jakes POV:

Its Alicia! I smell her blood! I need to know if my mate is okay. I run to the smell and find Alicia.

Shes hanging by the ceiling on a rope.

Shes dead.

Authors note:

Hi guys! Sorry about the ending it kinda sucked ass. I just felt like this book was going down hill so i killed off the main character. Kinda like Shonda Rhymes.
R.I.P Derek.

Saved By My MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora