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So this is a pic of Ashton^^^^^

Authors note
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated lately, my birthday just passed and i was busy!

I hope you like this chap! Xoxo- Aleena

Dont forget to vote/comment/Share!

Alicias POV:
I walked up to the car window and sighed.

"Give up?"


Yay! I was holding my excitement in, i really wanted this date!

"Okay lets see if you past the test"

What test?

All of a sudden the car started driving with me on it.

I used my werewolf strength and training to swing my legs over.

I landed in the back of the truck perfectly.

I saw his face in the car mirror.

I mix of surprise, and happiness at the same time.

I wonder what his name is.

Probably like Xavier or Austin or something. He looks like a Mark.

As i was rambling on in my mind, a tree just appeared out of nowhere!

"Watch out hun!" He yelled from the front as he laughed.

I couldn't help but stare at him in the car mirror.

He has a beautiful jawline and flawless skin.

No pimples whatsoever.

Lucky ass.

He finally parked near a restaurant.

Everyone was staring at me.

Oh, nothing here, just a girl standing up with crazy hair in the back of someones truck.

He helped me down and we started walking.

Of course I didn't need help though, im a werewolf! I just have to play it off though.

He probably got curious when i jumped in the truck like that.

I should be careful about that next time.

As we were walking, there was an awkward tension between us.

For some reason, i could feel a vibration from him, and i only feel that near werewolves.

Of course he isn't a werewolf though, i would pick up the scent.

Something weird is going on here and i dont like it.

The restaurant feels as if its haunted, and i have a pull in my body telling me to run.

Wheres my wolf when i need her?!

She left me. Again!

He smirked as he talked to the waiter.

The waiter took us to our seats in the very back.

"So, whats your name?"

"Alicia, yours?"

"Ashton. Last name?"

Why the fuck does he want my last name? Im not stupid i watch horror movies!

I tell him my name and then someone will come out of the wall and kidnap me!

So i lied.

"My full name is Alicia Rose Walker."



Well this is getting more awkward.

"I have to go to the restroom be right back."

He just rejected me. Im too boring for him. If only he knew my life outside the human world, if only he knew.

This is the second time i have been rejected!

Now im mad!

I stormed into the restroom hall and saw the mens room.

As i was about to open the door to kick Ashton's ass,i heard him on the phone.

"I thought it was for sure a werewolf."

It? Since when was a werewolf girl not a person?

Since humans were made.

Oh now you want to come and help!

Whatever im here now aren't i?

I shut her out and kept listening.

"Yeah, i thought it was the girl from the Ronan family, apparently she beat up her dad and slept with 3 boys then ran away!"





This boy is a werewolf Hunter obviously, and i need to take him down!

Werewolf hunters have been gone for years though so i wonder how he got here.....

Maybe there are others.

And they are coming for me.

Werewolf Hunters are skilled its going to be hard to take them down!

Wait a minute...

They wont be my problem anymore if i finish my bucket list and kill myself!

And i know one boy who can do #2 for me.

Thats what i came here for isn't it?

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