Big Beating

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I stormed  into the house with half the pack, Alicia, Trisha,Bryson, and Brian waiting in the bus.

I feel bad for the remainders of the pack that didn't believe us but at the same time, it is their fault and we tried to warn them.

I went up stairs to the office and saw Jake sitting in the rolling chair smirking at me.

"Nice to see you again brother" Jake said getting up

"I can't say the same for you" i said walking closer to him

"Want to settle this outside? I have been waiting for your visit."

"Doesn't matter, i can kick your ass anytime anywhere! I thought you especially would know that." I said

"Whatever lets go outside" Jake said grabbing a bat by the door

"Oh-I see, you are too scared to fight me so to make sure you'll win, you use a weapon. Fair enough, it evens the fight out."I said walking past him out the door down the steps to outside


I heard him running after me from behind.I dodged his burning fist gracefully and jumped down the porch on the grass.

I cracked my knuckles and then got into fighting position. He dropped the bat from his right hand and threw a punch.

I caught his fist in swift movement and cracked his wrist backwards. Then i true his arm back and he punched himself in the face. I used to do this to him when i was 12! He always fell for it!

Jake is more fit then i am, but i have more skills and i actually have a thing called "strategy".

He fell to the ground and then shot back up into fighting position again.

"COME ON JORDAN!WOOOOOH!" I heard Alicia's voice from across the street

Jake's head whipped around and he sniffed the air.

I can't believe he didn't smell her scent in the house! Wait- she had water on her! That is why.......


I really hope Jordan wins! He made Jake punch himself! That is a classic! Trisha and I need to learn that!

I saw Jordan swing another punch and Jake dodged. Then Jordan shifted in mid air and jumped on Jake."Oh Shoot!" Bryson said cringing.

Then Jordan shifted back and quickly put on Jakes clothes. Don't worry, i closed my eyes.

Then he ran on to the bus and said "Lets go!"

********5seconds later*********

"What are you looking at? He can wake up any moment! "

Then, we left Jake naked on the ground and drove back to Idaho

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